diff tests/agcl/oldagsrc/y2ag.syn @ 0:13d2b8934445

Import AnaGram (near-)release tree into Mercurial.
author David A. Holland
date Sat, 22 Dec 2007 17:52:45 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/agcl/oldagsrc/y2ag.syn	Sat Dec 22 17:52:45 2007 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+YACC to AnaGram converter.
+Copyright (c) Jerome T. Holland, 1993
+All Rights Reserved.
+Converts YACC files to AnaGram, attempting to preserve comments.
+Does not convert semantic actions.
+  line numbers
+  nest comments
+  parser file name = "#.cpp"
+  parser name = y2ag
+  sticky { name}
+ Character Set Definitions
+anything        = ~eof
+backslash       = '\\'
+c literal elem  = ~(single quote + double quote + backslash + eof)
+digit           = '0-9'
+dot             = '.'
+double quote    = '"'
+eof             =  -1 + 0 + 26
+escapes         = 'n' + 'r' + 'b' + 't' + 'f'
+letter          = 'a-z' + 'A-Z' + '_'
+printing char   = 33..126
+simple c char   = ~('$' + '{' + '}' + single quote + double quote + eof)
+single quote    = '\''
+ YACC file specification
+ -> elc?,
+    definition block,
+    mark, elc?,
+    c code block?,
+    rule section,
+    tail, eof
+mark = "%%"
+definition block
+ -> definitions      ={if (size(config))
+                         out << "\n[\n" << (char *) config << "]\n";}
+ White space definitions
+ -> ' ' + '\t' + '\v' + '\f' + '\r' + '\n'
+ -> comment
+ -> comment text, "*/"                      =comments << "*/";
+comment text
+ -> "/*"                                    =comments << "/*";
+ -> comment text, anything:x                =comments << x;
+ -> '\n' + '\v' + '\f', comment?        =reset(white),out << '\n',dump_comments("", "");
+ -> ' ' + '\t', comment?                =reset(white), dump_comments("\t", "");
+ -> comment                             =reset(white), dump_comments("", "");
+ -> elc, '\n' + '\v' + '\f', comment?   =out << '\n', dump_comments("", "");
+ -> elc, ' ' + '\t', comment?           =dump_comments("\t", "");
+ -> '\n' + '\v' + '\f':c, comment?      =reset(white), dump_comments("", "");
+ -> ' ' + '\t':c, comment?              =reset(white) << c,dump_comments("", "");
+ -> comment                             =reset(white),dump_comments("", "");
+ -> blc, '\n' + '\v' + '\f':c, comment? =dump_comments("\t", "");
+ -> blc, ' ' + '\t':c, comment?         =white << c, dump_comments("", "");
+ -> '\n' + '\v' + '\f':c, comment?      =reset(white),out << cs, cs = "", dump_comments("", "");
+ -> ' ' + '\t':c, comment?              =reset(white) << c,dump_comments("", "");
+ -> comment                             =reset(white),dump_comments("", "");
+ -> clc, '\n' + '\v' + '\f':c, comment? =out << cs, cs = "",dump_comments("", "");
+ -> clc, ' ' + '\t':c, comment?         =white << c, dump_comments("", "");
+ Definition statements
+ ->
+ -> definitions, definition                 =dump_comments("\n","\n");
+ -> start, identifier, elc? ={
+      out.printf("[ grammar token = %s ]\n",(char *) name);
+      grammar_tag = "";
+    }
+ -> union, union text, elc?
