diff tests/agcl/oldagsrc/pgg24b.syn @ 0:13d2b8934445

Import AnaGram (near-)release tree into Mercurial.
author David A. Holland
date Sat, 22 Dec 2007 17:52:45 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/agcl/oldagsrc/pgg24b.syn	Sat Dec 22 17:52:45 2007 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,919 @@
+   AnaGram Syntax Analyzer.
+   Copyright (c) Jerome T. Holland, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992
+   All Rights Reserved.
+  #include HEADERS
+  #include STDLIB
+  #include STDIO
+  #include STRING
+  #include DATA
+  #include TREES
+  #include STK
+  #include CTYPE
+	#include ASSERT
+  #include PGG
+  #include MYALLOC
+  #include UT
+  auto resynch
+  context type = cint
+  default reductions
+ ~declare pcb
+  diagnose errors
+//  far tables
+//	enum constant name = "pgg_%_token"
+    lines and columns
+    error frame
+//  line numbers
+ ~allow macros
+  nest comments
+  parser stack size = 128
+  pointer input
+//  rule coverage
+ ~test range
+  token names
+  parser name = pgg
+  test file mask = "*.syn"
+  distinguish keywords {'.'}
+//  coverage file name = "e:\\agc\\pgg24.nrc"
+//  near functions
+  parser file name = "#.cpp"
+any digit      = digit + hex letter
+anything       = ~eof
+backslash      = '\\'
+blank char     = ' ' + tab
+c literal elem = ~(single quote + double quote + eol chars + backslash + eof)
+digit          = '0-9'
+double quote   = '"'
+eof            = 0 + 26
+eol chars      = carriage return + newline
+hex letter     = 'a-f' + 'A-F'
+letter         = 'a-z' + 'A-Z' + '_'
+newline        = '\n'
+nonoctal digit = any digit - octal digit
+octal digit    = '0-7'
+carriage return= '\r'
+simple c char  = ~('{' + '}' + single quote + double quote + eof)
+simple string char = ~eof - (any digit + double quote + backslash + eol chars)
+single quote   = '\''
+tab            = '\t'
+vertical space = '\f' + '\v'
+ -> "->", blank?...
+ -> ',', space?
+ -> "...", blank?...
+ -> '=', space?            =n_statements++;
+ -> '!', space?            =n_statements++;
+left brace
+ -> '{', space?
+left bracket
+ -> '[', space?
+left parenthesis
+ -> '(', space?
+ -> '-', space?
+ -> '+', space?
+right bracket
+ -> ']', blank?...
+right brace
+ -> '}', blank?...
+right parenthesis
+ -> ')', blank?...
+right quote
+ -> single quote, blank?...
+ -> '~', space?
+vertical bar
+ -> '|', space?
+(void) syntax definition $
+ -> blank?..., end of line?, [complete statement..., statement?], eof
+(void) complete statement
+ -> production:t, end of line      =production(t);
+ -> simple statement, end of line  =n_statements++;
+(void) statement
+ -> production:t                   =production(t);
+ -> simple statement               =n_statements++;
+(int) production
+ -> left hand side:type                                   =iws(),type;
+ -> left hand side, right hand side
+ -> production:type, end of line, right hand side  =concat_list(),type;
+ -> production, end of line, additional rule spec...
