view doc/misc/html/oldclasslib/pair.html @ 8:ec2b657edf13

Add explicit lint-comment-style fallthrough annotations. GCC now assumes that if you don't have these you're making a mistake, which is annoying. XXX: This changeset updates the AG output files only (by hand) and is XXX: abusive - rebuilding them will erase the change. However, I need XXX: to get things to build before I can try to get AG to issue the XXX: annotations itself, so this seems like a reasonable expedient.
author David A. Holland
date Mon, 30 May 2022 23:51:43 -0400
parents 13d2b8934445
line wrap: on
line source

<TITLE>Pair Class Definition</TITLE>

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<H1>Pair Class Definition</H1>
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        WIDTH=1010 HEIGHT=2  >
          <CODE> pair&lt;class T&gt; </CODE> is a template class that provides arithmetic
          and comparison operations on ordered pairs of elements of
          type T. Class T must  implement arithmetic and comparison
          All operations are element-wise, including multiplication,
          division and comparisons. Using these definitions, sets
          of pairs are not well ordered in the mathematical sense. That
          is, it is possible that for pairs p and q both p &lt; q and
          p &gt; q could be false.
          Pairs of integers are quite useful for recording and
          manipulating screen coordinates.

<H2>     Constructors </H2>

          There are two constructors, one which takes two arguments of
          type T, and sets the elements of the pair appropriately. The
          other constructor takes no arguments, and initializes the
          elements to zero.


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