diff examples/mpp/jrc.syn @ 0:13d2b8934445

Import AnaGram (near-)release tree into Mercurial.
author David A. Holland
date Sat, 22 Dec 2007 17:52:45 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/mpp/jrc.syn	Sat Dec 22 17:52:45 2007 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
+    Copyright (C) 1989,1990 James A. Roskind, All rights reserved.
+    This grammar was developed  and  written  by  James  A.  Roskind.
+    Copying  of  this  grammar  description, as a whole, is permitted
+    providing this notice is intact and applicable  in  all  complete
+    copies.   Translations as a whole to other parser generator input
+    languages  (or  grammar  description  languages)   is   permitted
+    provided  that  this  notice is intact and applicable in all such
+    copies,  along  with  a  disclaimer  that  the  contents  are   a
+    translation.   The reproduction of derived text, such as modified
+    versions of this grammar, or the output of parser generators,  is
+    permitted,  provided  the  resulting  work includes the copyright
+    notice "Portions Copyright (c)  1989,  1990  James  A.  Roskind".
+    Derived products, such as compilers, translators, browsers, etc.,
+    that  use  this  grammar,  must also provide the notice "Portions
+    Copyright  (c)  1989,  1990  James  A.  Roskind"  in   a   manner
+    appropriate  to  the  utility,  and in keeping with copyright law
+    (e.g.: EITHER displayed when first invoked/executed; OR displayed
+    continuously on display terminal; OR via placement in the  object
+    code  in  form  readable in a printout, with or near the title of
+    the work, or at the end of the file).  No royalties, licenses  or
+    commissions  of  any  kind are required to copy this grammar, its
+    translations, or derivative products, when the copies are made in
+    compliance with this notice. Persons or corporations that do make
+    copies in compliance with this notice may charge  whatever  price
+    is  agreeable  to  a  buyer, for such copies or derivative works.
+    James A. Roskind
+    Independent Consultant
+    516 Latania Palm Drive
+    Indialantic FL, 32903
+    (407)729-4348
+    jar@ileaf.com
+    or ...!uunet!leafusa!jar
+ ******************************************************************************
+ Translation to AnaGram and Interfacing
+ Copyright 1993 Parsifal Software. All rights reserved.
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+ arising from the use of this software.
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+    appreciated but is not required.
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+    misrepresented as being the original software.
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ ******************************************************************************
+#include "mpp.h"
+  grammar token = prog start
+ ~nest comments
+  sticky { statement}                    //Resolves if-then-else conflict
+  event driven
+  far tables                             // Comment out for 32 bit compilers
+ ~allow macros
+  input values
+  line numbers
+  //escape backslashes                   // uncomment if using MSVC++
+  error trace
+  parser name = cc
+  default input type = token
+  header file name = "jrc.h"
+  parser file name = "jrc.cpp"
+ ~test range
+  enum {
+    eof               =0,
+    SPACE             =' ',
+    ANDAND            ='A', // "&&"
+    ANDassign,              // "&="
+    ARROW,                  // "->"
+    CONCAT,                 // "##"
+    DECR,                   // "--"
+    DIVassign,              // "/="
+    ELLIPSIS,               // "..."
