/* * Copyright (c) 1983, 1988 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)trace.c 5.11 (Berkeley) 2/28/91"; #endif /* not lint */ /* * Routing Table Management Daemon */ #define RIPCMDS #include "defs.h" #include #include #include #include #include "pathnames.h" #define NRECORDS 50 /* size of circular trace buffer */ #ifdef DEBUG FILE *ftrace = stdout; int traceactions = 0; #endif static struct timeval lastlog; static char *savetracename; traceinit(ifp) register struct interface *ifp; { static int iftraceinit(); if (iftraceinit(ifp, &ifp->int_input) && iftraceinit(ifp, &ifp->int_output)) return; tracehistory = 0; fprintf(stderr, "traceinit: can't init %s\n", ifp->int_name); } static iftraceinit(ifp, ifd) struct interface *ifp; register struct ifdebug *ifd; { register struct iftrace *t; ifd->ifd_records = (struct iftrace *)malloc(NRECORDS * sizeof (struct iftrace)); if (ifd->ifd_records == 0) return (0); ifd->ifd_front = ifd->ifd_records; ifd->ifd_count = 0; for (t = ifd->ifd_records; t < ifd->ifd_records + NRECORDS; t++) { t->ift_size = 0; t->ift_packet = 0; } ifd->ifd_if = ifp; return (1); } traceon(file) char *file; { struct stat stbuf; if (ftrace != NULL) return; if (stat(file, &stbuf) >= 0 && (stbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFREG) return; savetracename = file; (void) gettimeofday(&now, (struct timezone *)NULL); ftrace = fopen(file, "a"); if (ftrace == NULL) return; dup2(fileno(ftrace), 1); dup2(fileno(ftrace), 2); traceactions = 1; fprintf(ftrace, "Tracing enabled %s\n", ctime((time_t *)&now.tv_sec)); } traceoff() { if (!traceactions) return; if (ftrace != NULL) { int fd = open(_PATH_DEVNULL, O_RDWR); fprintf(ftrace, "Tracing disabled %s\n", ctime((time_t *)&now.tv_sec)); fflush(ftrace); (void) dup2(fd, 1); (void) dup2(fd, 2); (void) close(fd); fclose(ftrace); ftrace = NULL; } traceactions = 0; tracehistory = 0; tracepackets = 0; tracecontents = 0; } void sigtrace(s) int s; { if (s == SIGUSR2) traceoff(); else if (ftrace == NULL && savetracename) traceon(savetracename); else bumploglevel(); } /* * Move to next higher level of tracing when -t option processed or * SIGUSR1 is received. Successive levels are: * traceactions * traceactions + tracepackets * traceactions + tracehistory (packets and contents after change) * traceactions + tracepackets + tracecontents */ bumploglevel() { (void) gettimeofday(&now, (struct timezone *)NULL); if (traceactions == 0) { traceactions++; if (ftrace) fprintf(ftrace, "Tracing actions started %s\n", ctime((time_t *)&now.tv_sec)); } else if (tracepackets == 0) { tracepackets++; tracehistory = 0; tracecontents = 0; if (ftrace) fprintf(ftrace, "Tracing packets started %s\n", ctime((time_t *)&now.tv_sec)); } else if (tracehistory == 0) { tracehistory++; if (ftrace) fprintf(ftrace, "Tracing history started %s\n", ctime((time_t *)&now.tv_sec)); } else { tracepackets++; tracecontents++; tracehistory = 0; if (ftrace) fprintf(ftrace, "Tracing packet contents started %s\n", ctime((time_t *)&now.tv_sec)); } if (ftrace) fflush(ftrace); } trace(ifd, who, p, len, m) register struct ifdebug *ifd; struct sockaddr *who; char *p; int len, m; { register struct iftrace *t; if (ifd->ifd_records == 0) return; t = ifd->ifd_front++; if (ifd->ifd_front >= ifd->ifd_records + NRECORDS) ifd->ifd_front = ifd->ifd_records; if (ifd->ifd_count < NRECORDS) ifd->ifd_count++; if (t->ift_size > 0 && t->ift_size < len && t->ift_packet) { free(t->ift_packet); t->ift_packet = 0; } t->ift_stamp = now; t->ift_who = *who; if (len > 0 && t->ift_packet == 0) { t->ift_packet = malloc(len); if (t->ift_packet == 0) len = 0; } if (len > 0) bcopy(p, t->ift_packet, len); t->ift_size = len; t->ift_metric = m; } traceaction(fd, action, rt) FILE *fd; char *action; struct rt_entry *rt; { struct sockaddr_in *dst, *gate; static struct bits { int t_bits; char *t_name; } flagbits[] = { { RTF_UP, "UP" }, { RTF_GATEWAY, "GATEWAY" }, { RTF_HOST, "HOST" }, { 0 } }, statebits[] = { { RTS_PASSIVE, "PASSIVE" }, { RTS_REMOTE, "REMOTE" }, { RTS_INTERFACE,"INTERFACE" }, { RTS_CHANGED, "CHANGED" }, { RTS_INTERNAL, "INTERNAL" }, { RTS_EXTERNAL, "EXTERNAL" }, { RTS_SUBNET, "SUBNET" }, { 0 } }; register