diff doc/manual/xg-i.tex @ 0:13d2b8934445

Import AnaGram (near-)release tree into Mercurial.
author David A. Holland
date Sat, 22 Dec 2007 17:52:45 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/manual/xg-i.tex	Sat Dec 22 17:52:45 2007 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+\chapter{Exploring Your Grammar I: Traces}
+AnaGram provides two important facilities to help you become familiar
+with the workings of your parser: the File Trace and the Grammar
+Trace.  The File Trace takes its input from a test file and, under
+your control, parses the input in accordance with your grammar.  The
+Grammar Trace is completely interactive.  In each state it presents
+you with a list of acceptable tokens and lets you select the one you
+wish.  The File Trace lets you see how your grammar will deal with a
+specific input file.  The Grammar Trace lets you answer ``what if?''
+AnaGram also provides several ready-made traces to help you deal with
+specific problems.  The
+\index{Error Trace}\index{Trace}\index{Window}\agwindow{Error Trace}
+can show you why your parser has diagnosed a syntax error.  The
+\index{Conflict Trace}\index{Trace}\index{Window}\agwindow{Conflict
+Trace} and
+\index{Reduction Trace}\index{Trace}\index{Window}\agwindow{Reduction
+trace} can help you identify the sources of ambiguities in your
+grammar.  The
+\index{Keyword Anomaly Trace}\index{Trace}\index{Window}\agwindow{Keyword
+Anomaly Trace} can help you understand the genesis of a keyword
+anomaly in your grammar.  In addition, the
+\index{Trace}\index{Auxiliary Trace}\index{Window}\agmenu{Auxiliary Trace}
+selection in the
+\agmenu{Auxiliary Windows} popup menu enables you to get a trace to
+any state you wish or to transmute a File Trace into a Grammar Trace.
+The trace functions serve several purposes.  They are an ideal way to
+learn how syntax directed parsing works since they make each step
+clearly visible.  They are also useful in determining whether your
+grammar works as you wish it to.  You can try your grammar out on real
+data before you actually build a parser.  If your grammar has
+problems, such as conflicts, you can use the trace functions to track
+down the problems, to understand them, and to verify your corrections.
+You may have any number of File and Grammar Traces active
+Remember that AnaGram usually uses short-cut parsing actions whenever
+possible.  If you wish to see just the standard four parsing actions,
+you may want to set the \agparam{traditional engine} switch.  This
+will, however, substantially increase the size of your parser and
+reduce its performance.
+\section{Trace Windows}
+The \agwindow{File} and \agwindow{Grammar Trace} windows normally each
+contain three panes: the \agwindow{Parser Stack} pane, an input pane,
+and the \agwindow{Rule Stack} pane.  If your grammar uses semantically
+determined productions, the Reduction Choices pane will appear when
+necessary to allow you to select a reduction token.
+% XXX s/some point/a point/
+In the File Trace, the input, or \index{Test File pane}\agwindow{Test
+File}, pane displays the test file.  You need only double click on
+some point in the pane to test your grammar up to that point in the
+file.  Differently colored backgrounds are used to distinguish the
+part of the file that has been parsed from the part that has not yet
+been parsed.
+In the Grammar Trace, the input, or \index{Allowable Input
+pane}\agwindow{Allowable Input}, pane displays a list of tokens which
+are allowable input in the current state of the parser.  You may
+select tokens from the \agwindow{Allowable Input} pane, one by one, or
+use the text entry field to type input to be parsed.
+The active pane has a distinctively colored title panel and cursor
+bar, except for the \agwindow{Test File} pane in the \agwindow{File
+Trace} which has no cursor bar.  You can use the tab key to tab among
+the panes. The function of other keyboard keys depends on which pane
+is active.
+Along the bottom of the trace windows is a toolbar which provides
+status information as well as control buttons.
+\subsection{Parser Stack Pane}
+The \index{Parser Stack pane}\agwindow{Parser Stack} pane, the upper
+left pane of the \agwindow{File Trace} and \agwindow{Grammar Trace}
+windows, displays the parser stack for the current trace.
+Each line corresponds to one level in the parser state stack, showing
+the stack index, the parser state for that level, and the token which
+was seen at that state.  The last line of the stack, the lookahead
+line, corresponds to the current state of the parser.  Since no input
+has yet been processed for this state, the token, if any, which
+appears at this level is a lookahead token.