+(void) right hand side
+ -> arrow, rule specs
+(void) simple statement
+ -> definition
+ -> embedded c
+ -> configuration section
+(int) left hand side
+ -> token name list                       =n_statements++, 0;
+ -> type definition:d, token name list    =n_statements++, head_list_3(d);
+(void) token name list            //left hand side of productions
+ -> token name:x                          =sws(head_list_2(x));
+ -> token name list, comma, token name:x  =aws(head_list_2(x));
+(int) token name
+ -> name                                  =0;
+ -> name, '$', blank?...                  =1;
+(int) type definition
+ -> left parenthesis, data type, ')', space?    =ids(cast_dict),fis();
+ -> error, ')'
+(void) proper vp rule specs
+ -> vp rule spec:n                              =sws(n);
+ -> proper vp rule specs, additional vp rule spec
+(void) additional vp rule spec
+ -> vertical bar, vp rule spec:n                =aws(n);
+(void) vp rule specs
+ -> reduction procedure:pn                     =sws((iws(),vp_form3(pn)));
+ -> vp rule specs, additional vp rule spec
+(void) vp rules
+ -> vp rule specs | proper vp rule specs
+(int) vp rule spec
+ -> grammar rule, reduction procedure:s        =vp_form3(s);
+(void) rule specs
+ -> reduction procedure:n                      =sws(form_spec_2(form1(),n));
+ -> rule spec:n                           =sws(n);
+ -> rule specs, additional rule spec
+(void) additional rule spec
+ -> vertical bar, rule spec:n             =aws(n);
+(int) rule spec
+ -> grammar rule, reduction procedure:s        =form_spec_2(form2(),s);
+(void) grammar rule
+ -> rule element:e, parameter name:p      =iws(),pf2x(e,p);
+ -> grammar rule, comma,
+    rule element:e, parameter name:p      =pf2x(e,p);
+ -> grammar rule head,
+    rule element:e, parameter name:p      =pf2x(e,p);
+grammar rule head
+ -> grammar rule, comma
+(int) reduction procedure
+ ->                                       =0;
+ -> equals, embedded c                    =proc_spec_4(0);
+ -> equals, c expression, ';', blank?...  =proc_spec_4(1);
+(void) data type
+ -> type name
+ -> type name, template field
+ -> type name, template field?, abstract declarator  =concat_string();
+(void) type name
+ -> name
+ -> "::", !sss("::");, blank?..., name      =concat_string();
+ -> type name, "::", !ass("::");, blank?..., name      =concat_string();
+(void) abstract declarator
+ -> indirect data type
+ -> direct abstract declarator
+ -> indirect data type, direct abstract declarator  =concat_string();
+(void) template field
+// -> {'<', blank?... = acs('<');}, data type, '>', blank?... =acs('>'), concat_string();
+ -> template field head, data type, '>', blank?... =acs('>'), concat_string();
+template field head
+ -> '<', blank?...    = acs('<');
+ -> template field head, data type, ',', blank?... =acs(','), concat_string();
+(void) direct abstract declarator
+ -> {left parenthesis =scs('(');}, abstract declarator,
+     right parenthesis =concat_string(), acs(')');
+(void) star
+ -> '*', blank?...                           =sss(" *");
+(void) pointer
+ -> star
+ -> star, name                               =concat_string();
+(void) indirect data type
+ -> pointer
+ -> indirect data type, pointer              =concat_string();
+(void) name string
+ -> letter:c  =scs(c);
+ -> name string, letter + digit :c           =acs(c);
+ -> name string, blank..., letter + digit :c =acs(' '), acs(c);
+(void) enum fix
+ -> "enum", blank..., letter + digit : c      =sss("enum "), acs(c);
+ -> enum fix, letter + digit:c                =acs(c);
+ -> enum fix, blank..., letter + digit:c      =acs(' '), acs(c);
+(void) name
+ -> name string, blank?...
+(void) blank
+ -> blank char
+ -> c comment
+(void) space
+ -> blank...
+ -> blank..., continuation
+ -> continuation
+(void) continuation
+ -> comment, next line
+ -> next line
+(void) next line
+ -> carriage return?, newline
+ -> carriage return?, newline, blank...
+(void) white
+ -> blank
+ -> carriage return?, newline
+ -> comment, carriage return?, newline
+(void) end of line
+ -> comment, carriage return?, newline
+ -> carriage return?, newline
+ -> end of line, white
+ -> end of line, vertical space //form feed
+(void) comment
+ -> "//", ~eol chars & ~eof?...
