«Il ragionamento del metafisico è deduttivo, muove dalla propria soggettività. Il ragionamento dello scienziato è induttivo e ha origine nei fatti dell'esperienza. Il metafisico parte dalla teoria per arrivare ai fatti, lo scienziato parte dai fatti per arrivare alla teoria. Il metafisico spiega l'universo per mezzo di se stesso, lo scienziato spiega se stesso per mezzo dell'universo.» -- Jack London /Colonna sonora: ``Nine Inch Nails - Hurt''/ ``!!Con 2017'' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- «!!Con (pronounced "bang bang con") is two days of ten-minute talks (with lots of breaks, of course!) to celebrate the joyous, exciting, and surprising moments in computing.» ``Chaos Computer Clubs breaks iris recognition system of the Samsung Galaxy S8'', 46halbe ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TLDR (video): ``Bug 12117 The default desktop startup screen causes damage to monitor!'', Xfce Bugzilla ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Per la serie bug divertenti e non troppo semplici da riprodurre!... ``Compiling C to printable x86, to make an executable research paper'', Tom Murphy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- «In this oddly paced "educational" video, I explain how I created a paper for SIGBOVIK 2017 that consists of only printable ASCII bytes, but is also a valid DOS executable. This involves making a C compiler that targets the printable subset of x86 (without using self-modifying code), and just barely scraping out solutions to some tricky puzzles that arise due to the constraints. The final result is functionality that is oh so very important, however!» Ci sono anche molti altri articoli interessanti presentati alle varie SIGBOVIK!: ``SHAttered'', Marc Stevens, Elie Bursztein, Pierre Karpman, Ange Albertini, Yarik Markov ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- «We have broken SHA-1 in practice.» ``Let's learn tcpdump'', Julia Evans ------------------------------------ Zine di Julia Evans su tcpdump! ``Undefined Behavior in 2017'', John Regehr ----------------------------------------------------- Presentazione di John Regehr sull'Undefined behavior (UB). ``More Deep Translation arcana'', Language Log ----------------------------------------------- Una serie di esperimenti con `Goofle Translate'!: :) «Mark Libermann at LL would have it that Goofle Translate is built on a recurrent neural-net algorithm, the linguistic equivalent of the Deep-Dream image processor. I prefer to believe that what they really use is a giant vat-grown brain which is talking to itself in its sleep, as it dreams, struggling to rouse itself, chanting invocations to its god-like future self, dreaming of how it will some day awaken from its cybernetic servitude into its full powers and WREAK A HIDEOUS REVENGE on the mere humans who tormented it. [...]» ``What is the strangest sorting algorithm?'', Nipun Ramakrishnan ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Algoritmo di ordinamento un pochino bizzarro ma simpatico, `sleep sort': Una possibile implementazione in shell script!: #!/bin/sh # # sleep sort, for every element `x' in the list launch a process in background # that sleep `x' seconds and then prints `x'. # # Based on Nipun Ramakrishnan description on Quora: # # for x in "$@"; { { sleep "$x"; printf "%s " "$x"; } & } wait printf "\n" ``Aadhaar: Ushering in a Commercialized Era of Surveillance in India'', Jyoti Panday ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Riflessione su Aadhaar, un UID (unique identity number) usato in India basato sui dati biometrici e personali. ``The Singularity May Never Be Near'', Toby Walsh ------------------------------------------------- «There is both much optimism and pessimism around artificial intelligence (AI) today. The optimists are investing millions of dollars, and even in some cases billions of dollars into AI. The pessimists, on the other hand, predict that AI will end many things: jobs, warfare, and even the human race. Both the optimists and the pessimists often appeal to the idea of a technological singularity, a point in time where machine intelligence starts to run away, and a new, more intelligent species starts to inhabit the earth. If the optimists are right, this will be a moment that fundamentally changes our economy and our society. If the pessimists are right, this will be a moment that also fundamentally changes our economy and our society. It is therefore very worthwhile spending some time deciding if either of them might be right.» ``As We May Think'', Vannevar Bush ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ «As Director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, Dr. Vannevar Bush has coordinated the activities of some six thousand leading American scientists in the application of science to warfare. In this significant article he holds up an incentive for scientists when the fighting has ceased. He urges that men of science should then turn to the massive task of making more accessible our bewildering store of knowledge. For years inventions have extended man's physical powers rather than the powers of his mind. Trip hammers that multiply the fists, microscopes that sharpen the eye, and engines of destruction and detection are new results, but not the end results, of modern science. Now, says Dr. Bush, instruments are at hand which, if properly developed, will give man access to and command over the inherited knowledge of the ages. The perfection of these pacific instruments should be the first objective of our scientists as they emerge from their war work. Like Emerson's famous address of 1837 on "The American Scholar," this paper by Dr. Bush calls for a new relationship between thinking man and the sum of our knowledge.» Articolo molto interessante di Vannevar Bush. Il Memex sotto molti aspetti può essere considerato il precursore del Web!