view tests/agcl/oldagsrc/t4x.syn @ 21:1c9dac05d040

Add lint-style FALLTHROUGH annotations to fallthrough cases. (in the parse engine and thus the output code) Document this, because the old output causes warnings with gcc10.
author David A. Holland
date Mon, 13 Jun 2022 00:04:38 -0400
parents 13d2b8934445
line wrap: on
line source

[nest comments]
   AnaGram Syntax Analyzer. Copyright (c) Jerome T. Holland, 1989, 1990.
   All Rights Reserved.
  #define PARSE_PROC_DECLARATION parse()
  #define STACK_DEPTH 100
  #define NEXT_TOKEN next_token_11()
/*  #define GET_TOKEN next_token_11() */
  #define GET_TOKEN tkn = tv = (unsigned char) *input_pointer;
  #define ADVANCE_POINTER input_pointer++
  #define TOKEN tkn
  #define TOKEN_VALUE tv
  {fprintf(stderr,"parse stack overflow\n");myabort();}
/*  #define ERROR {syntax_error(); /* return 0; */} */
  #define ERROR {if (TOKEN == eof_tkn) return 0;}
  #define DIAGNOSE diagnose_syntax_error
  #define LINE lines
  #define COLUMN col
  #define TRACK_COLUMN
  #define TRACK_LINE
  #define STACK_COLUMN
  #define STACK_LINE
  #define POINTER input_pointer
  #define BACKTRACK
  #define RESYNCH_EOF eof_tkn
  #define RESYNCH

  #include "assert.h"
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <dos.h>
  #include <string.h>
  #include "data.h"
  #include "arrays.h"
  #include "trees.h"
  #include "myalloc.h"
  #include "stk.h"
  #include "pgg18.h"

  typedef enum {PGG18_TOKENS} pgg18_tkns;

  extern unsigned char tkn;
  extern long tv;

  extern string_dict *tkn_dict;
  extern string_dict *param_dict;
  extern string_dict *cast_dict;
  extern tsd *form_table;
  extern tsd *dummy_token_table;
  extern tsd *reducing_proc_table;
  extern tsd *form_length_table;
  extern tsd *bnf_table;
  extern tsd *primary_token_table;
  extern tsd *cast_table;                       /* index of cast list */
  extern tsd *cast_list;                        /* lists cast id's */

  extern tsd *form_base;
  extern tsd *form_item;
  extern tsd *form_length;

  extern FILE *list;
  extern char *input_pointer;
  extern char *input_base;
  extern char *string_base;

extern int partition_required;

node val(int);
char *build_string();
int *build_list();
extern int syntax_error_flag;


character set = 0.255\
blank = ' ',
comma = ',' !
digit = '0-9'@
newline = 012 #
carriage return# = 015
letter = 'a-z'  'A-Z' + '_'
letter = 'a-z' + 'A-Z + '_'
letter = 'a+z' + 'A-Z + '_'
tilde = '~"
semicolon = ";'
star = '*'   bar = '|'
colon = ':'
lparen = '('
rparen = ')'
lbrace = '{'
right brace = '}'
squote = '''
dquote = '"'
backslash = '\'
slash = '/'
dollar = '$'
dot = '.'
lbrack = '['
rbrack = ']'
tab = 9
minus = '-'
ampersand = '&'
plus = '+'

eof = 0 + 26 +

anything = ~eof

simple c char = ~(star + '{' + '}' + squote + dquote + slash + eof

c literal elem = ~(squote + dquote + backslash + eof)

c char                          //c char represents the content of embedded c
 -> simple c char
 -> slash, ~star & ~eof
 -> star, ~slash & ~eof
 -> c comment
 -> '{', c text, '}'
 -> c literal char, squote
 -> c literal string, dquote

head list names                           //left hand side of productions
 -> name, grammar flag                           = head_list_1(int);
 -> head list names, comma, space, name, grammar flag  = head_list_2(int);

*head list
 -> head list names
 -> head list names, '[', simple space, token parameters, ']', blanks

token parameters,
 -> token parameter, [comma, simple space, token parameter]...

token parameter
 -> name                            =gp1;
 -> name, '=', simple space, name   =gp2;
 -> tilde, simple space, name       =gp1;
 -> name, '=', simple space, tilde, simple space, name   =gp2;
 -> name, '=', simple space, string =gp3;
 -> name, '=', simple space, number =gp1;

grammar flag     $$
 ->                             = flag1;
 -> dollar, blanks              = flag2;