+(int) character
+ -> signed number
+ -> '^', 33..126:x, blank?...               =x & 0x1f;
+(int) quoted character
+ -> single quote, char const:c, right quote =(character_seen=1),c;
+(CharSetExpression *) character
+ -> signed number:n                         =new IndividualCode(n);
+ -> '^', 33..126:x, blank?...               =new IndividualCode(x & 0x1f);
+ -> single quote, char const:c, right quote =(character_seen=1),new IndividualChar(c);
+(int) signed number
+ -> sign:s, simple number:n, blank?...      =s*n;
+(int) sign
+ -> plus?                                   =1;
+ -> minus                                   =-1;
+(int) simple number
+ -> decimal number
+ -> '0', octal number:n                     =n;
+ -> {"0x" | "0X"}, hex number:n             =n;
+(int) decimal number
+ -> '1-9':d                        =d - '0';
+ -> decimal number:n, '0-9':d      =10*n + d - '0';
+(int) octal number
+ ->                                =0;
+ -> octal number:n, '0-7':d        =8*n + d - '0';
+(int) hex number
+ -> hex digit:d                    =d;
+ -> hex number:n, hex digit:d      =16*n + d;
+(int) hex digit
+ -> '0-9':d                        =d-'0';
+ -> 'a-f' + 'A-F':d                =(d&7)+9;
+(int) rule element
+ -> token
+ -> mid rule action:p              =vp_8a(p);
+(int) token
+ -> union:n                        =form_element_1(n);
+ -> virtual production
+(node) union
+ -> intersection
+ -> union:u, plus, intersection:i            =make_or_node(u,i);
+ -> union:u, minus, intersection:i           =make_minus_node(u,i);
+(node) intersection
+ -> negation
+ -> intersection:i, '&', space?, negation:n  =make_and_node(i,n);
+(node) negation
+ -> simple set
+ -> tilde, negation:n                        =make_tilde_node(n);
+(CharSetExpression *) union
+ -> intersection
+ -> union:u, plus, intersection:i            =new CharSetUnion(u,i);
+ -> union:u, minus, intersection:i           =new CharSetDifference(u,i);
+(CharSetExpression *) intersection
+ -> negation
+ -> intersection:i, '&', space?, negation:n  =new CharSetIntersection(i,n);
+(CharSetExpression *) negation
+ -> simple set
+ -> tilde, negation:n                        =new CharSetComplement(n);
+(int) char const
+ -> anything -(single quote + backslash + eol chars):c =
+     case_sensitive ? (c) : toupper(c);
+ -> escape sequence
+ -> octal escape
+ -> three octal
+ -> hex escape
+(node) simple set
+ -> character range                =ss3();
+ -> character:n                    =ss1(n); //=ss4(n);
+ -> name                           =ss2();
+ -> left parenthesis, union:x,
+    right parenthesis              =x;
+(void) character range
+ -> single quote, char const:l, '-', char const:r, right quote  =
+    (character_seen=1),range(l,r);
+ -> character:l, "..", space?, character:r        =range(l,r);
+(CharSetExpression *) simple set
+ -> character range
+ -> character:c                    =new IndividualCode(c);
+ -> quoted character:c             =new IndividualChar(c);
+ -> name                           =ss2();
+ -> left parenthesis, union:x,
+    right parenthesis              =x;
+(CharSetExpression *) character range
+ -> single quote, char const:l, '-',
+      char const:r, right quote            =(character_seen=1),new CharRange(l,r);
+ -> character:l, "..", space?, character:r        =new CodeRange(l,r);
+(void) definition
+ -> name, equals, union:n              =definition_1(n);
+ -> name, equals, virtual production:p =definition_2(p);
+ -> name, equals, mid rule action:p    =definition_2(vp_8a(p));
+(void) enum definition
+ -> name                              =definition_3(enum_base++);
+ -> name, equals, character:n         =definition_3(enum_base = n), enum_base++;
+ -> name, equals, quoted character:n  =definition_3(enum_base = n), enum_base++;
+(void) enum statement
+ -> "enum", space, left brace, enum definition
+ -> enum statement, comma, enum definition
+(void) keyword string
+ -> keyword string head, string, double quote, blank?...
