view doc/misc/html/index.html @ 10:5b21f127e957

silence random gcc warning
author David A. Holland
date Mon, 30 May 2022 23:58:14 -0400
parents 13d2b8934445
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line source

<Title>AnaGram Supplementary Documentation</Title>

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                WIDTH=181 HEIGHT=25 VSPACE=6>
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<H1>AnaGram Supplementary Documentation</H1>
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AnaGram provides three levels of documentation:
    The <A HREF=../usersguide.pdf>AnaGram User's Guide</A>, the
    complete printable manual, provided as PDF. (It is approximately
    170 pages when typeset for US letter or A4 paper.)
    <!-- 230 typeset the old way -->
    If your browser will not read PDF files directly, you can look
    at the <A HREF="ugcont.html">Table of Contents</A>.
    Supplementary documentation, in HTML format, linked herein,
    contains discussions of AnaGram examples and some further topics
    mainly condensed from the AnaGram User's Guide.
    Online help covers AnaGram syntax and
    programming options and provides context sensitive help
    for the User Interface.
<H2>Topics of Interest</H2>
  <LI><A HREF="start.html">Getting Started With AnaGram</A></LI>
  <LI><A HREF="isdp.html">Introduction to Syntax Directed Parsing</A></LI>
  <LI><A HREF="summary.html">Summary of AnaGram Notation</A></LI>
  <LI><A HREF="ftrace.html">The File Trace Facility</A></LI>
  <LI><A HREF="gtrace.html">The Grammar Trace Facility</A></LI>
  <LI><A HREF="examples/ffcex.html">An Annotated Example</A></LI>
<H2>The AnaGram Examples</H2>
  <LI><A HREF="examples/index.html">AnaGram Examples</A>
      <LI><A HREF="examples/hw.html">Hello World!</A></LI>
      <LI><A HREF="examples/ffcalc.html">Four Function Calculator</A></LI>
      <LI><A HREF="examples/fc.html">Fahrenheit to Celsius</A></LI>
      <LI><A HREF="examples/rcalc.html">Roman Numeral Calculator</A></LI>
      <LI><A HREF="examples/dsl.html">Dos Script Language</A></LI>
      <LI><A HREF="examples/mpp/index.html">Macro Preprocessor
	and C Parser</A></LI>
  <LI><A HREF="examples/sbb-doc.html">Syntactic Building Blocks</A></LI>
  <LI><A HREF="oldclasslib/index.html">Old (and deprecated) class
    library for AnaGram examples</A></LI>
<H2>Other Material</H2>
  <LI><A HREF="gloss.html">Glossary of Parsing Terms</A></LI>

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For more information about AnaGram visit
<A HREF=></A></P>
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                  AnaGram parser generator - documentation<BR>
                  Home Page For HTML Help<BR>
                  Copyright &copy; 1993-1999, Parsifal Software. <BR>
                  All Rights Reserved.<BR>