+    EQ,                     // "=="
+    ERassign,               // "^="
+    GE,                     // ">="
+    ICR,                    // "++"
+    LE,                     // "<="
+    LS,                     // "<<"
+    LSassign,               // "<<="
+    MODassign,              // "%="
+    MINUSassign,            // "-="
+    MULTassign,             // "*="
+    NE,                     // "!="
+    ORassign,               // "|="
+    OROR,                   // "||"
+    PLUSassign,             // "+="
+    RS,                     // ">>"
+    RSassign,               // ">>="
+    CHARACTERconstant,      // character constant
+    STRINGliteral,          // character string
+    HEXconstant       =129,
+    OCTconstant,
+    DECconstant,
+    FLOATconstant,          // real
+    NAME,
+    AUTO,                   // "auto"
+    BREAK,                  // "break"
+    CASE,                   // "case"
+    CHAR,                   // "char"
+    CONSTANT,               // "const"
+    CONTINUE,               // "continue"
+    DEFAULT,                // "default"
+    DO,                     // "do"
+    DOUBLE,                 // "double"
+    ELSE,                   // "else"
+    ENUM,                   // "enum"
+    EXTERN,                 // "extern"
+    FLOAT,                  // "float"
+    FOR,                    // "for"
+    GOTO,                   // "goto"
+    IF,                     // "if"
+    INT,                    // "int"
+    LONG,                   // "long"
+    REGISTER,               // "register"
+    RETURN,                 // "return"
+    SHORT,                  // "short"
+    SIGNED,                 // "signed"
+    SIZEOF,                 // "sizeof"
+    STATIC,                 // "static"
+    STRUCT,                 // "struct"
+    SWITCH,                 // "switch"
+    TYPEDEF,                // "typedef"
+    UNION,                  // "union"
+    UNSIGNED,               // "unsigned"
+    VOIDkey,                // "void"
+    VOLATILE,               // "volatile"
+    WHILE,                  // "while"
+  }
+OCTALconstant    = OCTconstant
+INTEGERconstant  = DECconstant
+FLOATINGconstant = FLOATconstant
+CONST            = CONSTANT
+VOID             = VOIDkey
+prog start
+ -> translation unit?, eof
+ -> FLOATINGconstant
+ -> INTEGERconstant
+ -> OCTALconstant
+ -> HEXconstant
+ -> CHARACTERconstant
+string literal list
+ -> STRINGliteral
+ -> string literal list, STRINGliteral
+(void) primary expression
+ -> constant
+ -> string literal list
+ -> '(', expression, ')'
+postfix expression
+ -> primary expression
+ -> postfix expression, '[', expression, ']'
+ -> postfix expression, '(', ')'
+ -> postfix expression, '(', argument expression list, ')'
+ -> postfix expression, '.', identifier or typedef name
+ -> postfix expression, ARROW, identifier or typedef name
+ -> postfix expression, ICR
+ -> postfix expression, DECR
+argument expression list
+ -> assignment expression
+ -> argument expression list, ',', assignment expression
+unary expression
+ -> postfix expression
+ -> ICR, unary expression
+ -> DECR, unary expression
+ -> unary operator, cast expression
+ -> SIZEOF, unary expression
+ -> SIZEOF, '(', type name, ')'
+unary operator
+ -> '&'
+ -> '*'
+ -> '+'
+ -> '-'
+ -> '~'
+ -> '!'
+cast expression
+ -> unary expression
+ -> '(', type name, ')', cast expression
+multiplicative expression
+ -> cast expression
+ -> multiplicative expression, '*', cast expression
+ -> multiplicative expression, '/', cast expression
+ -> multiplicative expression, '%', cast expression
+additive expression
+ -> multiplicative expression
+ -> additive expression, '+', multiplicative expression
+ -> additive expression, '-', multiplicative expression
+shift expression
+ -> additive expression
+ -> shift expression, LS, additive expression
+ -> shift expression, RS, additive expression
+relational expression
+ -> shift expression
+ -> relational expression, '<', shift expression
+ -> relational expression, '>', shift expression
+ -> relational expression, LE, shift expression
+ -> relational expression, GE, shift expression
+equality expression
+ -> relational expression
+ -> equality expression, EQ, relational expression
+ -> equality expression, NE, relational expression
+AND expression
+ -> equality expression
+ -> AND expression, '&', equality expression
+exclusive OR expression
+ -> AND expression
+ -> exclusive OR expression, '^', AND expression
+inclusive OR expression