+ -> c code block
+ -> token, print token list, elc?      =out << '\n';
+ -> left, print prec list, blc?       =config << "}\n";
+ -> right, print prec list, blc?      =config << "}\n";
+ -> nonassoc, print prec list, blc?   =config << "}\n";
+ -> type, type name, print token list,
+     elc?                              =out << '\n';
+ -> expect statement, elc?             =out << '\n';
+union text
+ -> '{', decl, '}'
+ -> {decl name | decl white | decl star | decl term}/...  =reset(name);
+decl term
+ -> ';' ={
+  int decl_ndx = decl_dict << decl_name;
+  int type_ndx = decl_dict << (char *) type_acc;
+  decl_table[decl_ndx] = type_ndx;
+  reset(type_acc);
+  reset(name);
+  *decl_name = 0;
+ }
+decl name
+ -> name  =type_acc << (char *) decl_name, strcpy(decl_name, name), reset(name);
+decl white
+ -> white...  ={if (*decl_name) type_acc << (char *) decl_name << ' ', *decl_name = 0;}
+decl star
+ -> {'*'  =type_acc << (char *) decl_name << '*', *decl_name = 0;}...
+expect statement
+ -> "%expect", elc?, number:n =out.printf("/* expect %d unresolved conflicts */\n",n);
+ -> {"%left" | "%<"},
+      white?...                             =config << "  left {";
+ -> {"%nonassoc" | "%binary" | "%2"},
+      white?...                             =config << "  nonassoc {";
+ -> {"%right" | "%>"},
+      white?...                             =config << "  right {";
+ -> "%start", white?...
+ -> {"%token" | "%term" | "%0"},
+     white?...
+ -> "%type", white...            // =out << '(';
+type name
+ -> '<', white?..., name, white?...,
+    '>', elc? =out << '(' << decl_dict[decl_table[decl_dict[name]]] << ") ", reset(name);
+ -> "%union", white?...
+print token list
+ -> tag?, identifier                        =out << (char *) name, cs = ", ";
+ -> print token list, elc, identifier  =out << cs << (char *) name;
+ -> print token list, elc?, ',', elc?,
+      identifier                            =out << cs << (char *) name;
+ -> print token list, elc,
+      number:n        =out.printf(" = %d\n",n);
+print prec list
+ -> tag?, identifier                        =config<< (char *) name, cs = ", ";
+ -> print prec list, blc, identifier        =config << cs << (char *) name;
+ -> print prec list, blc?, ',', blc?,
+      identifier                            =config << cs << (char *) name;
+ -> print prec list, blc,
+      number:n                              =config.printf("/* = %d*/",n);
+ -> '<', elc?, identifier, elc?, '>', elc?
+ Syntax to copy C code, watching for character constants, literal strings,
+ comments and nested blocks, and picking up value stack references.
+c code block
+ -> "%{", c text, "%}",
+      white?... =out << "\n{\n" << (char *) c_code << "\n}\n",reset(c_code);
+ -> embedded c
+ -> '=', white?..., embedded c
+embedded c
+ -> '{', c text, '}'
+c text
+ ->                                         =reset(c_code), rvflag = 0;
+ -> c text, c char
+c char           //c char represents the content of embedded c
+ -> simple c char:x      =c_code << x;
+ -> '$'                  =c_code << '$';
+ -> c code comment
+ -> '{', nested c text, '}'                 =c_code << '}';
+ -> '\'', c literal character, '\''
+ ->  literal string, '"'                    =c_code << '"';
+c code comment
+ -> c code comment text, "*/"               =c_code << "*/";
+c code comment text
+ -> "/*"                                    =c_code << "/*";
+ -> c code comment text, anything:x         =c_code << x;
+(int) number
+ -> digit:d                                 =d - '0';
+ -> number:n, digit:d                       =10*n + d - '0';
+[ sticky {number}]
+nested c text
+ ->                                         =c_code << '{';
+ -> nested c text, c char
+c literal character
+ -> 32..176 - '\\' :x                       =c_code << '\'' << x << '\'';
+ -> '\\', octal digits
+octal digits
+ -> '0-7':x                                 =c_code << x;
+ -> octal digits, '0-7':x                   =c_code << x;
+literal string
+  -> '"'                                    =c_code << '"';
+  -> literal string, string character
+string character
+ -> 32..176 - '\\' -'"':x        =c_code << x;
+ -> '\\', 32..176:x              =c_code << '\\' << x;
+ Rules Section
+rule section
+ -> [production, elc?]...
