diff shelltools/query-pr/query.py @ 33:298c8a7f5181

begin hacking (not at all finished, won't work)
author David A. Holland
date Mon, 27 May 2013 23:16:42 -0400
parents c013fb703183
children 73e6dac29391
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/shelltools/query-pr/query.py	Mon May 27 23:16:12 2013 -0400
+++ b/shelltools/query-pr/query.py	Mon May 27 23:16:42 2013 -0400
@@ -1,1 +1,454 @@
+import argparse
+import psycopg2
+program_description = """
+Search for and retrieve problem reports.
+program_version = "@VERSION@"
+# settings
+outfile = sys.stdout
+outmaterial = "headers"
+outformat = "text"
+# database
+dblink = None
+def opendb():
+	global dblink
+	host = "localhost"
+	user = "swallowtail"
+	database = "swallowtail"
+	dblink = psycopg2.connect("host=%s user=%s dbname=%s" %
+					(host, user, database))
+# end opendb
+def closedb():
+	global dblink
+	dblink.close()
+	dblink = None
+# end closedb
+def querydb(qtext, args):
+	print "Executing this query:"
+	print qtext
+	print "Args are:"
+	print args
+	cursor = dblink.cursor()
+	cursor.execute(qtext, args)
+	result = cursor.fetchall()
+	cursor.close()
+	return result
+# end querydb
+# query class for searches
+class Query:
+	__init__(self):
+		self.selections = []
+		self.tables = []
+		self.constraints = []
+		self.args = []
+	prtables = ["PRs"]
+	prconstraints = []
+	def select(self, s):
+		self.selections.append(s)
+	def addtable(self, t):
+		assert(t not in self.tables)
+		self.tables.append(t)
+	def constrain(self, expr):
+		self.constraints.append(t)
+	def internval(self, val):
+		num = len(self.args)
+		self.args[num] = val
+		return "$%d" % num
+	def textify(self):
+		s = "SELECT %s\n" % ",".join(self.selections)
+		f = "FROM %s\n" % ",".join(self.tables)
+		w = "WHERE %s\n" % " AND ".join(self.constraints)
+		return s + f + w
+# end class Query
+def regexp_constraint(q, field, value):
+	cleanval = q.internval(value)
+	if not isregexp(value):
+		return "%s = %s" % (field, cleanval)
+	else:
+		# XXX what's the right operator again?
+		return "%s ~= %s" % (field, cleanval)
+# end regexp_constraint
+def intrange_constraint(q, field, value):
+	(lower, upper) = args.number
+	if lower is not None:
+		assert(typeof(lower) == int)
+		prq.constrain("%s >= %d" % (field, lower))
+	if upper is not None:
+		assert(typeof(upper) == int)
+		prq.constrain("%s <= %d" % (field, upper))
+# end intrange_constraint
+def daterange_constraint(q, field, value):
+	# XXX
+	assert(0)
+# end daterange_constraint
+# arg handling
+def getargs(classification_schemes, classification_schemetypes):
+	global outmaterial
+	global outformat
+	p = argparse.ArgumentParser(program_description)
+	# note: -h/--help is built in by default
+	p.add_argument("-v", "--version",
+			action='version' version=program_version,
+			help="Print program version and exit")
+	p.add_argument("--short",
+			action='store_const', const="short",
+			dest='outmaterial',
+			help="Output in short form (one per line)")
+	p.add_argument("--headers",
+			action='store_const', const="headers",
+			dest='outmaterial',
+			help="Output in default form (headers only)")
+	p.add_argument("--full",
+			action='store_const', const="full",
+			dest='outmaterial',
+			help="Output in full form (all material)")
+	p.add_argument("--attach", nargs=1,
+			type=int,
+			action='store',
+			dest='attach',
+			help="Output specified attachment")
+	p.add_argument("--message", nargs=1,
+			type=int,
+			action='store',
+			dest='message',
+			help="Output specified message")
+	p.add_argument("--text",
+			action='store_const', const="text",
+			dest='outformat',
+			help="Output as text (default)")
+	p.add_argument("--csv",
+			action='store_const', const="csv",
+			dest='outformat',
+			help="Output as comma-separated values")
+	p.add_argument("--xml",
+			action='store_const', const="xml",
+			dest='outformat',
+			help="Output as XML")
+	p.add_argument("--json",
+			action='store_const', const="json",
+			dest='outformat',
+			help="Output as JSON")
+	p.add_argument("--rdf",
+			action='store_const', const="rdf",
+			dest='outformat',
+			help="Output as RDF")
+	p.add_argument("--rdflike",
+			action='store_const', const="rdflike",
+			dest='outformat',
+			help="Output as RDF-like text")
+	p.add_argument("--closed",