+In the File Trace, the token on the lookahead line corresponds to the
+character at the parse location in the Test File pane.  In the Grammar
+Trace, the lookahead line is empty whenever all previous input to the
+parser has been completely parsed, otherwise it will display the most
+recently selected input token.
+If you move the cursor in the Parser Stack pane of a File Trace, the
+text that makes up the selected token will be highlighted in the Test
+File pane.  You can back the parse up to any desired stack level by
+double clicking at the beginning of the token text in the Test File
+Similarly, if you move the cursor bar in the Parser Stack pane of a
+Grammar Trace, the \index{Allowable Input pane}\agwindow{Allowable
+Input} pane will change to display the allowable tokens in the
+selected state.  The previously selected token will be highlighted.
+Then, double click on any token in the Allowable Input pane to back
+the parse up and choose a token a second time.
+The \index{Rule Stack pane}\agwindow{Rule Stack} pane (see below) of
+the \agwindow{File} or \agwindow{Grammar Trace} is also synched to the
+\agwindow{Parser Stack} pane.  If the syntax file window is visible,
+it will be synched to show the rule currently selected in the
+\agwindow{Rule Stack} pane.  Note that rules that have been
+automatically generated by the expansion of virtual productions cannot
+be synched, so the top line of the syntax file will be highlighted
+If you right-click on a highlighted line in the Parser Stack pane, you
+will get a pop-up menu to give you more information.  In particular
+you can get an \agwindow{Auxiliary Trace} starting at the current
+point in your \agwindow{File} or \agwindow{Grammar Trace}, so you can
+explore various possibilities without losing your position in the old
+\subsection{Rule Stack Pane}
+The \index{Rule Stack pane}Rule Stack pane appears across the bottom
+of a \agwindow{Grammar Trace} or \agwindow{File Trace} window.  It
+provides an alternate view of the parser stack for the trace, showing,
+for each state, rules instead of the tokens that you see in the
+\agwindow{Parser Stack} pane.  Because it is synched with the syntax
+file window, the \agwindow{Rule Stack} makes it easy to see the
+relationship between the trace and your grammar.
+For each level of the parser stack, the \agwindow{Rule Stack} shows
+the parser state number and all the active rules. The active rules at
+any state consist of all the expansion rules for the state that are
+consistent with the input at all subsequent states.
+Except for the last level of the stack, each rule has a
+\index{Token}\agterm{marked token}, which in the default
+configuration is displayed in bold, italic type.  The significance of
+the marked token is that all tokens in the rule to the left of the
+marked token have already been matched in the input, and the input in
+subsequent levels is consistent so far with the marked token. As more
+input is processed, rules that are inconsistent with the new input are
+deleted from the display.
+The last level of the stack shows the current state of the parser and
+the rules against which the lookahead token will be matched.  At this
+level, there may be rules with no marked tokens.  These are rules
+which have been matched exactly in the input.  If there is more than
+one such rule, at the next parser step the parser will use the
+lookahead token to determine which rule to reduce.
+In the last level of the stack, marked tokens represent the input the
+parser expects to see next.
+The \agwindow{Rule Stack} pane is synched with the syntax file window
+if it is visible so that the rule highlighted in the \agwindow{Rule
+Stack} can be seen in context in the syntax file.  For rules that
+AnaGram generated automatically to implement virtual productions or
+the disregard statement, the cursor bar will move to the top of the
+syntax file window.
+The \agwindow{Rule Stack} pane is also synched with the other panes in
+the trace.  As you move the cursor bar in the \agwindow{Rule Stack},
+the cursor bar in the \agwindow{Parser Stack} pane will track the
+stack level in the \agwindow{Rule Stack}.  In a \agwindow{File Trace},
+text will be highlighted in the \agwindow{Test File} pane
+corresponding to the selected token in the \agwindow{Parser Stack}
+pane.  In a \agwindow{Grammar Trace}, the marked token in the
+highlighted rule will be highlighted in the \agwindow{Allowable Input}
+Clicking the right mouse button in the \agwindow{Rule Stack} pane pops
+up an \agmenu{Auxiliary Windows} menu to give you more information
+about the highlighted rule.  The \agmenu{Auxiliary Windows} menu
+offers four choices keyed to the marked token: \agmenu{Expansion
+Rules}, \agmenu{Productions}, \agmenu{Set Elements} and \agmenu{Token
+Usage}.  The \agmenu{Keywords}, \agmenu{State Definition} and
+\agmenu{State Expansion} options are keyed to the state number.  The
+\agmenu{Expansion Chain} and \agmenu{Rule Context} options are keyed
+to the highlighted rule.  Note that by the very nature of the rule
+stack, a completed rule may occur only at the last level.
