«Il cosiddetto ozio - che non è affatto il non fare nulla, ma piuttosto il fare una quantità di cose non riconosciute dai dogmatici regolamenti della classe dominante - ha lo stesso diritto dell'operosità di sostenere la propria posizione.» -- Robert Lous Stevenson /Colonna sonora: ``Björk - Human Behaviour''/ ``Not Even Close: The State of Computer Security'', James Mickens ----------------------------------------------------------------- «In this bleak, relentlessly morbid talk, James Mickens will describe why making computers secure is an intrinsically impossible task. He will explain why no programming language makes it easy to write secure code. He will then discuss why cloud computing is a black hole for privacy, and only useful for people who want to fill your machine with ads, viruses, or viruses that masquerade as ads. At this point in the talk, an audience member may suggest that Bitcoins can make things better. Mickens will laugh at this audience member and then explain why trusting the Bitcoin infrastructure is like asking Dracula to become a vegan. Mickens will conclude by describing why true love is a joke and why we are all destined to die alone and tormented. The first ten attendees will get balloon animals, and/or an unconvincing explanation about why Mickens intended to (but did not) bring balloon animals. Mickens will then flee on horseback while shouting "The Prince of Lies escapes again!"» ``Why The Future Doesn't Need Us'', Bill Joy -------------------------------------------- «Our most powerful 21st-century technologies - robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotech - are threatening to make humans an endangered species.» Lungo saggio di Bill Joy sulla tecnologia... è stato scritto più di un decennio fa ma se ve lo siete fatto scappare nel frattempo vale veramente la pena di essere letto! ``Earth Temperature Timeline'', Randall Munroe ---------------------------------------------- ...o per esteso: «A timeline of Earth's average temperature since the last ice age glaciation. When people say "The climate has changed before," these are the kinds of changes they're talking about.» ``Self-Driving Cars Can Learn a Lot by Playing Grand Theft Auto'', Will Knight ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- «Hyper-realistic computer games may offer an efficient way to teach AI algorithms about the real world.» ...come TLDR può funzionare anche il video: ``Judging a book through its cover'', Larry Hardesty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...tramite radiazioni Terahertz sembra possibile! ``Mood-Detecting Sensor Could Help Machines Respond to Emotions'', Charles Q. Choi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TLDR: «Emotions can be detected remotely using a device that emits wireless signals to help it measure heartbeat and breathing, say researchers at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. The new device, named "EQ-Radio," is 87 percent accurate at detecting whether a person is excited, happy, angry or sad all without on-body sensors or facial-recognition software.» ...è interessante riflettere riguardo le possibili conseguenze di un dispositivo del genere.