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view tests/agcl/contrib/bug-I158.syn @ 18:562c313f14f4
some minor updates for 2022
author | David A. Holland |
date | Tue, 31 May 2022 02:03:50 -0400 |
parents | 13d2b8934445 |
children |
line wrap: on
line source
{ /* YABASIC --- a tiny integrated Basic Compiler/Interpreter BISON - part this Program is subject to the GNU General Public License; see the file yabasic.c for details. */ #undef WINDOWS #include "yabasic.h" /* definitions of yabasic */ #include <malloc.h> #if HAVE_ALLOCA_H #include <alloca.h> #endif void __yy_bcopy(char *,char *,int); /* prototype missing */ int yylineno=1; int yylex(void); } /* float number *//* integer number *//* token of command *//* number of newlines *//* quoted string *//* general symbol *//* string of digits *//* string symbol */ (double ) step_part (double ) const (double ) number (int ) intnum (char *) symbol_or_lineno (int ) hashed_number (int ) SEP (int ) EOFILE FNUM -> simple real -> simple real:x, 'e'+'E', '+'?,exponent:e =x*pow(10,e); -> simple real:x, 'e'+'E', '-',exponent:e =x*pow(10,-e); simple real -> integer part:i, '.', fraction part:f = i+f; -> integer part, '.'? -> '.', fraction part:f = f; integer part -> digit:d = d-'0'; -> integer part:x, digit:d = 10*x + d-'0'; fraction part -> digit:d =(d-'0')/10.; -> digit:d, fraction part:f =(d-'0' + f)/10.; (int) exponent -> digit:d = d-'0'; -> exponent:x, digit:d = 10*x + d-'0'; (int) name //value of name token is length of name string -> letter: c =pushChar(c), 1; -> name:k, letter+digit: c =pushChar(c), k+1; (char *) SYMBOL -> name:k =strdup(popString(k)); (char *) STRSYM -> name:k, '$' =pushChar('$'), strdup(popString(k+1)); (char *) DIGITS -> digit string:k =strdup(popString(k)); (int) digit string -> digit:d =pushChar(d), 1; -> digit string:k, digit:d =pushChar(d), k+1; (char *) STRING -> '"', string text:k, '"' =strdup(popString(k)); -> '"', string text:k, '\n' =strdup(popString(k)); GOSUB, LABEL, ON INTERRUPT, BREAK, CONTINUE, SEP, EOFILE IF, THEN, ELSE, ENDIF PRINT, INPUT, LINE, RETURN, DIM, END, AT, SCREEN, REVERSE AND, OR, NOT NE, LE, GE, LT, GT, EQ READ, DATA, RESTORE OPEN, CLOSE WINDOW, DOT, LINE, CIRCLE, TEXT, CLEAR, PRINTER WAIT, BELL, MAP, XMAP, YMAP, ARROW, XTICK, YTICK SIN, ASIN, COS, ACOS, TAN, ATAN, EXP, LOG, SQRT, MYEOF INT, FRAC, MOD, RAN, LEN, VAL, LEFT, RIGHT, MID, LEN, MIN, MAX STR, INKEY, CHR, ASC, UPPER, LOWER, TRIM, LTRIM, RTRIM, INSTR SYSTEM, SYSTEM2, PEEK, PEEK2, POKE, DATE, TIME [ left {OR} left {AND} left {NOT} left {'-', '+'} left {'*', '/'} left {'^'} nonassoc {UMINUS} ] letter = 'a-z' + 'A-Z' digit = '0-9' eof = 0 + -1 NAME -> letter -> NAME, letter+digit program $ -> statement list, eof statement list -> -> statement_list, !{ if (errorlevel<=ERROR) {YYABORT;}}, SEP, !{ yylineno+=$3;}, statement statement /* empty */ -> -> string_assignment -> assignment -> for_loop -> if_clause -> "GOTO", symbol_or_lineno ={create_goto($2);} -> "GOSUB", symbol_or_lineno ={create_gosub($2);} -> ON, INTERRUPT, BREAK ={create_exception(TRUE);} -> ON, INTERRUPT, CONTINUE ={create_exception(FALSE);} -> ON, expression, "GOTO", !{create_skipper();}, goto_list ={create_nop();} -> ON, expression, "GOSUB", !{create_skipper();}, gosub_list ={create_nop();} -> LABEL, symbol_or_lineno ={create_label($2);} -> OPEN, hashed_number, ',', string_expression, ',', string_expression ={create_myopen($2,'+');} -> OPEN, hashed_number, ',', string_expression ={create_myopen($2,'-');} -> CLOSE, hashed_number ={create_myclose($2);} -> PRINT, printintro, printlist, !