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view anagram/agcore/cf.syn @ 15:f5acaf0c8a29
Don't cast through "volatile int". Causes a gcc warning nowadays.
XXX: should put something else back here to frighten the optimizer
author | David A. Holland |
date | Tue, 31 May 2022 01:00:55 -0400 |
parents | 13d2b8934445 |
children |
line wrap: on
line source
{ /* * AnaGram, A System for Syntax Directed Programming * Copyright 1993-2002 Parsifal Software. All Rights Reserved. * * cf.syn - Configuration file module */ #include "port.h" #include "agstring.h" #include "assert.h" #include "cf-defs.h" #include "cint.h" #include "config.h" #include "configparam.h" #include "error.h" #include "file.h" #include "operations.h" #include "stacks.h" #include "textfile.h" //#define INCLUDE_LOGGING #include "log.h" } [ auto resynch context type = cint grammar token = config file ~declare pcb diagnose errors lines and columns line numbers ~allow macros line numbers error frame nest comments ~test range token names pointer input default token type = int parser file name = "#.cpp" line numbers path = "cf.syn" escape backslashes ] any digit = digit + hex letter backslash = '\\' blank char = ' ' + '\t' carriage return = '\r' digit = '0-9' double quote = '"' eof = 0 + 26 eol chars = newline + carriage return hex letter = 'a-f' + 'A-F' letter = 'a-z' + 'A-Z' + '_' newline = '\n' nonoctal digit = any digit - octal digit octal digit = '0-7' simple string char = ~eof - (any digit + double quote + backslash + eol chars) tab = '\t' vertical space = '\f' + '\v' equals -> '=', space? minus -> '-', space? plus -> '+', space? tilde -> '~', space? left parenthesis -> '(', space? right parenthesis -> ')', blank?... config file -> blank?..., [global parameter | end of line]/..., eof (void) global parameter -> name =ConfigParam::set(1, cfErrorHandler); //cf_gp4(1); -> tilde, name =ConfigParam::set(0, cfErrorHandler); //cf_gp4(0); -> name, equals, data type =ConfigParam::set(cfErrorHandler); //cf_gp2(); -> name, equals, keyword string =ConfigParam::set(cfErrorHandler); //cf_gp3(); -> name, equals, number:n =ConfigParam::set(n, cfErrorHandler); //cf_gp5(n); (void) data type -> name -> name, abstract declarator =concat_string(); (void) abstract declarator -> indirect data type -> direct abstract declarator -> indirect data type, direct abstract declarator =concat_string(); (void) direct abstract declarator -> {left parenthesis =scs('('),0;}, abstract declarator, right parenthesis =concat_string(), acs(')'); (void) pointer -> star -> star, name =concat_string(); (void) star -> '*', blank?... =sss(" *"); (void) indirect data type -> pointer -> indirect data type, pointer =concat_string(); (void) name string -> letter:a =scs(a); -> name string, letter + digit :a =acs(a); -> name string, blank..., letter + digit :a =acs(' '), acs(a); name -> name string, blank?... blank -> blank char -> c comment space -> blank... -> blank..., continuation -> continuation continuation -> comment, next line -> next line next line -> carriage return?, newline -> carriage return?, newline, blank... white -> blank -> carriage return?, newline -> comment, carriage return?, newline end of line -> comment, carriage return?, newline -> carriage return?, newline -> end of line, white -> end of line, vertical space //form feed comment -> "//", ~eol chars & ~eof?... decimal number -> '1-9':d =d - '0'; -> decimal number:n, '0-9':d =10*n + d - '0'; octal number -> '0' =0; -> octal number:n, '0-7':d =8*n + d - '0'; hex number -> "0x" =0; -> "0X" =0; -> hex number:n, '0-9':d =16*n + d - '0'; -> hex number:n, 'A-F' + 'a-f':d =16*n + (d&7) + 9; simple number -> decimal number -> octal number -> hex number number -> sign:s, simple number:n, blank?... =s*n; sign -> plus? =1; -> minus =-1; keyword string -> keyword string head, string, double quote, blank?... string -> string A | string B | string C (void) keyword string head -> double quote =ics(); string char -> simple string char -> escape sequence escape sequence -> "\\a" ='\a'; -> "\\b" ='\b'; -> "\\f" ='\f'; -> "\\n" ='\n'; -> "\\r" ='\r'; -> "\\t" ='\t'; -> "\\v" ='\v'; -> "\\\\" ='\\'; -> "\\?" = '\?'; -> "\\'" ='\''; -> "\\\"" ='"'; -> three octal:n =n==0?cf_error("Null character in string"),0 : n; one octal -> backslash, '0-7':n =n&7; two octal -> one octal:n, '0-7':d = n*8 + (d&7); three octal -> two octal:n, '0-7':d = n*8 + (d&7); octal escape -> {one octal | two octal}:n = n==0?cf_error("Null character in string"),0 : n; hex escape -> "\\x", hex number:n =n; (void) string A -> string char:c =acs(c); -> any digit:c =acs(c); -> string, string char:c =acs(c); -> string A, any digit:c =acs(c); -> string B, nonoctal digit:c =acs(c); (void) string B -> octal escape:n =acs(n); -> string, octal escape:n =acs(n); (void) string C -> hex escape:n =acs(n); -> string, hex escape:n =acs(n); (void) c comment -> c comment text, "*/" (void) c comment text -> "/*" -> c comment text, ~eof c comment, c comment text -> c comment text, c comment = { if (nest_comments) PCB.reduction_token = cf_c_comment_text_token; } [ hidden { left parenthesis, right parenthesis, pointer, indirect data type, name string, space, next line, sign, one octal, two octal, three octal, string A, string B, string C, c comment text, escape sequence, octal escape, hex escape, name string } ] { #define PARSER_STACK_OVERFLOW assert(0) #define REDUCTION_TOKEN_ERROR assert(0) #define SYNTAX_ERROR cf_syn_error() #define GET_CONTEXT CONTEXT.x = PCB.column, CONTEXT.y = PCB.line static void cf_error(const char *, int = 1); class CfErrorHandler : public ConfigParam::ErrorHandler { public: virtual ~CfErrorHandler() {} virtual void badParam(const char *s){cf_error(s);} } cfErrorHandler; static cf_pcb_type cfcb; #define PCB cfcb static AgString config_file; static void read_one_config(const AgString &dir) { LOGSECTION("read_one_config"); LOGV(dir); char delim[2]; delim[0] = PATH_DELIMITER; delim[1] = 0; config_file = dir.concat(delim).concat("AnaGram.cfg"); LOGV(config_file); text_file tf(config_file); cfcb.pointer = input_base = (unsigned char *) tf; if (input_base) cf(); } void read_config(const AgString mydir) { LOGSECTION("read_config"); LOGV(mydir); LOGV(work_dir_name); read_one_config(mydir); read_one_config(work_dir_name); } static void cf_error(const char *msg, int contextFlag) { int line, column; if (contextFlag) { line = CONTEXT.y; column = CONTEXT.x; } else { line = PCB.line; column = PCB.column; } errorList.push(Error(line, column, config_file, msg)); } static void cf_syn_error(void) { reset_stk(); cf_error(PCB.error_message, 0); } }