 -> {letter = scs(char);},
    [(letter + digit) = acs(char); | mid line white = atbc;...

blanks -> | blanks, mid line white

mid line white
 -> blank
 -> tab
 -> c comment

space -> | space, white

simple space
 -> blanks, comment, blanks]

 -> mid line white
 -> comment

end of line
 -> comment, space

comment -> [';'  [~carriage return & ~newline &~eof]...],
  carriage return?, newline
comment -> carriage return?, newline

continuation -> | end of line

continuation = [comment, mid line white?..]
decimal number
 -> '1-9'                       = number_1(int);
 -> decimal number, '0-9'      = number_2(int,int);

octal number
 -> '0'                         = number_1(int);
 -> octal number, '0-'        =number_3(int,int);

hex number
 -> '0', 'x' + 'X'          = number_1(int);
 -> hex number, '0-9'      =number_4(int,int);
 -> hex number, 'A-F'      =number_5(int,int);
 -> hex number, 'a-f'      =number_6(int,int);

 -> decimal number
 -> octal number
 -> hex number

 -> squote, anything, minus, anything, squote = range(unsigned, unsigned);
 -> squote, anything, dot, anything, squote   = range;
 -> number, blanks, dot, simple space, number        = range;

simple set
 -> range, blanks                       = node ss3;
 -> squote, anything, squote, blanks   = node ss1(unsigned);
 -> number, blanks                     = node ss1(unsigned);
 -> name                                = node ss2;
 -> '(', simple space, union, continuation, ')', blanks = long pass(long);

 -> simple set
 -> tilde, simple space, negation    node make_tilde_node(node)

form element
 -> union      =form_element_1(node);
 -> virtual production

vp form element
 -> name                        =form_element_2//;
// -> '(', simple space, union, continuation, ')',blanks  =form_element_1(node);

 -> negation
 -> intersection, ampersand, simple space, negation  = node make_and_node(node,node);

 -> intersection
 -> union, plus, simple space, intersection     = node make_or_node(node,node);
 -> union, minus, simple space, intersection    = node make_minus_node(node,node);

complete definition
  -> definition, end of line

 -> name, '=', simple space, union =definition_1(node) ;
 -> name, '=', simple space, virtual production =definition_2(int) ;

parameter flag
 ->                                    = flag1;
 -> star, simple space                        = flag2;

 -> {dquote = ics;}, [~dquote & ~eof = acs]..., dquote, blanks

form body
 -> parameter flag, form element, parameter name      = fb1(int, int, int);
 -> form body, comma, simple space, parameter flag,
    form element, parameter name =fb2(int,int,int);

parameter name
 ->                    = pn1;
 -> '\', simple space, c name = pn2;
fb1(int flag, int element, int name) {
  pf1(flag, element,name);


fb2(int flag, int element, int name) {
  pf2(flag, element,name);
pn1()   {return 0;}
pn2() {ids(cvar_dict); return fis();}


parametrized form
 -> proper form, '[', simple space, form parameters, ']', blanks

parametrized vp form
 -> proper vp form, '[', simple space, form parameters, ']', blanks

form parameters
 -> form parameter, [comma, simple space, form parameter]...

form parameter
 -> name                            =gp1;
 -> tilde, simple space, name       =gp1;
 -> name, '=', simple space, tilde, simple space, name   =gp2;
 -> name, '=', simple space, name   =gp2;
 -> name, '=', simple space, string =gp3;
 -> name, '=', simple space, number =gp1;

 ->               =form1;
 -> form body     =form2;

null form -> =form1;

proper form
 -> form body     =form2;

vp form
 ->               =iws;
 -> form body

proper vp form
 -> form body

proper vp form spec
 -> proper vp form                             =form_spec_4;
 -> proper vp form, '=', simple space, proc spec   =form_spec_3(int);
 -> parametrized vp form =form_spec_4;
 -> parametrized vp form,
     ':', simple space, proc spec   =form_spec_3(int);

mid line action
 -> '!', simple space, proc spec           =mid_line(int);

form spec
 -> form
 -> null form
 -> proper form
 -> null form, ':', simple space, proc spec   =form_spec_2(int,int);
 -> proper form, ':', simple space, proc spec   =form_spec_2(int,int);
 -> parametrized form
 -> parametrized form, 
    ':, simple space, proc spec   =form_spec_2(int,int);

proper form spec 
 -> proper form 
 -> proper form, ':', simple space, proc spec  =form_spec_2(int,int);
 -> parametrized form
 -> parametrized form, 
    :', simple space, proc spec   =form_spec_2(int,int);

proc spec
  -> proc name
  -> proc name, '(', simple space, ')', blanks
  -> proc name, '(', simple space, casts, ')', blanks  = proc_spec_3(int);