+(void) string
+ -> string A | string B | string C
+(void) keyword string head
+ -> double quote =ics();
+(int) string char
+ -> simple string char
+ -> escape sequence
+ -> three octal:n =null_warning(n);
+(int) escape sequence
+ -> "\\a"               ='\a';
+ -> "\\b"               ='\b';
+ -> "\\f"               ='\f';
+ -> "\\n"               ='\n';
+ -> "\\r"               ='\r';
+ -> "\\t"               ='\t';
+ -> "\\v"               ='\v';
+ -> "\\\\"              ='\\';
+ -> "\\?"               = '\?';
+ -> "\\'"               ='\'';
+ -> "\\\""              ='"';
+  int null_warning(int n) {
+    extern void warning_here(const char *,...);
+    if (n == 0) warning_here("Null character in keyword string");
+    return n;
+  }
+(int) one octal
+ -> backslash, '0-7':n                      =n&7;
+(int) two octal
+ -> one octal:n, '0-7':d                    =n*8 + (d&7);
+(int) three octal
+ -> two octal:n, '0-7':d                    =n*8 + (d&7);
+(int) octal escape
+ -> one octal | two octal
+(int) hex escape
+ -> "\\x", hex number:x                     =x;
+(void) string A
+ -> string char:c               =acs(c);
+ -> any digit:c                 =acs(c);
+ -> string, string char:c       =acs(c);
+ -> string A, any digit:c       =acs(c);
+ -> string B, nonoctal digit:c  =acs(c);
+(void) string B
+ -> octal escape:c             =acs(null_warning(c));
+ -> string, octal escape:c     =acs(null_warning(c));
+(void) string C
+ -> hex escape:c               =acs(null_warning(c));
+ -> string, hex escape:c       =acs(null_warning(c));
+(int) parameter name
+ ->                            =0;
+ -> ':', space?, c name        =ids(cvar_dict),fis();
+(void) simple name
+ -> letter:c                      =scs(c);
+ -> simple name, letter + digit:c =acs(c);
+(void) c name
+ -> simple name, blank?...
+(void) configuration section
+// -> '[', blank?..., [global parameter | end of line]/..., right bracket
+ -> '[', configuration parameters, right bracket
+(void) configuration parameters
+ -> blank?..., end of line?, [configuration parameter list, end of line?]
+(void) configuration parameter list
+ -> configuration parameter
+ -> configuration parameter list, end of line, configuration parameter
+(void) configuration parameter
+ -> name                             =gp4(1);
+ -> tilde, name                      =gp4(0);
+ -> name, equals, data type          =gp2();
+ -> name, equals, keyword string     =gp3();
+ -> enum fix, blank?..., equals, keyword string =gp3();
+ -> name, equals, signed number:n    =gp5(n);
+ -> attribute statement
+ -> "distinguish", blank..., "lexemes", blank?... =
+       sss("distinguish_lexemes"), gp4(1);
+ -> keyword kluge, name             =concat_string(), gp4(1);
+keyword kluge
+ -> "distinguish", blank...         =sss("distinguish_");
+(void) attribute statement
+ -> "left", token list               =set_prec(1,0);
+ -> "right", token list              =set_prec(0,1);
+ -> "nonassoc", token list           =set_prec(0,0);
+ -> "sticky", token list             =set_sticky();
+ -> "subgrammar", token list         =set_subgrammar();
+ -> "hidden", token list                         =set_hidden();
+ -> new reserve statement, list end              //=new_reserve();
+ -> enum statement, list end
+ -> "disregard", blank..., token:t               =disregard(t);
+ -> "lexeme", token list                         =set_lexeme();
+ -> "reserve", blank..., "keywords", token list  =set_reserved_words();