+\subsection{Reduction Choices Pane}
+\index{Reduction Choices pane}
+The \agwindow{File Trace} and \agwindow{Grammar Trace} display a
+\agwindow{Reduction Choices} pane when they need to reduce a
+semantically determined production.  The rule to be reduced is
+highlighted in the \agwindow{Rule Stack} pane.  The syntax file
+window, if visible, will show this rule highlighted if it is one that
+appears directly in your grammar.
+The \agwindow{Reduction Choices} pane lists all possible reduction
+tokens for the specified rule.  The first reduction token that is
+admissible in the current context is highlighted and it appears as the
+lookahead token in the \agwindow{Parser Stack} pane.  In the
+\agwindow{File Trace}, text that comprises the entire rule is
+highlighted in the \agwindow{Test File} pane.
+Select the desired reduction token before continuing with the parse.
+If you select a token and it does not appear as the lookahead token,
+it is not syntactically correct in the current context.  If you try to
+proceed with the parse, you will get a selection error.
+\subsection{Parse Status}
+\index{Parse Status}
+Both the \agwindow{File} and \agwindow{Grammar Trace} have a
+\agwindow{Parse Status field} on the toolbar at the bottom of the
+window to indicate the current state of the parser.  The possible
+values are as follows:
+\item \agmenu{Ready}: The parser is ready for input.
+\item \agmenu{Running}: The parser is processing input.
+\item \agmenu{Parse Complete}: According to the grammar, no further
+input is expected.  Click on reset or reload to restart the parse.
+\item \agmenu{Syntax error}: A syntax error has been encountered.  The
+parser cannot go any further.
+\item \agmenu{Unexpected end of file}: The parser has reached the end
+of the actual input but the grammar still expects more.
+\item \agmenu{Select reduction token}: The parser encountered a
+semantically determined production.  Select a reduction token from the
+\agwindow{Reduction Choices} pane.
+\item \agmenu{Selection error}: The reduction token selected from the
+Reduction Choices pane was not allowable input in the present
+state.  Select another reduction token. 
+\section{File Trace}
+\index{File Trace}\index{Trace}\index{Window}
+\subsection{Starting File Trace}
+To do a \agwindow{File Trace} you must first analyze the grammar you
+wish to use.  Then select \agmenu{File Trace} from the \agmenu{Action}
+menu.  Select a file for parsing and the trace will begin.  If you
+have not analyzed a grammar or if your grammar does not accept ASCII
+characters the \agmenu{File Trace} option will be grayed out.  You may
+provide a mask for the test file name by setting the
+\index{Test file mask}\index{Configuration parameters}\agparam{test
+file mask} configuration parameter in your syntax file (see Appendix
+A, Configuration Parameters).  AnaGram normally reads test files in
+text mode, that is, carriage return characters are stripped. If you do
+not want carriage return characters removed, you should set the
+\index{Test file binary}\index{Configuration switches}\agparam{test
+file binary} configuration switch.
+\subsection{Test File Pane}
+The file under test is displayed in the input pane in the upper right
+of the \agwindow{File Trace} window.  To parse to a specific point in
+the file, double click at that point.  If you double click at a point
+that precedes the current parse location, the parse will back up to
+that point.  You may also use the cursor keys to control the parse.
+As long as the parse location and the cursor are synchronized the
+parse will track the cursor when you move the cursor using the cursor
+If the parse encounters a syntax error, it will not be able to go
+beyond the location of the error.  In this situation, moving the
+cursor right or down will cause the cursor position to differ from the
+parse location.  The parse and cursor positions can also differ if you
+single click anywhere in the Test File pane.
+If the parse location and the cursor are thus not synchronized, the
+\agmenu{Single Step} button will be replaced with a \index{Synch
+Parse}\agmenu{Synch Parse} button.  Click on the \agmenu{Synch Parse}
+button to get the cursor and the parse back in synch.  Of course, the
+parse will still not be able to proceed past a syntax error.
+In the \agwindow{Test File} pane, you can distinguish text that has
+been parsed from unparsed text because it is shown in a different
+color.  (The default background color for parsed text is lighter.)