  -> proc name, '(', simple space, casts, ')', blanks, embedded c
  -> proc cast, embedded c   =proc_spec_4(int);

proc cast
 ->                                            =pc_1;
 -> '(, simple space, cast, ')', simple space = pc_2;

pc_1() {return 0;}
pc_2() { ids(cast_dict); return fis();}

 -> simple name
 -> simple name, mid line white...
 -> simple name, star                        =new_cast_1;
 -> simple name, mid line white..., star     =new_cast_1;
 -> simple name, mid line white..., cast     =new_cast_2;
 -> simple name, mid line white..., star, cast =new_cast_3;
 -> simple name, star, cast                    =new_cast_3;

real space
 -> comment, simple space
 -> mid line white...

 -> simple name
 -> simple name, real space
 -> simple name, star                        =new_cast_1;
 -> simple name, real space, star     =new_cast_1;
 -> simple name, real space, cast     =new_cast_2;
 -> simple name, real space, star, cast =new_cast_3;
 -> simple name, star, cast                    =new_cast_3;
new_cast_1() {
  ass(" *");
new_cast_2()   {
  its(' ',0);
new_cast_3()   {

proc name
 -> partial proc name   = new_proc_name_4(int);

partial proc name
 -> simple name                            =new_proc_name_1;
 -> simple name, mid line white...         =new_proc_name_1;
 -> simple name, mid line white..., partial proc name = new_proc_name_2(int);
 -> simple name, mid line white..., star, mid line white...,
    partial proc name = new_proc_name_3(int);
 -> simple name, star, mid line white..., partial proc name = new_proc_name_3;
new_proc_name_4(int name) {
  check_size(map_proc_name, name, 3*name/2);
  map_proc_name[name].cast = fis();
  return name;

new_proc_name_1()   {
  int name;

  name = fis();
  return name;
new_proc_name_2(int name)   {
  its(' ',0);
  return name;
new_proc_name_3(int name) {
  return new_proc_name_2(name);

 -> cast                       = new_cast_spec_1;
 -> casts, comma, simple space, cast  = new_cast_spec_2;

new_cast_spec_1() {
new_cast_spec_2() {



proc name
 -> proc cast, c name    :proc_name_1
 -> c name               :proc_name_2
simple name
 -> letter                     =scs(char);
 -> simple name, letter        =acs(char);
 -> simple name, digit         =acs(char);

c name
 -> simple name
 -> c name, blank
star cast
 -> c name, star       =cast_1;
 -> star cast, blank
 -> star cast, star    = cast_2;

 -> c name
 -> star cast

proc cast
 -> c name, blank
 -> star cast

cast spec
 -> cast                    =cast_spec_1;
 -> proc cast, c name       =cast_spec_2;

 -> *cast spec                                       =sws(int);
 -> casts, comma, simple space, *cast spec                  =aws(int);

form specs
 -> form spec                                       =sws(int);
 -> form specs, bar, simple space, proper form spec        =aws(int);

proper form specs
 -> proper form spec                                       =sws(int);
 -> proper form specs, bar, simple space, proper form spec        =aws(int);

vp form specs
 -> proper vp form spec                                  =sws;
 -> vp form specs, bar, simple space, proper vp form spec       =aws;

 -> complete production                  =production(int);
 -> complete definition
 -> complete embedded c
 -> complete precedence grammar
 -> complete global parameter declaration

unterminated statement
 -> production       =production(int);
 -> definition
 -> embedded c
 -> precedence grammar
 -> global parameter declaration

complete precedence grammar
 -> precedence grammar, end of line

complete global parameter declaration
 -> global parameter declaration, end of line

global parameter declaration
 -> '[', simple space, global parameters, ']', blanks

global parameters
 -> global parameter, [comma, simple space, global parameter]...