+ -> production head, complete rules, ';'   =output_r();
+production head
+ -> identifier, white?..., ':'  ={
+      out << (char *) name << grammar_tag;
+      grammar_tag = "";
+      cs = "\n -> ";
+      dump_comments("\t","");
+    }
+complete rules
+ -> complete rule
+ -> rule set continuation, complete rule
+rule set continuation
+ -> complete rules, '|'  =output_r(), out << "\n -> ",  cs = "";
+complete rule
+ -> rule
+ -> rule, explicit precedence
+ -> clc?                                =out << cs, cs = "";
+ -> rule name continuation, blc?
+ -> rule literal continuation, blc?
+ -> rule, action, blc?
+rule name continuation
+ -> rule, name        ={
+      output_il();
+      out.printf("%s%s",cs,(char *) name); cs = ", ";
+ }
+rule literal continuation
+ -> rule, literal:x ={
+      char *fmt = "%d";
+      if (isprint(x)) fmt ="'%c'";
+      reset(name).printf(fmt,x);
+      output_il();
+      out.printf("%s%s",cs,(char *) name); cs = ", ";
+    }
+explicit precedence
+ -> explicit precedence head, blc
+ -> explicit precedence head, blc?, action, blc?
+explicit precedence head
+ -> prec, identifier  =out.printf(" /* %prec %s */",(char *) name);
+ -> {"%prec" | "%="}, white?...  =dump_comments("\t","");
+ -> name
+ -> literal:x                     ={
+      char *fmt = "%d";
+      if (isprint(x)) fmt ="'%c'";
+      reset(name).printf(fmt,x);
+    }
+(int) literal
+ -> '\'', literal character:x, '\''         =x;
+ -> '"', literal character:x, '"'           =x;
+(int) literal character
+ -> 32..176 - '\\'
+ -> '\\', 'n' = '\n';
+ -> '\\', 'r' = '\r';
+ -> '\\', 'b' = '\b';
+ -> '\\', 't' = '\b';
+ -> '\\', 'f' = '\v';
+ -> '\\', 32..176 - '0-7' - escapes :x      =x&037;
+ -> '\\', octal number:x                    =x;
+ -> letter+dot:x                            =reset(name) << x;
+ -> name, letter+digit:x                    =name << x;
+ -> name, dot                               =name << ' ';
+(int) octal number
+ -> '0-7':x                                 =x-'0';
+ -> octal number:v, '0-7':x                 =8*v + x-'0';
+ ->
+ -> mark, tail code                         =out << "\n}\n";
+tail code
+ ->                                         =out << "\n{\n";
+ -> tail code, anything:x                   =out << x;
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "charsink.h"
+#include "strdict.h"
+string_accumulator c_code(64000);
+string_accumulator comments(10000);
+string_accumulator name(100);
+string_accumulator white(100);
+string_accumulator config(1000);
+string_accumulator type_acc(100);
+string_dictionary decl_dict(100);
+char decl_name[100] = "";
+int decl_table[100];
+output_file out;
+char *cs;
+char *type_string = "int AG_RTV;\n";
+int rvflag;
+char *grammar_tag = " $";
+void dump_comments(char *ps, char *cs) {
+  if (size(comments) == 0) return;
+  out << (char *) white << ps << (char *) comments << cs;
+  reset(comments);
+void output_r(void) {
+  char *rs = "";
+  char *ts = "";
+  if (size(c_code) == 0) return;
+  out.printf(" ={%s%s%s}", ts,(char *) c_code,rs);
+  reset(c_code);
+void output_il(void) {
+  char *rs = "";
+  char *ts = "";
+  if (size(c_code) == 0) return;
+  out.printf("%s!{\n%s%s%s}", cs, ts, (char *) c_code,rs);
+  reset(c_code);
+  cs = ",\n   ";
+void main(void) {
+  y2ag();
+}                                           // End of Embedded C