{ create_revert(FALSE);}, semicolon -> INPUT, inputintro, inputlist ={lastinput->args=0;} -> READ, readlist -> DATA, datalist -> RESTORE ={create_restore("");} -> RESTORE, symbol_or_lineno ={create_restore($2);} -> RETURN ={create_return();} -> DIM, dimlist -> OPEN, WINDOW, expression, ',', expression ={create_openwin(FALSE);} -> OPEN, WINDOW, expression, ',', expression, ',', string_expression ={create_openwin(TRUE);} -> DOT, mapping ={create_dot();} -> LINE, mapping, "TO", mapping ={create_line('l');} -> CIRCLE, mapping, ',', expression ={create_circle()} -> TEXT, string_expression, ',', mapping ={create_text(TRUE);} -> TEXT, mapping, ',', string_expression ={create_text(FALSE);} -> MAP, expression, ',', expression, ',', expression, ',', expression, "TO", expression, ',', expression, ',', expression, ',', expression ={create_makemap();} -> ARROW, mapping, "TO", mapping ={create_line('a');} -> XTICK, mapping, ',', string_expression ={create_tick(1);} -> YTICK, mapping, ',', string_expression ={create_tick(3);} -> XTICK, mapping ={create_tick(0);} -> YTICK, mapping ={create_tick(2);} -> CLOSE, WINDOW ={create_closewin();} -> CLEAR, WINDOW ={create_clearwin();} -> CLEAR, SCREEN ={create_clearscreen();} -> OPEN, PRINTER ={create_openprinter(0);} -> OPEN, PRINTER, string_expression ={create_openprinter(1);} -> CLOSE, PRINTER ={create_closeprinter();} -> WAIT, expression ={create_mywait();} -> BELL ={create_bell();} -> INKEY ={create_function(MYINKEY); create_popstrsym(NULL);} -> SYSTEM2, '(', string_expression, ')' ={create_function(MYSYSTEM2); create_popdblsym(NULL);} -> POKE, string_expression, ',', string_expression ={create_poke('s');} -> POKE, string_expression, ',', expression ={create_poke('d');} -> END ={create_myend();} string_assignment -> STRSYM, EQ, string_expression ={create_popstrsym($1);} -> MID, '(', STRSYM, !{ create_pushstrptr($3);}, ',', expression, ',', expression, ')', EQ, string_expression ={create_changestring(MYMID);} -> LEFT, '(', STRSYM, !{ create_pushstrptr($3);}, ',', expression, ')', EQ, string_expression ={create_changestring(MYLEFT);} -> RIGHT, '(', STRSYM, !{ create_pushstrptr($3);}, ',', expression, ')', EQ, string_expression ={create_changestring(MYRIGHT);} -> STRSYM, '(', !{ pushcounter();}, indexlist, ')', EQ, string_expression ={create_doarray($1,ASSIGNSTRINGARRAY);} -> MID, '(', STRSYM, '(', !{ pushcounter();}, indexlist, ')', !{ create_doarray($3,GETSTRINGPOINTER);}, ',', expression, ',', expression, ')', EQ, string_expression ={create_changestring(MYMID);} -> LEFT, '(', STRSYM, '(', !{ pushcounter();}, indexlist, ')', !{ create_doarray($3,GETSTRINGPOINTER);}, ',', expression, ')', EQ, string_expression ={create_changestring(MYLEFT);} -> RIGHT, '(', STRSYM, '(', !{ pushcounter();}, indexlist, ')', !{ create_doarray($3,GETSTRINGPOINTER);}, ',', expression, ')', EQ, string_expression ={create_changestring(MYRIGHT);} string_expression -> STRSYM ={create_pushstrsym($1);} -> string_function -> STRING ={if ($1==NULL) {error(ERROR,"String not terminated");create_pushstr("");} else {create_pushstr($1);}} -> string_expression, '+', string_expression ={create_concat();} -> STRSYM, '(', !{ pushcounter();}, indexlist, ')' ={create_doarray($1,CALLSTRINGARRAY);} -> '(', string_expression, ')' string_function -> LEFT, '(', string_expression, ',', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYLEFT);} -> RIGHT, '(', string_expression, ',', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYRIGHT);} -> MID, '(', string_expression, ',', expression, ',', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYMID);} -> STR, '(', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYSTR);} -> STR, '(', expression, ',', string_expression, ')' ={create_function(MYSTR2);} -> INKEY ={create_function(MYINKEY);} -> CHR, '(', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYCHR);} -> UPPER, '(', string_expression, ')' ={create_function(MYUPPER);} -> LOWER, '(', string_expression, ')' ={create_function(MYLOWER);} -> LTRIM, '(', string_expression, ')' ={create_function(MYLTRIM);} -> RTRIM, '(', string_expression, ')' ={create_function(MYRTRIM);} -> TRIM, '(', string_expression, ')' ={create_function(MYTRIM);} -> SYSTEM, '(', string_expression, ')' ={create_function(MYSYSTEM);} -> DATE ={create_function(MYDATE);} -> TIME ={create_function(MYTIME);} -> PEEK2, '(', string_expression, ')' ={create_function(MYPEEK2);} assignment -> SYMBOL, EQ, expression ={create_popdblsym($1);} -> SYMBOL, '(', !