+ -> "rename", blank..., "macro",blank...,
+     macro name:oldName, blank..., macro name:newName    =at(rename_macro_list,oldName,newName);
+(int) macro name
+ -> letter                                       =(PCB).pointer-input_base-1;
+ -> macro name, letter + digit
+list end
+ -> [comma | continuation], right brace
+(void) new reserve statement
+ -> "distinguish", blank..., "keywords", blank..., left brace,
+      union:n                              =distinguishSets.push(identify_node(n));
+//      union:n                              =init_reserve(identify_node(n));
+ -> new reserve statement, comma, union:n  =distinguishSets.push(identify_node(n));
+// -> new reserve statement, comma, union:n  =aws(identify_node(n));
+(void) token list
+ -> blank..., left brace, tokens, list end
+(void) tokens
+ -> token:t                             =sws(t);
+ -> tokens, comma, token:t              =aws(t);
+(int) virtual production
+ -> keyword string                                        =vp_s();
+ -> keyword string, '?', blank?...                        =vp_5(vp_s());
+ -> left brace, vp rules, right brace                     =vp_1();
+ -> left brace, vp rules, "}...", blank?...               =vp_2();
+ -> left bracket, proper vp rule specs, right bracket     =vp_3();
+ -> left bracket, proper vp rule specs, "]...", blank?... =vp_4();
+ -> union:n, '?', blank?...                          =vp_5(form_element_1(n));
+ -> union:n, "?...", blank?...                       =vp_6(form_element_1(n));
+ -> union:n, ellipsis                                =vp_7(form_element_1(n));
+ -> left brace, proper vp rule specs, "}/...", blank?...   =vp_9();
+ -> left bracket, proper vp rule specs, "]/...", blank?... =vp_10();
+(int) mid rule action
+ -> bang, embedded c                    =mid_line(proc_spec_4(0));
+ -> bang, c expression, ';', blank?...  =mid_line(proc_spec_4(1));
+(void) embedded c
+ -> embedded c head, c code, right brace
+(void) embedded c head
+ -> '{', [carriage return?, newline]...           =copyon();
+(void) c code
+ ->                                      =copyoff();
+ -> c code first, c text                 =copyoff();
+(void) c code first
+ -> simple c char - eol chars
+ -> c comment
+ -> comment, carriage return?, newline
+ -> c character constant, single quote
+ -> c string constant, double quote
+(void) c text
+ ->
+ -> c text, c char
+(void) c char             //c char represents the content of embedded c
+ -> simple c char
+ -> '{', c text, '}'
+ -> c comment
+ -> comment, carriage return?, newline
+ -> c character constant, single quote
+ -> c string constant, double quote
+(void) c expression head
+ -> =copyon();
+(void) c expression
+ -> c expression head, c chars                     =copyoff();
+(void) c chars
+ -> c expression char
+ -> c chars, c expression char
+ -> c chars, blank
+(void) c expression char //c char represents the content of embedded C
+ -> simple c char - ';' - eol chars - blank char
+ -> "\\\n"
+ -> c character constant, single quote
+ -> c string constant, double quote
+(void) c comment
+ -> c comment head, "*/"
+(void) c comment head
+ -> "/*"
+ -> c comment head, ~eof
+(void) c comment, c comment head
+ -> c comment head, c comment =
+    {if (nest_comments) PCB.reduction_token = pgg_c_comment_head_token;}
+(void) c string constant
+ -> double quote, [c literal elem | single quote | backslash, anything]...
+(void) c character constant
+ -> single quote, [c literal elem | double quote | backslash, anything]...