+			action='store_true',
+			dest='closed', default=False,
+			help="Search closed PRs as well as open")
+	p.add_argument("--public",
+			action='store_true',
+			dest='public', default=False,
+			help="Search only public information")
+	p.add_argument("--number", nargs=1,
+			type=intrange,
+			dest='number',
+			help="Restrict search to a range of PRs by number")
+	p.add_argument("--synopsis", nargs=1,
+			dest='synopsis',
+			help="Search PRs by their synopsis field")
+	p.add_argument("--confidential", nargs=1,
+			type=yesno, choices=["yes", "no"],
+			dest='confidential',
+			help="Search PRs by their confidentiality setting")
+	p.add_argument("--state", nargs=1,
+			dest='state',
+			help="Search PRs by their state")
+	p.add_argument("--locked", nargs=1,
+			type=yesno, choices=["yes", "no"],
+			dest='locked',
+			help="Search PRs by their locked setting")
+	p.add_argument("--arrival-schemaversion", nargs=1,
+			type=intrange,
+			dest='arrival_schemaversion',
+			help="Search PRs by their original schema version")
+	p.add_argument("--arrival-date", nargs=1,
+			type=daterange,
+			dest='arrival_date',
+			help="Search PRs by arrival date")
+	p.add_argument("--closed-date", nargs=1,
+			type=daterange,
+			dest='closed_date',
+			help="Search PRs by the date they were closed")
+	p.add_argument("--last-modified", nargs=1,
+			type=daterange,
+			dest='last_modified',
+			help="Search PRs by the date they were last modified")
+	p.add_argument("--release", nargs=1,
+			dest='release',
+			help="Search PRs by their release information")
+	p.add_argument("--environment", nargs=1,
+			dest='environment',
+			help="Search PRs by their environment information")
+	p.add_argument("--originator-name", nargs=1,
+			dest='originator_name',
+			help="Search PRs by the name of their originator")
+	p.add_argument("--originator-email", nargs=1,
+			dest='originator_email',
+			help="Search PRs by the email of their originator")
+	p.add_argument("--originator-id", nargs=1,
+			type=intrange,
+			dest='originator_id',
+		help="Search PRs by the database ID of their originator")
+	p.add_argument("--responsible", nargs=1,
+			dest='responsible',
+			help="Search PRs by who's responsible for them")
+	p.add_argument("--respondent", nargs=1,
+			dest='respondent',
+			help="Search PRs by who's a respondent")
+	p.add_argument("--subscribed", nargs=1,
+			dest='subscribed',
+			help="Search PRs by who's subscribed")
+	p.add_argument("--messages", nargs=1,
+			dest='messages',
+			help="Search PRs by text in the message log")
+	p.add_argument("--adminlog", nargs=1,
+			dest='adminlog',
+			help="Search PRs by text in the administrative log")
+	p.add_argument("--anytext", nargs=1,
+			dest='anytext',
+			help="Search PRs by text in various fields")
+	for scheme in classification_schemes:
+		p.add_argument("--%s" % scheme, nargs=1,
+				dest=scheme,
+			help="Search PRs by the %s classification scheme" %
+				scheme)
+	p.add_argument("prs", nargs='*', metavar="PR",
+			type=int,
+			action='append',
+			dest='prs',
+			help="Specific PRs to retrieve by number")
+	args = p.parse_args()
+	if args.outmaterial is not None:
+		outmaterial = args.outmaterial
+	if args.outformat is not None:
+		outformat = args.outformat
+	# If we're doing something other than a search, do it now
+	if args.attach is not None:
+		get_attachment(args.attach)
+		exit(0)
+	if args.message is not None:
+		get_message(args.message)
+		exit(0)
+	if args.prs is not None and len(args.prs) > 0:
+		show_prs(args.prs)
+		exit(0)
+	#
+	# Collect up the search constraints
+	#
+	# 1. Constraints on the PRs table
+	checkprtable = False
+	prq = Query()
+	prq.select("PRs.id as id")
+	prq.addtable("PRs")
+	if not args.closed:
+		checkprtable = True
+		prq.addtable("states")
+		prq.constrain("PRs.state = states.name")
+		prq.constrain("states.closed = FALSE")
+	if args.public:
+		checkprtable = True
+		prq.constrain("NOT PRs.confidential")
+	if args.number is not None:
+		checkprtable = True
+		intrange_constraint(prq, "PRs.id", args.number)
+	if args.synopsis is not None:
+		checkprtable = True
+		regexp_constraint(prq, "PRs.synopsis", args.synopsis)
+	if args.confidential is not None:
+		checkprtable = True
+		assert(typeof(args.confidential) == bool)
