view database/schema/bugs.sql @ 8:68cc276ac118

SQL material from old tree, split up for accessibility.
author David A. Holland
date Sun, 19 Feb 2012 19:54:48 -0500
children 1720f45dd495
line wrap: on
line source

-- PR data.
-- PRs is the primary table of bug info, with one row per problem
-- report.


	id bigint		primary key default nextval('next_PR'),

	-- basic description
	synopsis text		not null,
	confidential boolean	not null,

	-- states
	-- there are 64 combinations but only these 15 are valid:
	--    (un)locked closed			("closed")
	--    (un)locked closed analyzed	("closed")
	--    (un)locked closed invalid		("dead")
	--    unlocked open			("open")
	--    unlocked open analyzed		("analyzed")
	--    unlocked open analyzed? feedback	("feedback")
	--    unlocked open analyzed? suspended	("suspended")
	--    unlocked open analyzed? feedback suspended ("stuck")
	--    unlocked open invalid feedback	("incomplete")
	-- gnats states map to: open	inval.	anal.	feedb.	susp.
	--   open		open
	--   analyzed		open analyzed
	--   feedback		open feedback
	--   (pullups-needed)	open (*)
	--   pending-pullups	open (*)
	--   suspended		open analyzed suspended
	--   (stuck)		open feedback suspended
	--   closed		-
	--   dead		invalid
	-- The cases marked (*) are distinguished from open by the
	-- branchstate in the relevance table.

	locked boolean		not null,	-- deny modifications
	open boolean		not null,	-- master switch

	invalid boolean		not null,	-- report is no good
	analyzed boolean	not null,	-- issue is believed understood
	feedback boolean	not null,	-- feedback required
	suspended boolean	not null,	-- work halted

	-- feedback and suspended imply open
	check NOT (NOT open AND (feedback OR suspended)),
	-- invalid precludes analyzed and suspended
	check NOT (invalid AND (analyzed OR suspended)),
	-- open and invalid implies feedback
	check NOT (NOT feedback AND open AND invalid),
	-- locked implies not open
	check NOT (open AND locked),

	-- fixed-size history
	arrival_schemaversion int  not null,
	arrival_date date	not null,
	closed_date date	,

	-- original submitter
	originator bigint	references users (id),

	-- original submission
	-- we don't keep this as such - these items go into an
	-- entry in the admin log instead, and the submitter is
	-- automatically subscribed to the bug.
	-- "Submitted by joe@schmoe, Message-Id <3@schmoe>, Subject: foo"
	--from_address text	not null,
	--mail_subject text	not null,
	--mail_msgid text	not null,

	-- contents
	release text		,
	environment text	,
	description text	,
	how_to_repeat text	,
	fix text		,
	unformatted text	

) without oids;