global parameter
 -> name                            =gp1;
 -> tilde, simple space, name       =gp1;
 -> name, '=', simple space, tilde, simple space, name   =gp2;
 -> name, '=', simple space, name   =gp2;
 -> name, '=', simple space, string =gp3;
 -> name, '=', simple space, number =gp1;

gp1() { ids(param_dict); return fis();}
gp2() { ids(param_dict);fis(); ids(param_dict); fis();}
gp3() { rcs(); ids(param_dict); fis();}

precedence grammar
 -> pr_header, end of line?, 
    '{', levels, end of line?, '}' = build_pr_grmr;

 -> "%pg", simple space, name, "->", simple space, name =init_prec_grmr;

int pr_gram;
int pr_gram_base;
int pr_gram_levels;

typedef enum {la_op, ra_op, pr_op, su_op} op_type;

init_prec_grmr() {
  pr_gram_base = fis();
  pr_gram = fis();
  pr_gram_levels = 0;

build_pr_grmr() {
  int *tn, t, i;

  tn = allocate(pr_gram_levels + 1, int);
  t = ntkns + 1;
  ntkns += pr_gram_levels - 1;
  check_size(map_token_number, ntkns, ntkns);
  tn[0] = pr_gram_base;
  tn[pr_gram_levels] = pr_gram;
  map_token_number[pr_gram].non_terminal_flag = 1;
  for (i = 1; i < pr_gram_levels; i++,t++ ) {
    map_token_number[t].non_terminal_flag = 1;
    tn[i] = t;
  while (pr_gram_levels) {
    switch (fis()) {
    case la_op:
      la_op_forms(tn[pr_gram_levels], tn[pr_gram_levels-1]);
    case ra_op:
      ra_op_forms(tn[pr_gram_levels], tn[pr_gram_levels-1]);
    case pr_op:
      pr_op_forms(tn[pr_gram_levels], tn[pr_gram_levels-1]);
    case su_op:
      su_op_forms(tn[pr_gram_levels], tn[pr_gram_levels-1]); 
parameter names
 -> simple name                  =pl1
 -> parameter names, mid line white..., comma, simple space, simple name   =pl2
 -> parameter names, comma, simple space, simple name   =pl2
parameter name list
 ->               =pl4     ;
 -> '\', simple space, parameter names, mid line white..., continuation =pl3;
 -> '\', simple space, parameter names, comment, 
    mid line white?..., continuation =pl3;

single parameter
 ->                                             =pl6;
 -> '\', simple space, simple name, mid line white..., continuation  =pl5;
 -> '\', simple space, simple name, comment, 
    mid line white?..., continuation  =pl5;

parameter names
 -> simple name, mid line white..., comma, simple space, simple name
 -> simple name, comma, simple space, simple name

pl1() {ids(cvar_dict); sws(fis());} 
pl2() {ids(cvar_dict); aws(fis());}
pl3() {
  int right;

  right = fis();
pl4() {sis(0); sis(0);}
pl5() {ids(cvar_dict);}
pl6() {sis(0);}
 -> end of line?, level
 -> levels, end of line, level

 -> "%bl", simple space, parameter name list, operators  =pg_level_la
 -> "%br", simple space, parameter name list, operators =pg_level_ra;
 -> "%up", simple space, single parameter, operators            =pg_level_pr;
 -> "%us", simple space, single parameter, operators            =pg_level_su

 -> form element  =    la_op_1(int);
 -> form element, '=',
    simple space, proc spec  =la_op_2(int, int);
 -> operators, comma, simple space, form element  =la_op_3(int);
 -> operators, comma, simple space, form element,
    '=', simple space, proc spec  =la_op_4(int, int);
pg_level_la() {
pg_level_ra() {
pg_level_pr() {
pg_level_su() {
la_op_1(int tn) {
  sws(tn); aws(0);

la_op_2(int tn,int pn) {
  sws(tn); aws(pn);

la_op_3(int tn) {
  aws(tn); aws(0);

la_op_4(int tn,int pn) {
  aws(tn); aws(pn);

pr_op_forms(int hltn, int lltn) {
  int name;
  token_number_map tm;
  int op, *op_list, i, k, pn,fn;
  int pf;
  int arg;

  op_list = build_list();
  k = fis();
  arg = fis();
  fn = form2();
  map_form_number[fn].prim_tkn = hltn;
  for (i = 0; i< k;) {
    op = op_list[i++];
    pn = op_list[i++];
    pf = (pn && map_proc_name[pn].n_params);
    fn = form2();
    map_form_number[fn].prim_tkn = hltn;