+  hidden {
+    arrow, comma, ellipsis, equals, left brace,
+    left bracket, left parenthesis, minus, plus, right bracket,
+    list end,
+    right brace, right parenthesis, right quote, star, tilde,
+    vertical bar, simple statement, token name,
+    rule spec, pointer, indirect data type, name string,
+    blank, space, next line, white, end of line, sign, simple number,
+    simple set, one octal, two octal, three octal,
+    string A, string B, string C,
+    simple name, c text, c char, c chars, c expression char,
+    c expression head,
+    c comment head,
+    c code, c name,
+    bang,
+    complete statement,
+    rule specs, vp rule specs, additional rule spec,
+    data type, template field, abstract declarator,
+    direct abstract declarator, pointer,
+    name string, proper vp rule specs, additional vp rule spec,
+    new reserve statement, anything, union, intersection, negation,
+    grammar rule head, enum fix
+  }
+pgg_pcb_type pgcb;
+#define PCB pgcb
+#define PARSER_STACK_OVERFLOW parse_stack_overflow()
+#define SYNTAX_ERROR log_syntax_error()
+#define GET_CONTEXT CONTEXT.y = PCB.line, CONTEXT.x = PCB.column;
+#define REDUCTION_TOKEN_ERROR reduction_token_error()
+int save_case_sensitive;
+void reduction_token_error(void) {
+	assert(0);
+extern tsd *rename_macro_list;
+extern int parse_abort_flag;
+void log_error_location(int, int);
+void log_error(void);
+void show_error(void);
+void parse_stack_overflow(void) {
+  int eline = PCB.line, ecol = PCB.column;
+  reset_stk();
+  log_error_location(ecol,eline);
+  ass("Nesting too deep");
+  log_error();
+  sss("Syntax Analysis aborted");
+  show_error();
+  parse_abort_flag = 1;
+extern string_dict   *cast_dict;
+extern int            character_seen;
+extern int            enum_base;
+extern unsigned char *input_base;
+extern int            nest_comments;
+extern int            precedence_level;
+extern int            syntax_error_flag;
+extern int            case_sensitive;
+extern int            n_statements;
+       void log_error_location(int,int);
+       void log_error_here(void);
+       void log_error(void);
+       //node make_or_node(node,node);
+       //node make_and_node(node,node);
+       //node make_minus_node(node,node);
+       //node make_tilde_node(node);
+       //node ss1(int);
+       //node ss2(void);
+       CharSetExpression *ss2(void);
+       //node ss3(void);
+       void acs(int);
+       void aws(int);
+       void atkn(unsigned);
+       void copyoff(void);
+       void copyon(void);
+       //void definition_1(node);
+       void definition_1(CharSetExpression *);
+       void definition_2(int);
+       void definition_3(int);
+       //int  form_element_1(node);
+       int  form_element_1(CharSetExpression *);
+       int  form_spec_2(int, int);
+       int  form1(void);
+       int  form2(void);
+       void gp2(void);
+       void gp3(void);
+       void gp4(int);
+       void gp5(int);
+       int  head_list_1(int);
+       int  head_list_2(int);
+static int head_list_3(int);
+       void ics(void);
+       //int  identify_node(node);
+       int  identify_node(CharSetExpression *);
+       //void init_reserve(int);
+       void iws(void);
+       int  mid_line(int);
+       int  new_cast_spec_1(void);
+       int  new_cast_spec_2(void);
+       //void new_reserve(void);
+       int  null_warning(int);
+/*       void pf2(int, int, int); */
+       void pf2x(int, int);
+       int  pr3(int);
+       int  pr4(int);
+       int  proc_spec_4(int);
+       int  proc_spec_5(void);
+       void production(int);