struct bits *p; register int first; char *cp; struct interface *ifp; if (fd == NULL) return; if (lastlog.tv_sec != now.tv_sec || lastlog.tv_usec != now.tv_usec) { fprintf(fd, "\n%.19s:\n", ctime((time_t *)&now.tv_sec)); lastlog = now; } fprintf(fd, "%s ", action); dst = (struct sockaddr_in *)&rt->rt_dst; gate = (struct sockaddr_in *)&rt->rt_router; fprintf(fd, "dst %s, ", inet_ntoa(dst->sin_addr)); fprintf(fd, "router %s, metric %d, flags", inet_ntoa(gate->sin_addr), rt->rt_metric); cp = " %s"; for (first = 1, p = flagbits; p->t_bits > 0; p++) { if ((rt->rt_flags & p->t_bits) == 0) continue; fprintf(fd, cp, p->t_name); if (first) { cp = "|%s"; first = 0; } } fprintf(fd, " state"); cp = " %s"; for (first = 1, p = statebits; p->t_bits > 0; p++) { if ((rt->rt_state & p->t_bits) == 0) continue; fprintf(fd, cp, p->t_name); if (first) { cp = "|%s"; first = 0; } } fprintf(fd, " timer %d\n", rt->rt_timer); if (tracehistory && !tracepackets && (rt->rt_state & RTS_PASSIVE) == 0 && rt->rt_ifp) dumpif(fd, rt->rt_ifp); fflush(fd); if (ferror(fd)) traceoff(); } tracenewmetric(fd, rt, newmetric) FILE *fd; struct rt_entry *rt; int newmetric; { struct sockaddr_in *dst, *gate; if (fd == NULL) return; if (lastlog.tv_sec != now.tv_sec || lastlog.tv_usec != now.tv_usec) { fprintf(fd, "\n%.19s:\n", ctime((time_t *)&now.tv_sec)); lastlog = now; } dst = (struct sockaddr_in *)&rt->rt_dst; gate = (struct sockaddr_in *)&rt->rt_router; fprintf(fd, "CHANGE metric dst %s, ", inet_ntoa(dst->sin_addr)); fprintf(fd, "router %s, from %d to %d\n", inet_ntoa(gate->sin_addr), rt->rt_metric, newmetric); fflush(fd); if (ferror(fd)) traceoff(); } dumpif(fd, ifp) FILE *fd; register struct interface *ifp; { if (ifp->int_input.ifd_count || ifp->int_output.ifd_count) { fprintf(fd, "*** Packet history for interface %s ***\n", ifp->int_name); #ifdef notneeded dumptrace(fd, "to", &ifp->int_output); #endif dumptrace(fd, "from", &ifp->int_input); fprintf(fd, "*** end packet history ***\n"); } } dumptrace(fd, dir, ifd) FILE *fd; char *dir; register struct ifdebug *ifd; { register struct iftrace *t; char *cp = !strcmp(dir, "to") ? "Output" : "Input"; if (ifd->ifd_front == ifd->ifd_records && ifd->ifd_front->ift_size == 0) { fprintf(fd, "%s: no packets.\n", cp); fflush(fd); return; } fprintf(fd, "%s trace:\n", cp); t = ifd->ifd_front - ifd->ifd_count; if (t < ifd->ifd_records) t += NRECORDS; for ( ; ifd->ifd_count; ifd->ifd_count--, t++) { if (t >= ifd->ifd_records + NRECORDS) t = ifd->ifd_records; if (t->ift_size == 0) continue; dumppacket(fd, dir, &t->ift_who, t->ift_packet, t->ift_size, &t->ift_stamp); } } dumppacket(fd, dir, who, cp, size, stamp) FILE *fd; struct sockaddr_in *who; /* should be sockaddr */ char *dir, *cp; register int size; struct timeval *stamp; { register struct rip *msg = (struct rip *)cp; register struct netinfo *n; if (fd == NULL) return; if (msg->rip_cmd && msg->rip_cmd < RIPCMD_MAX) fprintf(fd, "%s %s %s.%d %.19s:\n", ripcmds[msg->rip_cmd], dir, inet_ntoa(who->sin_addr), ntohs(who->sin_port), ctime((time_t *)&stamp->tv_sec)); else { fprintf(fd, "Bad cmd 0x%x %s %x.%d %.19s\n", msg->rip_cmd, dir, inet_ntoa(who->sin_addr), ntohs(who->sin_port)); fprintf(fd, "size=%d cp=%x packet=%x\n", size, cp, packet, ctime((time_t *)&stamp->tv_sec)); fflush(fd); return; } if (tracepackets && tracecontents == 0) { fflush(fd); return; } switch (msg->rip_cmd) { case RIPCMD_REQUEST: case RIPCMD_RESPONSE: size -= 4 * sizeof (char); n = msg->rip_nets; for (; size > 0; n++, size -= sizeof (struct netinfo)) { if (size < sizeof (struct netinfo)) { fprintf(fd, "(truncated record, len %d)\n", size); break; } if (sizeof(n->rip_dst.sa_family) > 1) n->rip_dst.sa_family = ntohs(n->rip_dst.sa_family); switch ((int)n->rip_dst.sa_family) { case AF_INET: fprintf(fd, "\tdst %s metric %d\n", #define satosin(sa) ((struct sockaddr_in *)&sa) inet_ntoa(satosin(n->rip_dst)->sin_addr), ntohl(n->rip_metric)); break; default: fprintf(fd, "\taf %d? metric %d\n", n->rip_dst.sa_family, ntohl(n->rip_metric)); break; } } break; case RIPCMD_TRACEON: fprintf(fd, "\tfile=%*s\n", size, msg->rip_tracefile); break; case RIPCMD_TRACEOFF: break; } fflush(fd); if (ferror(fd)) traceoff(); }