ra_op_forms(int hltn, int lltn) {
  int name;
  token_number_map tm;
  int op, *op_list, i, k, pn,fn;
  int pf;
  int right, left;

  op_list = build_list();
  k = fis();
  right = fis();
  left = fis();
  fn = form2();
  map_form_number[fn].prim_tkn = hltn;
  for (i = 0; i< k;) {
    op = op_list[i++];
    pn = op_list[i++];
    pf = (pn && map_proc_name[pn].n_params);
    fn = form2();
    map_form_number[fn].prim_tkn = hltn;

su_op_forms(int hltn, int lltn) {
  int name;
  token_number_map tm;
  int op, *op_list, i, k, pn,fn;
  int pf;
  int arg;

  op_list = build_list();
  k = fis();
  arg = fis();
  fn = form2();
  map_form_number[fn].prim_tkn = hltn;
  for (i = 0; i< k;) {
    op = op_list[i++];
    pn = op_list[i++];
    pf = (pn && map_proc_name[pn].n_params);
    fn = form2();
    map_form_number[fn].prim_tkn = hltn;

la_op_forms(int hltn, int lltn) {
  int name;
  token_number_map tm;
  int op, *op_list, i, k, pn,fn;
  int pf;
  int left,right,type;

  op_list = build_list();
  k = fis();
  right = fis();
  left = fis();
  fn = form2();
  map_form_number[fn].prim_tkn = hltn;
  type = map_token_number[lltn].cast;
  if (type == 0) type = default_token_type;
  for (i = 0; i< k;) {
    op = op_list[i++];
    pn = op_list[i++];
    pf = (pn && map_proc_name[pn].n_params);
    fn = form2();
    if (pn && map_proc_name[pn].auto_proc) finish_proc_def(pn,fn,type);
    map_form_number[fn].prim_tkn = hltn;

statement list
 -> space
 -> statement list, statement

file $
 -> statement list, unterminated statement, eof

complete production
 -> production, end of line

 -> head list                           =pr1();
 -> head list, "->", blanks, form specs     =pr2;
 -> type definition, head list        =pr3(int);
 -> type definition, head list, "->", blanks, form specs
 -> complete production, "->", blanks, form specs        =pr4(int);

type definition
 -> '(', simple space, cast, ')', simple space             =typedef2;
typedef2() {ids(cast_dict); return fis();}
pr1() {iws(); return default_token_type;}
pr2() { return default_token_type;}
pr3(int type) {
  return type;
pr4(int type) { concat_list(); return type;}


virtual production
 -> string      =vp_s;
 -> '{', simple space, vp form specs, '}', blanks         =vp_1;
 -> '{', simple space, vp form specs, '}', "...", blanks  =vp_2;
 -> '[', simple space, vp form specs, ']', blanks         =vp_3;
 -> '[', simple space, vp form specs, ']', "...", blanks  =vp_4;
 -> vp form element, '?', blanks                        =vp_5(int);
 -> vp form element, '?', "...", blanks                 =vp_6(int);
 -> vp form element, "...", blanks                      =vp_7(int);
 -> mid line action                                     =vp_8(int);

complete embedded c
 -> embedded c, end of line
 -> '{', c code, '}', blanks, end of line

embedded c
/* -> '{', c code */
 -> '{', c code, '}', blanks

c code -> c text          = copyoff;

c text
 ->                       = copyon;
 -> c text, c char

c comment text
 -> c comment text, ~star & ~slash & ~eof
 -> c comment text, slash, ~star & ~eof
 -> c comment text, star, ~slash & ~eof
 -> c comment text, c comment

c comment
 -> slash, star, c comment text, star, slash

c comment 
 -> c comment body, slash

c comment body
 -> c comment text, star
 -> c comment body, star

c comment text
 -> slash, star
 -> c comment text, ~star & ~slash & ~eof 
 -> c comment text, slash, ~star & ~eof 
 -> c comment body, ~star & ~slash & ~eof

c comment text, c comment
 -> c comment text, c comment

c literal string
 -> dquote
 -> c literal string, c literal elem
 -> c literal string, squote
 -> c literal string, backslash, anything

c literal char
 -> squote
 -> c literal char, c literal elem
 -> c literal char, dquote
 -> c literal char, backslash, anything