+		if args.confidential:
+			prq.constrain("PRs.confidential")
+		else:
+			prq.constrain("not PRs.confidential")
+	if args.state is not None:
+		checkprtable = True
+		regexp_constraint(prq, "PRs.state", args.state)
+	if args.locked is not None:
+		checkprtable = True
+		assert(typeof(args.locked) == bool)
+		if args.locked:
+			prq.constrain("PRs.locked")
+		else:
+			prq.constrain("not PRs.locked")
+	if args.arrival_schemaversion is not None:
+		checkprtable = True
+		intrange_constraint(prq, "PRs.arrival_schemaversion",
+					args.arrival_schemaversion)
+	if args.arrival_date is not None:
+		checkprtable = True
+		daterange_constraint(prq, "PRs.arrival_date",
+					args.arrival_date)
+	if args.closed_date is not None:
+		checkprtable = True
+		daterange_constraint(prq, "PRs.closed_date",
+					args.closed_date)
+	if args.last_modified is not None:
+		checkprtable = True
+		daterange_constraint(prq, "PRs.last_modified",
+					args.last_modified)
+	if args.release is not None:
+		checkprtable = True
+		regexp_constraint(prq, "PRs.release", args.release)
+	if args.environment is not None:
+		checkprtable = True
+		regexp_constraint(prq, "PRs.environment", args.environment)
+	if args.originator_name is not None or 
+			args.originator_email is not None:
+		prq.addtable("usermail as originator")
+		prq.constrain("PRs.originator = originator.id")
+	if args.originator_name is not None:
+		checkprtable = True
+		regexp_constraint(prq, "originator.realname",
+					args.originator_name)
+	if args.originator_email is not None:
+		checkprtable = True
+		regexp_constraint(prq, "originator.email",
+					args.originator_name)
+	if args.originator_id is not None:
+		checkprtable = True
+		intrange_constraint(prq, "PRs.originator", args.originator_id)
+	queries = []
+	if checkprtable:
+		queries.append(prq)
+	if args.responsible is not None:
+		sq = Query()
+		sq.select("subscriptions.pr as id")
+		sq.addtable("subscriptions")
+		sq.addtable("users")
+		sq.constrain("subscriptions.userid = users.id")
+		regexp_constraint(sq, "users.realname", args.responsible)
+		sq.constrain("subscriptions.responsible")
+		queries.append(sq)
+	if args.respondent is not None:
+		sq = Query()
+		sq.select("subscriptions.pr as id")
+		sq.addtable("subscriptions")
+		sq.addtable("users as subscribed")
+		sq.constrain("subscriptions.userid = users.id")
+		regexp_constraint(sq, "users.realname", args.respondent)
+		sq.constrain("subscriptions.reporter")
+		queries.append(sq)
+	if args.subscribed is not None:
+		sq = Query()
+		sq.select("subscriptions.pr as id")
+		sq.addtable("subscriptions")
+		sq.addtable("users as subscribed")
+		sq.constrain("subscriptions.userid = users.id")
+		regexp_constraint(sq, "users.realname", args.subscribed)
+		queries.append(sq)
+	if args.messages is not None:
+		mq = Query()
+		mq.select("messages.pr as id")
+		mq.addtable("messages")
+		regexp_constraint(sq, "messages.text", args.messages)
+		queries.append(mq)
+	if args.adminlog is not None:
+		aq = Query()
+		aq.select("adminlog.pr as id")
+		aq.addtable("adminlog")
+		regexp_constraint(sq, "adminlog.change", args.adminlog)
+		regexp_constraint(sq, "adminlog.comment", args.adminlog)
+		assert(len(aq.constraints) == 2)
+		x = "%s OR %s" % (aq.constraints[0], aq.constraints[1])
+		aq.constraints = [x]
+		queries.append(aq)
+	if args.anytext is not None:
+		choke("--anytext isn't supported yet")
+	for scheme in classification_schemes:	
+		if args[scheme] is not None:
+			schemetype = classification_schemetypes[scheme]
+			tbl = "%sclass_data" % schemetype
+			cq = Query()
+			cq.select("scheme.pr as id")
+			cq.addtable("%s as scheme" % schemetype)
+			cq.constrain("scheme.scheme = '%s'" % scheme)
+			regexp_constraint(cq, "scheme.value", args[scheme])
+			queries.append(cq)
+	# end loop
+	querytexts = [q.textify() for q in queries]
+	return "INTERSECT\n".join(querytexts)
+# end getargs
+# main
+def main():
+	opendb()
+	(classification_schemes, classification_schemetypes) = getclassify()
+	query = getargs(classification_schemes, classification_schemetypes)
+	ids = querydb(query)
+	if len(ids) > 0:
+		show_prs(ids)
+	else:
+		sys.stderr.write("No PRs matched.\n")
+		exit(1)
+	closedb()
+	return 0
+# end main
+# real python hackers doubtless laugh at this