+ -> exclusive OR expression
+ -> inclusive OR expression, '|', exclusive OR expression
+logical AND expression
+ -> inclusive OR expression
+ -> logical AND expression, ANDAND, inclusive OR expression
+logical OR expression
+ -> logical AND expression
+ -> logical OR expression, OROR, logical AND expression
+conditional expression
+ -> logical OR expression
+ -> logical OR expression, '?', expression, ':', conditional expression
+assignment expression
+ -> conditional expression
+ -> unary expression, assignment operator, assignment expression
+assignment operator
+ -> '='
+ -> MULTassign
+ -> DIVassign
+ -> MODassign
+ -> PLUSassign
+ -> MINUSassign
+ -> LSassign
+ -> RSassign
+ -> ANDassign
+ -> ERassign
+ -> ORassign
+ -> assignment expression
+ -> expression, ',', assignment expression
+constant expression
+ -> conditional expression
+/* The following was used for clarity */
+expression opt
+ ->
+ -> expression
+ -> sue declaration specifier, ';'
+ -> sue type specifier, ';'
+ -> declaring list, ';'
+ -> default declaring list, ';'
+default declaring list
+ -> declaration qualifier list, identifier declarator, initializer opt
+ -> type qualifier list, identifier declarator, initializer opt
+ -> default declaring list, ',', identifier declarator, initializer opt
+declaring list
+ -> declaration specifier, declarator, initializer opt
+ -> type specifier, declarator, initializer opt
+ -> declaring list, ',', declarator, initializer opt
+declaration specifier
+ -> basic declaration specifier
+ -> sue declaration specifier
+ -> typedef declaration specifier
+type specifier
+ -> basic type specifier
+ -> sue type specifier
+ -> typedef type specifier
+declaration qualifier list
+ -> storage class
+ -> type qualifier list, storage class
+ -> declaration qualifier list, declaration qualifier
+type qualifier list
+ -> type qualifier
+ -> type qualifier list, type qualifier
+declaration qualifier
+ -> type qualifier
+ -> storage class
+type qualifier
+ -> CONST
+basic declaration specifier
+ -> basic type specifier, storage class
+ -> declaration qualifier list, basic type name
+ -> basic declaration specifier, declaration qualifier
+ -> basic declaration specifier, basic type name
+basic type specifier
+ -> basic type name
+ -> type qualifier list, basic type name
+ -> basic type specifier, type qualifier
+ -> basic type specifier, basic type name
+sue declaration specifier
+ -> sue type specifier, storage class
+ -> declaration qualifier list, elaborated type name
+ -> sue declaration specifier, declaration qualifier
+sue type specifier
+ -> elaborated type name
+ -> type qualifier list, elaborated type name
+ -> sue type specifier, type qualifier
+(void) typedef declaration specifier
+ -> typedef type specifier, storage class
+ -> declaration qualifier list, TYPEDEFname
+ -> typedef declaration specifier, declaration qualifier
+(void) typedef type specifier
+ -> TYPEDEFname
+ -> type qualifier list, TYPEDEFname
+ -> typedef type specifier, type qualifier
+storage class
+ -> TYPEDEF           =typedef_flag = 1;
+ -> AUTO
+basic type name
+ -> VOID
+ -> CHAR
+ -> SHORT
+ -> INT
+ -> LONG
+ -> FLOAT
+elaborated type name
+ -> save flag:f, struct or union specifier      =typedef_flag = f;
+ -> enum specifier
+(int) save flag
+ ->     ={int f = typedef_flag; typedef_flag = 0; return f;}
+struct or union specifier
+ -> struct or union, '{', struct declaration list, '}'
+ -> struct or union, identifier or typedef name, '{', struct declaration list, '}'
+ -> struct or union, identifier or typedef name
+struct or union
+ -> UNION
+struct declaration list
+ -> struct declaration
+ -> struct declaration list, struct declaration
+struct declaration
+ -> struct declaring list, ';'
+ -> struct default declaring list, ';'
+struct default declaring list
+ -> type qualifier list, struct identifier declarator
+ -> struct default declaring list, ',', struct identifier declarator
+struct declaring list
+ -> type specifier, struct declarator
+ -> struct declaring list, ',', struct declarator
+struct declarator
+ -> declarator, bit field size opt
+ -> bit field size
+struct identifier declarator
+ -> identifier declarator, bit field size opt
+ -> bit field size
+bit field size opt
+ ->
+ -> bit field size
+bit field size
+ -> ':', constant expression
+enum specifier
+ -> ENUM, '{', enumerator list, '}'
+ -> ENUM, identifier or typedef name, '{', enumerator list, '}'
+ -> ENUM, identifier or typedef name
+enumerator list
