view cgbigen/cgbigen.syn @ 21:1c9dac05d040

Add lint-style FALLTHROUGH annotations to fallthrough cases. (in the parse engine and thus the output code) Document this, because the old output causes warnings with gcc10.
author David A. Holland
date Mon, 13 Jun 2022 00:04:38 -0400
parents 13d2b8934445
line wrap: on
line source

 * AnaGram, a System for Syntax Directed Programming
 * Copyright 1993 Parsifal Software. All Rights Reserved.
 * Copyright 2006 David A. Holland. All Rights Reserved.
 * See the file COPYING for license and usage terms.
 * cgbigen.syn - Syntax for CG source file (cg46.cgs)
 *               Generates cg46.h.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>


static FILE *infile, *outfile;
#define GET_INPUT  ((PCB).input_code = getc(infile))

#define TEMPFILE ".cgstemp"


#define STRBUFSIZE 32768
static char strbuf[STRBUFSIZE];
static size_t strbufpos = 0;

static void addstr(int ch) {
  if (strbufpos >= sizeof(strbuf)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "compile-cgs: string buffer overflow; make it larger\n");
  strbuf[strbufpos++] = ch;

static const char *getstr(void) {
  strbufpos = 0;
  return strbuf;


/* remove a character from strbuf[] */
static void strsnip(size_t pos) {
  assert(pos < strbufpos);
  memmove(strbuf+pos, strbuf+pos+1, strbufpos);

/* munge newlines in strbuf[]. for exact regression test compliance. */
static void fudgenewlines(void) {
  while (strbufpos > 0 && strbuf[0] == '\n') {
  while (strbufpos > 1 && 
	 strbuf[strbufpos-1] == '\n' && 
	 strbuf[strbufpos-2] == '\n') {


static void emitstring(const char *s) {
  size_t i, len;
  unsigned pos = 0;

  len = strlen(s);
  if (len==0) {
    fprintf(outfile, "  \"\"\n");

  for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
    if (pos==0) {
      fprintf(outfile, "  \"");
    switch (s[i]) {
      case '\r': if (pos==0) pos++; continue;
      case '\n': fputs("\\n", outfile); pos+=3; break;
      case '?': fputs("\\077", outfile); pos+=4; break;
      case '"': fputs("\\\"", outfile); pos+=4; break;
      case '\\': fputs("\\\\", outfile); pos+=4; break;
        if (s[i]>=32 && s[i]<127) {
	  fputc(s[i], outfile);
        else {
          fprintf(outfile, "\\%03o", (unsigned)(unsigned char)s[i]);
    if (pos>=72) {
      fprintf(outfile, "\"\n");
      pos = 0;
  if (pos>0) {
    fprintf(outfile, "\"\n");


static unsigned bodynum = 0, titlenum = 0;
static int havetitle = 0;

static void emitbody(const char *s) {
  unsigned num;

  num = bodynum;
  bodynum = titlenum;
  havetitle = 0;

  fprintf(outfile, "static const char cgbody_%u[] =\n", num);
  fprintf(outfile, ";\n");

static void emittitle(const char *s) {
  unsigned num;

  num = titlenum++;
  if (havetitle) {
    fprintf(outfile, "#define cgbody_%u cgbody_%u\n", num, bodynum);
  else {
    havetitle = 1;

  fprintf(outfile, "static const char cgtitle_%u[] =\n", num);
  fprintf(outfile, ";\n");

static void emittable(void) {
  unsigned i;

  assert(bodynum == titlenum);

  fprintf(outfile, "struct cgentry {\n");
  fprintf(outfile, "  const char *name;\n");
  fprintf(outfile, "  const char *data;\n");
  fprintf(outfile, "};\n\n");

  fprintf(outfile, "static const unsigned cgtablenum = %u;\n", bodynum);
  fprintf(outfile, "static struct cgentry cgtable[%u] = {\n", bodynum);
  for (i=0; i<bodynum; i++) {
    fprintf(outfile, "  { cgtitle_%u, cgbody_%u },\n", i, i);
  fprintf(outfile, "};\n\n");


static void compile(const char *inpath, const char *outpath) {
  infile = fopen(inpath, "rt");
  if (!infile) {
    fprintf(stderr, "compile-cgs: %s: %s\n", inpath, strerror(errno));

  outfile = fopen(TEMPFILE, "wt");
  if (!outfile) {
    fprintf(stderr, "compile-cgs: %s: %s\n", TEMPFILE, strerror(errno));

  fprintf(outfile, "/* Automatically generated; do not edit */\n\n");

  if (PCB.exit_flag != AG_SUCCESS_CODE) {



  rename(TEMPFILE, outpath);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  if (argc != 3) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: compile-cgs input-file output-file\n");

  compile(argv[1], argv[2]);
  return 0;


  default token type = void
  //error trace
  line numbers
  line numbers path = "cgbigen.syn"

eof = -1
range = 0..255
blank = ' ' + '\t'
cr = '\r'
nl = '\n'
textchar = range - cr - nl
namechar = textchar - blank - ';' - ','


(void) file $
 -> blank lines?, block..., eof

(void) block
 -> title line,
    body line?...,
    "##", blank lines? = fudgenewlines(), emitbody(getstr());

(void) title line
 -> titles, comment?, newline


(void) titles
 -> title
 -> titles, ',', blank?..., [comment?, newline, blank?...], title

(void) title
 -> name, blank?...  = emittitle(getstr());

(void) name
 -> namechar:c                      = addstr(c);
 -> name, namechar:c                = addstr(c);
 -> name, blank..., namechar:c      = addstr(' '), addstr(c);


(void) body line
 -> newline                   = addstr('\n');
 -> text, newline             = addstr('\n');

(void) text
 -> textchar:c       = addstr(c);
 -> text, textchar:c = addstr(c);


(void) comment
 -> {';' | "//"}, textchar...

(void) newline
 -> cr?, nl

(void) blank lines
 -> blank line...

(void) blank line
 -> blank?..., newline