«Mi sembra di avere nelle orecchie un suono d'organo; sono i miei ultimi pensieri che ronzano.» -- Victor Hugo /Colonna sonora: ``Kid Koala - Collapser''/ ``How to Read a Paper'', S. Keshav ----------------------------------------------------- «Researchers spend a great deal of time reading research pa- pers. However, this skill is rarely taught, leading to much wasted effort. This article outlines a practical and efficient three-pass method for reading research papers. I also de- scribe how to use this method to do a literature survey.» ``Networking! ACK!'', Julia Evans ------------------------------------ Da Julia Evans uno zine sul networking!... Scala la montagna del modello ISO-OSI analizzandone i vari strati in modo piuttosto pragmatico. ``If you want to change reality, consume more science fiction'', Peter Kleeman -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sull'importanta della sci-fi. ``Most of the web really sucks if you have a slow connection'', Dan Luu ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Riflessione sul `web bloat'. ``What Programming Languages Are Used Most on Weekends?'', Julia Silge ------------------------------------------------------------------------ «For me, the weekends are mostly about spending time with my family, reading for leisure, and working on the open-source projects I am involved in. These weekend projects overlap with the work that I do in my day job here at Stack Overflow, but are not exactly the same. Many developers tinker with side projects for learning or career development (or just for fun!) and at Stack Overflow, we support all types of technologies, from professional to hobbyist. Whenever people are working, we're available to answer their questions. But what languages tend to be asked about on weekends, as opposed to weekdays?» ``La tecnologia cambia i corpi e le coscienze'', Paul B. Preciado ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AVVERTENZE: alcune frasi potrebbero essere considerate NSFW, attenzione! «Quel che l’occidente chiama tecnologia non è altro che una versione tecnico-scientifica dello sciamanesimo, e cioè una delle forme che assume la nostra coscienza quando si esprime in maniera collettiva: un’esteriorizzazione della nostra coscienza collettiva.»