«Convincersi agevolmente alla prima sincera occhiata che il disordine, ma proprio il disordine, amico mio, è la genuina essenza della vita stessa! di tutto il suo essere fisico e metafisico! Ma è la sua anima, Ferdinand!» -- Louis-Ferdinand Céline /Colonna sonora: ``Baltic Fleet - 3 Dollar Dress''/ ``Systems We Love'', Joyent, Inc. --------------------------------- «Do you become unusually fascinated by the inner workings of systems? Do you become uncontrollably intrigued when systems fail? If so, you might suffer from a love of systems, an affliction whose symptoms can include arcane bedside reading, hard-to-explain demos and befuddled family members. If you are a systems lover -- or think you might be one -- we would like to invite you to Systems We Love, a one-day single-track gathering on December 13th in San Francisco.» Videoregistrazioni disponibili qui (ci sono molti talk interessanti!): ``Schedule 33. Chaos Communication Congress'', Chaos Computer Club ------------------------------------------------------------------ Schedule completo del 33esimo Chaos Communication Congress. Sono disponibili anche le videoregistrazioni dei talk: ``Oral Tradition in Software Engineering'', Bryan Cantrill ---------------------------------------------------------- «From 'Jingle Bells Batman Smells' to 'Real Programmers Write in FORTRAN,' Bryan Cantrill dives into how we share our collective knowledge and how we pass wisdom to future generations. He advocates for writing software with future generations in mind.» ``Google, democracy and the truth about internet search'', Carole Cadwalladr ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- «Tech-savvy rightwingers have been able to 'game' the algorithms of internet giants and create a new reality where Hitler is a good guy, Jews are evil and... Donald Trump becomes president» Per la serie `biased algorithms'... (ehm, sì, alcuni risultati di ricerca/autocompletamento presi in esame nell'articolo non sono più riproducibili (lo sono stati soltanto fino a pochi giorni la scrittura dell'articolo)) ``What 2016 Taught Us'', Geek&Poke ------------------------------------------------------------------- «Never take anything for granted anymore» ``Things Every Hacker Once Knew'', Eric S. Raymond ------------------------------------------------------------- «This document is a collection of facts about ASCII and related technologies, notably hardware terminals and RS-232 and modems. This is lore that was at one time near-universal and is no longer. It's not likely to be directly useful today - until you trip over some piece of still-functioning technology where it's relevant (like a GPS puck), or it makes sense of some old-fart war story. Even so, it's good to know anyway, for cultural-literacy reasons.» ``Lambda Calculus'', Computerphile --------------------------------------------- (Video-)introduzione al lambda calcolo di Graham Hutton. ``Hotel ransomed by hackers as guests locked out of rooms'', Koen Berghuis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IoT: Internet of Terror, di nuovo!: «One of Europe's top hotels has admitted they had to pay thousands in Bitcoin ransom to cybercriminals who managed to hack their electronic key system, locking hundreds of guests out of their rooms until the money was paid.» ...interessante e piuttosto robusta la soluzione proposta: «Brandstaetter said: "We are planning at the next room refurbishment for old-fashioned door locks with real keys. Just like 111 years ago at the time of our great-grandfathers."»