{ pushcounter();}, indexlist, ')', EQ, expression ={create_doarray($1,ASSIGNARRAY);} expression -> number ={create_pushdbl($1);} -> function -> SYMBOL ={create_pushdblsym($1);} -> SYMBOL, '(', !{ pushcounter();}, indexlist, ')' ={create_doarray($1,CALLARRAY);} -> '(', expression, ')' -> expression, '+', expression ={create_dblbin('+');} -> expression, '-', expression ={create_dblbin('-');} -> expression, '*', expression ={create_dblbin('*');} -> expression, '/', expression ={create_dblbin('/');} -> expression, '^', expression ={create_dblbin('^');} -> '-', expression /* 1ef4:fa2arec <֠ */ ={create_negate();} mapping -> expression, ',', expression -> MAP, '(', expression, ',', expression, ')' ={create_map();} function -> SIN, '(', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYSIN);} -> ASIN, '(', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYASIN);} -> COS, '(', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYCOS);} -> ACOS, '(', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYACOS);} -> TAN, '(', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYTAN);} -> ATAN, '(', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYATAN);} -> ATAN, '(', expression, ',', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYATAN2);} -> EXP, '(', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYEXP);} -> LOG, '(', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYLOG);} -> SQRT, '(', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYSQRT);} -> INT, '(', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYINT);} -> FRAC, '(', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYFRAC);} -> MOD, '(', expression, ',', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYMOD);} -> RAN, '(', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYRAN);} -> RAN, '(', ')' ={create_function(MYRAN2);} -> MIN, '(', expression, ',', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYMIN);} -> MAX, '(', expression, ',', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYMAX);} -> XMAP, '(', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYXMAP);} -> YMAP, '(', expression, ')' ={create_function(MYYMAP);} -> LEN, '(', string_expression, ')' ={create_function(MYLEN);} -> VAL, '(', string_expression, ')' ={create_function(MYVAL);} -> ASC, '(', string_expression, ')' ={create_function(MYASC);} -> INSTR, '(', string_expression, ',', string_expression, ')' ={create_function(MYINSTR);} -> SYSTEM2, '(', string_expression, ')' ={create_function(MYSYSTEM2);} -> PEEK, '(', string_expression, ')' ={create_function(MYPEEK);} const -> number ={$$=$1;} -> '+', number ={$$=$2;} -> '-', number ={$$=-$2;} number -> FNUM ={$$=$1;} -> DIGITS ={$$=atoi($1);} intnum -> DIGITS ={$$=atoi($1);} symbol_or_lineno -> DIGITS ={$$=$1;} -> SYMBOL ={$$=$1;} dimlist -> SYMBOL, '(', !{ pushcounter();}, indexlist, ')' ={create_dim($1,'d');} -> dimlist, ',', SYMBOL, '(', !{ pushcounter();}, indexlist, ')' ={create_dim($3,'d');} -> STRSYM, '(', !{ pushcounter();}, indexlist, ')' ={create_dim($1,'s');} -> dimlist, ',', STRSYM, '(', !{ pushcounter();}, indexlist, ')' ={create_dim($3,'s');} indexlist -> expression ={inccounter();} -> indexlist, ',', expression ={inccounter();} for_loop -> "FOR", SYMBOL, EQ, expression, !{ pushname($2);create_popdblsym($2);pushgoto(); create_pushdblsym($2);}, "TO", expression, step_part, !{ create_dblrelop(($8>0)?'{':'}'); create_decide(); pushlabel();}, SEP, !{ yylineno+=$10;}, statement_list, !