+Initially no text has been parsed, and the caret is positioned at the
+beginning of the file.  The \index{Parse Location}\agwindow{Parse
+Location} box at the lower left of \agwindow{File Trace} will show
+\textit{1:1} for line 1, column 1.  The \agwindow{Parse Status} box
+next to it will say \agmenu{Ready}.
+If your grammar uses semantically determined productions, the parse
+will halt when one is encountered and the \agwindow{Reduction Choices}
+pane will be displayed so you may select the appropriate reduction
+% XXX index Reload?
+At any time you can click on the \index{Reset}\agmenu{Reset} button to
+reset the parse to the beginning of the test file. If you modify the
+test file, you can click on the \agmenu{Reload} button to load the
+modified file and reset the parse.
+Normally, AnaGram reads test files in ``text'' mode, discarding
+carriage return characters. If your parser needs to recognize carriage
+return characters explicitly, you should turn the \index{test file
+binary}\agparam{test file binary} configuration switch on.
+\subsection{File Trace Toolbar}
+The File Trace window has a toolbar at the very bottom of the window
+which provides parse status information as described above and
+contains buttons to help control the parse.  The buttons are as
+\item \index{Single Step}\agmenu{Single Step}: Advances the parse one
+parser action at a time.
+\item \index{Synch Parse}\agmenu{Synch Parse}: Replaces the \agmenu{Single
+Step} button when the blinking cursor and the parse location do not
+coincide.  Clicking on the \agmenu{Synch Parse} button will cause the
+parse to back up to the blinking cursor, if the blinking cursor
+precedes the parse location, or parse to the blinking cursor
+otherwise.  If the parser encounters a syntax error before reaching
+the cursor, the parse will stop at the error and the parse will still
+not be in synch with the cursor.
+\item \index{Parse File}\agmenu{Parse File}: Parses all the way to the
+end of file. The parse will not stop until it encounters a syntax
+error, a semantically determined production, or the end of file.
+\item \index{Reset}\agmenu{Reset}: Resets the parse to its initial
+\item \index{Reload}\agmenu{Reload}: Reloads the test file from
+disk.  This is useful if you have edited the test file since you last
+loaded it into the \agwindow{File Trace}.
+\section{Grammar Trace}
+\index{Grammar Trace}\index{Trace}\index{Window}
+A \agwindow{Grammar Trace} can be selected from either the
+\agmenu{Action} menu or the \agwindow{Control Panel} toolbar.  With
+it, you can examine the workings of your parser in detail.  Using
+various options, you can set up representations of the
+\index{Parser state stack}\index{State stack}\index{Stack}parser state
+stack and parser state as they might appear in the course of execution
+of your parser.  You can then examine the possible inputs and the
+changes to the state and the state stack caused by any input you
+Several of AnaGram's debugging facilities employ a ready-made
+\agwindow{Grammar Trace} to direct you to the source of trouble.
+These are the \agwindow{Conflict Trace}, the \agwindow{Reduction
+Trace}, the \agwindow{Error Trace}, the \agwindow{Keyword Anomaly
+Trace}, and the \agwindow{Auxiliary Trace}.
+AnaGram now provides a text entry field where you can enter input text for a
+\agwindow{Grammar Trace}, in addition to choosing tokens from
+\agwindow{Allowable Input}.  This means
+you can run a \agwindow{Grammar Trace} like a \agwindow{File Trace}
+where the test file is replaced by text you can type in.  This is a
+very convenient way to check out your grammar.
+\subsection{Allowable Input Pane}
+\index{Allowable Input pane}
+The upper right pane of the \agwindow{Grammar Trace} window lists the
+allowable input tokens for the current state of the grammar.  The
+current state is the state selected by the cursor bar in the
+\agwindow{Parser Stack} pane.
+The tokens in the \agwindow{Allowable Input} pane are listed in two
+groups: first, the terminal tokens allowable in this state, and
+second, the nonterminal tokens.  Between these two groups of tokens is
+inserted a line which is either an option for a default reduction, or
+declares that there is no default action.
+Double click, press Enter, or click the \agmenu{Proceed} button to
+parse the highlighted token.  When all parse actions triggered by the
+highlighted token have been completed, all panes of the trace will be
+redrawn to show the new state of the parser.