+ -> identifier or typedef name, enumerator value opt
+ -> enumerator list, ',', identifier or typedef name, enumerator value opt
+enumerator value opt
+ ->
+ -> '=', constant expression
+parameter type list
+ -> parameter list
+ -> parameter list, ',', ELLIPSIS
+parameter list
+ -> parameter declaration
+ -> parameter list, ',', parameter declaration
+parameter declaration
+ -> declaration specifier
+ -> declaration specifier, abstract declarator
+ -> declaration specifier, identifier declarator
+ -> declaration specifier, parameter typedef declarator
+ -> declaration qualifier list
+ -> declaration qualifier list, abstract declarator
+ -> declaration qualifier list, identifier declarator
+ -> type specifier
+ -> type specifier, abstract declarator
+ -> type specifier, identifier declarator
+ -> type specifier, parameter typedef declarator
+ -> type qualifier list
+ -> type qualifier list, abstract declarator
+ -> type qualifier list, identifier declarator
+(void) identifier list
+ -> identifier list, ',', IDENTIFIER
+(void) identifier or typedef name
+ -> TYPEDEFname
+type name
+ -> type specifier
+ -> type specifier, abstract declarator
+ -> type qualifier list
+ -> type qualifier list, abstract declarator
+initializer opt
+ ->
+ -> '=', initializer
+ -> '{', initializer list, '}'
+ -> '{', initializer list, ',', '}'
+ -> assignment expression
+initializer list
+ -> initializer
+ -> initializer list, ',', initializer
+ -> labeled statement
+ -> compound statement
+ -> expression statement
+ -> selection statement
+ -> iteration statement
+ -> jump statement
+labeled statement
+ -> identifier or typedef name, ':', statement
+ -> CASE, constant expression, ':', statement
+ -> DEFAULT, ':', statement
+compound statement
+ -> '{', '}'
+ -> '{', declaration list, '}'
+ -> '{', statement list, '}'
+ -> '{', declaration list, statement list, '}'
+declaration list
+ -> declaration
+ -> declaration list, declaration
+statement list
+ -> statement
+ -> statement list, statement
+expression statement
+ -> expression opt, ';'
+selection statement
+ -> IF, '(', expression, ')', statement
+ -> IF, '(', expression, ')', statement, ELSE, statement
+ -> SWITCH, '(', expression, ')', statement
+iteration statement
+ -> WHILE, '(', expression, ')', statement
+ -> DO, statement, WHILE, '(', expression, ')', ';'
+ -> FOR, '(', expression opt, ';', expression opt, ';', expression opt, ')', statement
+jump statement
+ -> GOTO, identifier or typedef name, ';'
+ -> CONTINUE, ';'
+ -> BREAK, ';'
+ -> RETURN, expression opt, ';'
+translation unit
+ -> external definition
+ -> translation unit, external definition
+external definition
+ -> function definition
+ -> declaration
+ -> identifier declarator, ';'    /* Added by JTH! */
+function definition
+ -> identifier declarator, compound statement
+ -> declaration specifier, identifier declarator, compound statement
+ -> type specifier, identifier declarator, compound statement
+ -> declaration qualifier list, identifier declarator, compound statement
+ -> type qualifier list, identifier declarator, compound statement
+ -> old function declarator, compound statement
+ -> declaration specifier, old function declarator, compound statement
+ -> type specifier, old function declarator, compound statement
+ -> declaration qualifier list, old function declarator, compound statement
+ -> type qualifier list, old function declarator, compound statement
+ -> old function declarator, declaration list, compound statement
+ -> declaration specifier, old function declarator, declaration list, compound statement
+ -> type specifier, old function declarator, declaration list, compound statement
+ -> declaration qualifier list, old function declarator, declaration list, compound statement
+ -> type qualifier list, old function declarator, declaration list, compound statement
+ -> typedef declarator
+ -> identifier declarator
+typedef declarator
+ -> paren typedef declarator
+ -> parameter typedef declarator
+parameter typedef declarator
+ -> TYPEDEFname
+ -> TYPEDEFname, postfixing abstract declarator
+ -> clean typedef declarator
+clean typedef declarator
+ -> clean postfix typedef declarator
+ -> '*', parameter typedef declarator
+ -> '*', type qualifier list, parameter typedef declarator
+clean postfix typedef declarator
+ -> '(', clean typedef declarator, ')'
+ -> '(', clean typedef declarator, ')', postfixing abstract declarator
+paren typedef declarator
+ -> paren postfix typedef declarator