{ create_pushdbl($8); create_pushdblsym($2); create_dblbin('+'); create_popdblsym($2); swap();popgoto();poplabel();}, next_or_eofile, next_symbol next_or_eofile -> "NEXT" -> EOFILE ={end_of_file=TRUE; error(ERROR,"'next'-statement is missing"); YYABORT;} step_part -> /* can be omitted */ ={$$=1.0;} -> "STEP", const ={$$=$2;} next_symbol -> /* can be omitted */ ={pop();} -> SYMBOL ={if (strcmp(pop()->pointer,$1)) {error(ERROR,"'for' and 'next' do not match"); YYABORT;} } if_clause -> IF, condition, !{ create_decide();pushlabel();}, THEN, statement_list, !{ pushlabel();swap();poplabel();}, else_part, !{ poplabel();}, endif_or_eof endif_or_eof -> ENDIF -> EOFILE ={end_of_file=TRUE; error(ERROR,"'endif'-statement is missing"); YYABORT;} condition -> '(', condition, ')' -> condition, OR, condition ={create_boole('|');} -> condition, AND, condition ={create_boole('&');} -> NOT, condition ={create_boole('!');} -> string_expression, EQ, string_expression ={create_strrelop('=');} -> string_expression, NE, string_expression ={create_strrelop('!');} -> string_expression, LT, string_expression ={create_strrelop('<');} -> string_expression, LE, string_expression ={create_strrelop('{');} -> string_expression, GT, string_expression ={create_strrelop('>');} -> string_expression, GE, string_expression ={create_strrelop('}');} -> expression, EQ, expression ={create_dblrelop('=');} -> expression, NE, expression ={create_dblrelop('!');} -> expression, LT, expression ={create_dblrelop('<');} -> expression, LE, expression ={create_dblrelop('{');} -> expression, GT, expression ={create_dblrelop('>');} -> expression, GE, expression ={create_dblrelop('}');} -> MYEOF, '(', hashed_number, ')' ={create_testeof($3);} else_part /* can be omitted */ -> -> ELSE, statement_list inputlist -> input -> input, ',', inputlist input -> SYMBOL ={create_myread('d');create_popdblsym($1);} -> SYMBOL, '(', !{ pushcounter();}, indexlist, ')' ={create_myread('d');create_doarray($1,ASSIGNARRAY);} -> STRSYM ={create_myread('s');create_popstrsym($1);} -> STRSYM, '(', !{ pushcounter();}, indexlist, ')' ={create_myread('s');create_doarray($1,ASSIGNSTRINGARRAY);} readlist -> readitem -> readlist, ',', readitem readitem -> SYMBOL ={create_readdata('d');create_popdblsym($1);} -> SYMBOL, '(', !{ pushcounter();}, indexlist, ')' ={create_readdata('d');create_doarray($1,ASSIGNARRAY);} -> STRSYM ={create_readdata('s');create_popstrsym($1);} -> STRSYM, '(', !{ pushcounter();}, indexlist, ')' ={create_readdata('s');create_doarray($1,ASSIGNSTRINGARRAY);} datalist -> STRING ={create_strdata($1);} -> const ={create_dbldata($1);} -> datalist, ',', STRING ={create_strdata($3);} -> datalist, ',', const ={create_dbldata($3);} printlist /* possible empty */ -> -> expression ={create_print('d');} -> printlist, ',', expression ={create_print('d');} -> string_expression ={create_print('s');} -> printlist, ',', string_expression ={create_print('s');} inputintro -> ={create_myswitch(0);create_readline(NULL);} -> stream -> position ={create_myswitch(0);create_readline(NULL);} -> !{ create_myswitch(0);}, prompt -> position, !{ create_myswitch(0);}, prompt printintro -> /* can be empty */ ={create_myswitch(0);} -> stream -> REVERSE ={create_revert(TRUE);create_myswitch(0);} -> position ={create_myswitch(0);} -> REVERSE, position ={create_revert(TRUE);create_myswitch(0);} prompt -> STRING ={create_readline($1);} position -> AT, '(', expression, ',', expression, ')' ={create_mymove();} stream -> '#', intnum ={create_myswitch($2);} hashed_number -> '#', intnum ={$$=$2;} -> intnum /* need not contain hash */ ={$$=$1;} semicolon /* can be left out */ -> ={create_print('n');} -> ';' goto_list -> symbol_or_lineno ={create_goto($1);create_findnop();} -> goto_list, ',', symbol_or_lineno ={create_goto($3);create_findnop();} gosub_list -> symbol_or_lineno ={create_gosub($1);create_findnop();} -> gosub_list, ',', symbol_or_lineno ={create_gosub($3);create_findnop();}