+If you wish to see the results of a single parser action, click on the
+\agmenu{Single Step} button.  The parser will perform a single parser
+action.  If the token you selected was not shifted in, it will now be
+displayed as the lookahead token on the last line, the lookahead line,
+in the \agwindow{Parser Stack} pane, and will be preselected in the
+\agwindow{Allowable Input} pane.  Because AnaGram, by default, uses a
+number of compound parser actions, this situation does not arise very
+often unless you have set the
+\index{traditional engine}\agparam{traditional engine} switch or reset
+the \index{default reductions}\agparam{default reductions} switch.
+Usually you will want to select the same token to proceed, but it is
+not necessary.
+% XXX the << and >> render really poorly. They should be italic, too,
+% but I can't get them to set that way.
+The \agwindow{Allowable Input} pane also displays the parser action
+associated with a specific token, and its result, provided it is not a
+compound action.  The parser action field for a token may be
+interpreted as follows: If this token would cause a shift to a new
+state, the action field is $>>$ followed by the new state number.  If
+the token would cause a reduction, the action field is $<<$ followed
+by a rule number to show the rule reduced.  If the parser action is a
+compound action, the action field is blank.  If the token would cause
+the grammar to be accepted, the action field is \textit{Accept}.
+If a parser action requires the reduction of a semantically determined
+production, the \agwindow{Reduction Choices} pane will open.  Select a
+reduction token to continue.
+Note that selecting a token in \agwindow{Allowable Input} can cause a
+syntax error under certain circumstances.  This can happen only if the
+following conditions are all true:
+\item the indicated operation is a reduction,
+\item the reduction token for the rule being reduced has been used in
+several different contexts in the grammar,
+\item and the specified token may follow it in some contexts and not
+in others.
+\subsection{Text Entry Field}
+\index{Text Entry field}
+It is sometimes more convenient to enter text in the text entry field
+on the \agwindow{Grammar Trace} toolbar than to select individual
+tokens from the \agwindow{Allowable Input} pane.  By entering text you
+can proceed quickly to the state you want without having to choose
+each individual token en route.
+After entering text, press Enter or click on the \agmenu{Proceed}
+button to parse the text.  The text will be parsed in its entirety
+unless a syntax error or semantically determined production is
+Click on the \agmenu{Single Step} button to work slowly through the
+text step by step.
+\subsection{Grammar Trace Toolbar}
+The Grammar Trace window has a toolbar at the very bottom of the
+window which provides parse status information as described above and
+contains buttons to help control the parse.  The buttons are as
+\item \index{Proceed}\agmenu{Proceed}: Parses the token selected in
+\agwindow{Reduction Choices} if that pane is active, or the token
+selected in \agwindow{Allowable Input} if that pane is active, or the
+content of the text entry field if that is active.  The parse
+continues until the input has been entirely shifted in, a semantically
+determined production has been encountered, or a syntax error has
+been encountered.
+\item \index{Single Step}\agmenu{Single Step}: Advances the parse one
+parser action at a time.  Input is taken as for the \agmenu{Proceed}
+\item \index{Reset}\agmenu{Reset}: Reset the parse to its initial
+state. This is especially useful if the \agwindow{Grammar Trace} is
+one of the pre-built traces discussed below.  In such a trace the
+initial state can be quite complex.
+\section{Other Traces}
+\subsection{Error Trace}
+\index{Error Trace}\index{Trace}\index{Window}
+An \agwindow{Error Trace} is a preset \agwindow{Grammar Trace}
+designed to help you deal with errors your parser encounters during
+operation.  If the
+\index{Error trace}\index{Configuration switches}\agparam{error trace}
+configuration switch is set when AnaGram builds a parser, whenever the
+parser detects:
+\item a \index{Syntax error}\index{Errors}syntax error
+\item a parser stack overflow, or
+\item a reduction token error
+it will write the current state stack to a file with the extension
+\index{etr}\index{File extension}\agfile{.etr} and the name of the
+parser file.  If such a file already exists, it will be overwritten.
+When you analyze the grammar, AnaGram will enable the \agmenu{Error
+Trace} option in the \agmenu{Browse} menu.  When you select the
+\agmenu{Error Trace} option, you can select an error trace file. 
+AnaGram will use it to create a grammar trace which reproduces the
+state of the parser at the time of the error.  You may then work with
+the trace as with any other grammar trace.  The \agmenu{Reset} button
+will restore the trace to its initial condition.
+Note that when the syntax file is modified, an error trace file may
+become invalid.  If you try to load an error trace file that is older
+than the syntax file, AnaGram will pop up a message box to warn you.
