view tests/agcl/oldagsrc/good/asiwdp.h @ 18:562c313f14f4

some minor updates for 2022
author David A. Holland
date Tue, 31 May 2022 02:03:50 -0400
parents 13d2b8934445
line wrap: on
line source

#ifndef ASIWDP_H
#define ASIWDP_H

typedef union {
  double alignment;
  char ag_vt_2[sizeof(int)];
  char ag_vt_4[sizeof(double)];
  char ag_vt_5[sizeof(Location)];
  char ag_vt_6[sizeof(double *)];
} asi_vs_type;

typedef enum {
  asi_white_space_token = 1, asi_input_string_token = 4,
  asi_statements_token, asi_eof_token = 7, asi_statement_token,
  asi_skip_statement_token, asi_skip_open_statement_token,
  asi_skip_closed_statement_token, asi_statement_text_token,
  asi_balanced_braces_token = 15, asi_balanced_parens_token = 17,
  asi_open_statement_token = 20, asi_closed_statement_token,
  asi_expression_token, asi_true_if_condition_token = 25,
  asi_false_if_condition_token, asi_closed_while_token,
  asi_execute_while_token, asi_open_while_token, asi_while_token = 32,
  asi_while_loop_token, asi_false_while_condition_token,
  asi_true_while_condition_token, asi_conditional_expression_token,
  asi_logical_or_expression_token = 42,
  asi_logical_and_expression_token = 45, asi_equality_expression_token = 47,
  asi_relational_expression_token = 49, asi_additive_expression_token = 52,
  asi_multiplicative_expression_token = 57, asi_unary_expression_token = 60,
  asi_factor_token = 63, asi_primary_token, asi_blank_token = 72,
  asi_statement_char_token = 83, asi_name_string_token = 87,
  asi_letter_token, asi_simple_real_token = 90, asi_exponent_token = 93,
  asi_integer_part_token, asi_fraction_part_token = 96,
  asi_name_token = 114, asi_real_token = 134, asi_digit_token = 143
} asi_token_type;

typedef struct asi_pcb_struct{
  asi_token_type token_number, reduction_token, error_frame_token;
  int input_code;
  int input_value;
  int line, column;
  int ssx, sn, error_frame_ssx;
  int drt, dssx, dsn;
  int ss[128];
  asi_vs_type vs[128];
  int ag_ap;
  const char *error_message;
  char read_flag;
  char exit_flag;
  int bts[128], btsx;
  unsigned char * pointer;
  unsigned char * la_ptr;
  const unsigned char *key_sp;
  int save_index, key_state;
  char ag_msg[82];
  const  int *ag_dtl;
  int ag_dsn;
/*  Line -, asiwdp.syn */
                                  // Add declarations to parser control block
    CharStack charStack;                        // Stack to accumulate variable names
		WhileStack whileStack;                      // Stack of active while loops
		SymbolTable *symbolTable;                   // Pointer to external symbol table

		void pushChar(int c);                       // Add character to character stack
		double *locateValue(int k);                 // Identify variable named on character stack
		void stackLoop(const Location &c);          // Provide for nested while loops
		Location location();                        // Capture current location of parse
		void setLocation(const Location &l);        // Set location of parse
		void loopContinue();                        // Set location to continue current while loop
		void loopExit();                            // Set location to exit current while loop
		double checkZero(double value);             // Check for zero divisor

		// External interface to the parser
    int interpret(char *text, SymbolTable *s);  // Parse instructions in text, using variables defined in s
	} asi_pcb_type;

#define PRULE_CONTEXT(pcb)  (&((pcb).cs[(pcb).ssx]))
#define PERROR_CONTEXT(pcb) ((pcb).cs[(pcb).error_frame_ssx])
#define PCONTEXT(pcb)       ((pcb).cs[(pcb).ssx])

/* PCB.exit_flag values */
#define AG_RUNNING_CODE         0
#define AG_SUCCESS_CODE         1
#define AG_STACK_ERROR_CODE     4
void init_asi(asi_pcb_type *);
void asi(asi_pcb_type *);