+ -> '*', '(', simple paren typedef declarator, ')'
+ -> '*', type qualifier list, '(', simple paren typedef declarator, ')'
+ -> '*', paren typedef declarator
+ -> '*', type qualifier list, paren typedef declarator
+paren postfix typedef declarator
+ -> '(', paren typedef declarator, ')'
+ -> '(', simple paren typedef declarator, postfixing abstract declarator, ')'
+ -> '(', paren typedef declarator, ')', postfixing abstract declarator
+simple paren typedef declarator
+ -> TYPEDEFname
+ -> '(', simple paren typedef declarator, ')'
+identifier declarator
+ -> unary identifier declarator
+ -> paren identifier declarator
+unary identifier declarator
+ -> postfix identifier declarator
+ -> '*', identifier declarator
+ -> '*', type qualifier list, identifier declarator
+postfix identifier declarator
+ -> paren identifier declarator, postfixing abstract declarator
+ -> '(', unary identifier declarator, ')'
+ -> '(', unary identifier declarator, ')', postfixing abstract declarator
+paren identifier declarator
+ -> IDENTIFIER:s                            =do_typedef(s);
+ -> '(', paren identifier declarator, ')'
+old function declarator
+ -> postfix old function declarator
+ -> '*', old function declarator
+ -> '*', type qualifier list, old function declarator
+postfix old function declarator
+ -> paren identifier declarator, '(', identifier list, ')'
+ -> '(', old function declarator, ')'
+ -> '(', old function declarator, ')', postfixing abstract declarator
+abstract declarator
+ -> unary abstract declarator
+ -> postfix abstract declarator
+ -> postfixing abstract declarator
+postfixing abstract declarator
+ -> array abstract declarator
+ -> '(', ')'
+ -> '(', parameter type list, ')'
+array abstract declarator
+ -> '[', ']'
+ -> '[', constant expression, ']'
+ -> array abstract declarator, '[', constant expression, ']'
+unary abstract declarator
+ -> '*'
+ -> '*', type qualifier list
+ -> '*', abstract declarator
+ -> '*', type qualifier list, abstract declarator
+postfix abstract declarator
+ -> '(', unary abstract declarator, ')'
+ -> '(', postfix abstract declarator, ')'
+ -> '(', postfixing abstract declarator, ')'
+ -> '(', unary abstract declarator, ')', postfixing abstract declarator
+ -> NAME:t                                  =check_typedef(t);
+{                                           // Embedded C
+#define SYNTAX_ERROR syntax_error(PCB.error_message)
+#define INPUT_CODE(T) (T).id
+static int typedef_flag = 0;
+static int use_count = 0;
+symbol_type_enum symbol_table[N_SYMBOLS];
+static void do_typedef(token t) {
+  if (typedef_flag == 0) return;
+  typedef_flag = 0;
+  symbol_table[t.handle] = typedef_name;
+static token check_typedef(token t) {
+  if (symbol_table[t.handle] == typedef_name)
+  return t;
+// Member Functions for Class c_parser
+// Constructor
+  This parser has no provisions for multiple simultaneous parses or for
+  recursion. The purpose of use_count is to make sure that there is only one
+  copy of the parser active at any time.
+c_parser::c_parser() {
+  assert(use_count == 0);
+  use_count++;
+  typedef_flag = 0;
+  memset(symbol_table, 0, sizeof(symbol_table));
+  init_cc();                                // init parse
+// Destructor
+c_parser::~c_parser() {
+  use_count--;                              // Makes parser available
+// Reset Parser
+c_parser &reset(c_parser &c) {
+  typedef_flag = 0;
+  memset(symbol_table, 0, sizeof(symbol_table));
+  init_cc();                                // init parse
+  return c;
+// Transmit token to c_parser
+  The overloaded operator "<<" is used to transmit data to a parser.
+  Newline tokens are filtered out, since they are passed along by the
+  token scanner only in case text output of the preprocessor is
+  required.
+  If the parser has encountered an error, there is no point in giving
+  it any further input.
+  Otherwise, the input_code and input_value fields of the pcb are set
+  up and cc() is called to deal with the token.
+token_sink &c_parser::operator << (token c) {
+  if (PCB.exit_flag != AG_RUNNING_CODE || (int) c.id == '\n') return *this;
+  PCB.input_code = c.id;
+  PCB.input_value = c;
+  cc();
+  return *this;
+token_sink &c_parser::operator << (token *s) {
+  while (s->id != END_OF_FILE && PCB.exit_flag == AG_RUNNING_CODE) {
+    if ((int) s->id == 10) continue;
+    PCB.input_code = s->id;
+    PCB.input_value = *s++;
+    cc();
+  }
+  return *this;
+}                                           // End Embedded C