+       void range(int, int);
+       void scs(int);
+static void set_prec(int,int);
+       void suppress(void);
+       void suppress_all(void);
+       void suppress_except(void);
+       void suppress_initial(void);
+       void sws(int);
+       void tp4(int);
+       int vp_form3(int);
+       int vp_s(void);
+       int vp_1(void);
+       int vp_2(void);
+       int vp_3(void);
+       int vp_4(void);
+       int vp_5(int);
+       int vp_6(int);
+       int vp_7(int);
+       int vp_8(int);
+       int vp_8a(int);
+       int vp_9(void);
+       int vp_10(void);
+static int reserve(int pt) {
+  int key = map_token_number[vp_s()].key;
+  map_key_word[key].reserve = pt;
+  return pt;
+static void anomalous(void) {
+  map_token_number[vp_s()].anomalous = 1;
+int *disregard_list = NULL;
+int n_disregard_list = 0;
+static void disregard(int tn) {
+  iws();
+  if (n_disregard_list) {
+    int *p = disregard_list;
+    while (n_disregard_list--) aws(*p++);
+    free(disregard_list);
+  }
+  xws(tn);
+  disregard_list = build_list();
+  n_disregard_list = fis();
+extern tsd *syntax_errors;
+static void log_syntax_error(void) {
+  int eline = PCB.line, ecol = PCB.column;
+  int flag = PCB.error_frame_token == pgg_c_comment_token ||
+             PCB.error_frame_token == pgg_embedded_c_token;
+  reset_stk();
+  if (flag && PCB.token_number == pgg_eof_token) {
+    eline = ERROR_CONTEXT.y;
+    ecol = ERROR_CONTEXT.x;
+  }
+  log_error_location(ecol,eline);
+  apprintf("%s in %s",
+    PCB.error_message,pgg_token_names[PCB.error_frame_token]);
+  log_error();
+  syntax_error_flag++;
+	if (syntax_errors->nt < 50) return;
+	sss("Too many syntax errors, parse aborted");
+	log_error();
+static int head_list_3(int type)   {
+  int i, n = tis();
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i ++) {
+    int tn = list_base[i];
+    token_number_map *tp = &map_token_number[tn];
+    int ptt = tp->value_type;
+    if (ptt && ptt != type) {
+      log_error_here();
+      apprintf("Type Redefinition of T%03d: ", tn);
+        atkn(tn);
+      log_error();
+    }
+    tp->value_type = type;
+    if (ptt == 0 && tp->rp_arg && type == void_token_type)  {
+      log_error_here();
+      apprintf("Void token, %s, used as parameter",
+          dict_str(tkn_dict,tp->token_name));
+      log_error();
+    }
+  }
+  return type;
+static void set_prec(int left, int right){
+  int n = tis();
+  precedence_level++;
+  while (n--) {
+    int k = list_base[n];
+    token_number_map *tp = &map_token_number[k];
+    tp->left_associative = left;
+    tp->right_associative = right;
+    tp->precedence_level = precedence_level;
+  }
+  rws();
+static void set_sticky(void){
+  int n = tis();
+  while (n--) {
+    int k = list_base[n];
+    token_number_map *tp = &map_token_number[k];
+    tp->sticky = 1;
+  }
+  rws();
+static void set_subgrammar(void){
+  int n = tis();
+  while (n--) {
+    int k = list_base[n];
+    token_number_map *tp = &map_token_number[k];
+    tp->subgrammar = 1;
+  }
+  rws();
+void set_hidden(void) {
+  int *lb = list_base;
+  int n = tis();
+  while (n--) map_token_number[*lb++].fine_structure = 1;
+  rws();
+void set_lexeme(void) {
+  int n = tis();
+  while (n--) {
+    token_number_map *tp = &map_token_number[list_base[n]];
+/*    tp->lexeme = tp->subgrammar = 1; */
+    tp->lexeme = 1;
+  }
+  rws();
+void set_reserved_words(void) {
+  int n = tis();
+  while (n--) {
+    token_number_map *tp = &map_token_number[list_base[n]];
+    tp->reserved_word = 1;
+  }
+  rws();
+void parse(void) {
+  pgcb.pointer = input_base;
+  pgg();