+\subsection{Conflict and Reduction Traces}
+\index{Conflict Trace}\index{Trace}\index{Window}
+\index{Reduction Trace}\index{Trace}\index{Window}
+The \agwindow{Conflict Trace} and its companion, the
+\agwindow{Reduction Trace}, are ready-made \agwindow{Grammar Traces}
+which can be invoked from a \agwindow{Conflicts} window or a
+\agwindow{Resolved Conflicts} window using the \agmenu{Auxiliary
+Windows} menu.  The \agwindow{Conflict Trace} shows one way out of
+perhaps many ways to get to the conflict state highlighted in the
+\agwindow{Conflicts} window.  The \agwindow{Reduction Trace}
+progresses one step farther than the \agwindow{Conflict Trace},
+showing the result of selecting a reduce action in the conflict state.
+You can manipulate both traces just as you would a regular grammar
+trace.  The \agmenu{Reset} button will reset the trace to its original
+\agwindow{Conflict} and \agwindow{Reduction Trace} windows may be
+obtained only from the \agwindow{Conflicts} window or the
+\agwindow{Resolved Conflicts} window using the \agmenu{Auxiliary
+Windows} popup menu.  For more information see the section on
+conflicts in Chapter 7.
+\subsection{Keyword Anomaly Trace}
+\index{Keyword Anomaly Trace}\index{Trace}\index{Window}
+The \agwindow{Keyword Anomaly Trace} is another ready-made grammar
+trace which is invoked from a \agwindow{Keyword Anomalies} window
+using the \agmenu{Auxiliary Windows} popup menu.  It shows one way out
+of perhaps many to get to the anomaly highlighted in the
+\agwindow{Keyword Anomalies} window.  You can manipulate the
+\agwindow{Keyword Anomaly Trace} in the same way that you would a
+regular grammar trace.  The \agmenu{Reset} button will restore the
+trace to its original configuration.
+The \agwindow{Keyword Anomaly Trace} may be obtained only from the
+\agmenu{Auxiliary Windows} popup menu in the \agwindow{Keyword
+Anomalies} window. For more information see the section on keyword
+anomalies in Chapter 7.
+\subsection{Auxiliary Trace}
+\index{Auxiliary Trace}\index{Trace}
+For many AnaGram windows, an \agwindow{Auxiliary Trace} is one of the
+options on the right mouse button pop up menu.  In most cases this is
+simply a pre-built \agwindow{Grammar Trace} that leads to the state
+specified by the highlighted line in the window.  In the case of the
+\agwindow{File} and \agwindow{Grammar Traces}, selecting an
+\agwindow{Auxiliary Trace} from the \agwindow{Parser Stack} pane popup
+menu gives you a \agwindow{Grammar Trace} with the same
+\agwindow{Parser Stack} pane as the original \agwindow{Trace}.
+When using a \agwindow{File} or \agwindow{Grammar Trace}, an
+\agwindow{Auxiliary Trace} can be useful for comparing the results at
+a particular point of diverging input streams.
+\section{Trace Coverage}
+\index{Trace Coverage}\index{Window}\index{Coverage}
+When you run either \agwindow{File Trace} or \agwindow{Grammar Trace},
+AnaGram counts the number of times each rule is reduced.  You can
+display these counts by selecting the \agmenu{Trace Coverage} window
+in the \agmenu{Browse} menu.  The window displays all of the rules in
+your grammar in the order in which they were encountered in your
+syntax file.  The window is synched to your syntax file window so that
+you can easily see each rule in context.  The first column of the
+table gives the number of times this rule has been reduced by the
+\agwindow{File Trace} process since you last analyzed your grammar.
+Note that if, when tracing a file, you back up and try a portion of
+input over and over, the counts for the rules involved will be
+inflated relative to the other rules in the grammar.  Thus, the
+primary use of the \agwindow{Trace Coverage} table is to determine
+whether there are rules that are not tested at all.  Because AnaGram
+normally uses a number of short-cut actions in its parsing tables,
+some rules will not be counted even though they are obviously found in
+the grammar.  These rules all have length zero or one and have no
+reduction procedures. If you set the 
+\index{rule coverage}\index{configuration parameters}\agparam{rule coverage}
+configuration switch, AnaGram will turn off some of the optimization
+so that you will get a more accurate count.
+% XXX shouldn't ``found in the grammar'' above be ``found in the input''?