diff anagram/vaclgui/helpview.hpp @ 0:13d2b8934445

Import AnaGram (near-)release tree into Mercurial.
author David A. Holland
date Sat, 22 Dec 2007 17:52:45 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/anagram/vaclgui/helpview.hpp	Sat Dec 22 17:52:45 2007 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+ * AnaGram, A System for Syntax Directed Programming
+ * Copyright 1997-2002 Parsifal Software. All Rights Reserved.
+ * See the file COPYING for license and usage terms.
+ *
+ * helpview.hpp
+ */
+#include <icanvas.hpp>
+#include <iclipbrd.hpp>
+#include <icmdevt.hpp>
+#include <icmdhdr.hpp>
+//#include <icoordsy.hpp>
+//#include <idrawcv.hpp>
+//#include <iexcbase.hpp>
+#include <ifont.hpp>
+//#include <igbundle.hpp>
+//#include <iglist.hpp>
+//#include <igrafctx.hpp>
+//#include <igstring.hpp>
+#include <ipainhdr.hpp>
+#include <ipainevt.hpp>
+#include <ikeyhdr.hpp>
+#include <ikeyevt.hpp>
+#include <imenuevt.hpp>
+#include <imenuhdr.hpp>
+#include <imoushdr.hpp>
+#include <imousevt.hpp>
+#include <ipopmenu.hpp>
+//#include <irefcnt.hpp>
+#include <iscroll.hpp>
+#include <iscrlevt.hpp>
+#include <iscrlhdr.hpp>
+//#include <isizeevt.hpp>
+//#include <isizehdr.hpp>
+//#include <ititle.hpp>
+class AgString; // from agstring.h
+#include "agbaltree.h"
+#include "cint.h"
+#include "dict.h"
+#include "digset.hpp"
+#include "frame.hpp"
+#include "search.h"
+#if 0
+struct HelpId {
+  int index;
+  HelpId(int x) : index(x) {}
+  HelpId() : index(0) {}
+  int operator < (const HelpId id) const {
+    int flag = stricmp(dict_str(help_dict, index),
+		       dict_str(help_dict, id.index));
+    if (flag) {
+      return flag < 0;
+    }
+    return strcmp(dict_str(help_dict, index),
+		  dict_str(help_dict, id.index)) < 0;
+  }
+  operator int () { return index; }
+class HelpWord : public DigSetter::Dig {
+  enum Style { textStyle, linkStyle, usedStyle, titleStyle };
+  HelpWord() {}
+  HelpWord(char *, int, cint, Style index = textStyle);
+  HelpWord(const HelpWord &);
+  //int link;
+  AgString linktopic;
+  int indent       : 1;
+  int forceBreak   : 1;
+  int noBreak      : 1;
+  int linkTraversed: 1;
+  int highlight    : 1;
+  int bullet       : 1;
+  void moveTo(cint where_) { where = where_; }
+  IRectangle rect(DigSetter::Style *style);
+  int operator < (const HelpWord &x) const { return this < &x; }
+class DrawingArea
+  : public IStaticText
+  , public ICommandHandler
+  , public IMenuHandler
+  , public IMouseHandler
+  , public IPaintHandler
+  , public AgHelpHandler
+  DrawingArea(IWindow *, AgString);
+  ~DrawingArea();
+  void reset();
+  ISize           preferredSize;
+  int             nLines;
+  int             measure;
+  int             spaceRequired;
+  IPopUpMenu      popUpMenu;
+  DrawingArea &initPopUp();
+  DrawingArea &remeasureText();
+  AgFrame        *frameWindow;
+  static AgBalancedTree<AgString> traversedLinks;
+  char *highlightText;
+  int  nHighlight;
+  DrawingArea &refreshWords(char *p, int n);
+  DrawingArea &copyTo(IClipboard &c);
+  enum ButtonState { buttonIdle, buttonDown, waitingForClick };
+  ButtonState     rightButtonState;
+  Boolean DrawingArea::paintWindow(IPaintEvent &event);
+  Boolean command(ICommandEvent &event);
+  ISize calcMinimumSize() const;
+  Boolean mouseClicked(IMouseClickEvent &event);
+  Boolean mouseMoved(IMouseEvent &event);
+  Boolean makePopUpMenu(IMenuEvent &event);
+  Boolean showHelp(IEvent &event);
+  DrawingArea &measureText();
+  AgString getHelpText(const char *topic);
+  AgArray<AgString> findLinks(AgString msg);
+  static AgArray<AgString> sortLinks(AgArray<AgString> links);
+  virtual IFont font() const {
+    return FontSpec::help;
+  }
+  int lineHeight() {
+    IFont &font = FontSpec::help;
+    return font.externalLeading() + font.maxSize().height();
+  }
+  int maxCharWidth() {
+    IFont &font = FontSpec::help;
+    return font.maxSize().width();
+  }
+  int avgCharWidth() {
+    IFont &font = FontSpec::help;
+    return font.avgCharWidth();
+  }
+  int maxDescender() {
+    IFont &font = FontSpec::help;
+    return font.maxDescender();
+  }
+  DrawingArea &refreshLinks();
+  void refreshAllLinks();
+  AgClassAction<DrawingArea> refreshAction;
+  AgString                helpText;
+  AgString                topic;
+  int                     myTextLength;
+  AgStack<HelpWord> word;
+  int nWords;
+  static DigSetter::Style displayStyle[4];
+  DigSetter setter;
+  int painting;
+  int fingerCursorSet;
+  IPointerHandle fingerCursor;
+  IFont windowFont;
+  int             longestLine;
+  int             margin;
+  int             paraIndent;
+  int             paraLeading;
+  int             helpShowing;
+  AgArray<AgString> links;
+  AgArray<AgString> sortedLinks;
+  AgArray<int> linkedWords;
+  //static AgDictionary<DrawingArea *> activeViews;
+  static AgBalancedTree<DrawingArea *> activeViews;
+  int charWidth[256];
+class AgHelpView
+  : public ICanvas
+  , public IKeyboardHandler
+  , public IResizeHandler
+  , public IScrollHandler
+  static const int defaultWindowHeight;
+  // Constructor
+  AgHelpView(IWindow *, AgString);
+  // Destructor
+  ~AgHelpView();
+  ISize   suggestSize();
+  AgHelpView &layout();
+  AgHelpView &doLayout();
+  AgHelpView &repositionWindow();
+  DrawingArea      dataArea;
+  SearchProcess searchProcess;
+  virtual Boolean  findNext(AgString);
+  virtual Boolean  findPrev(AgString);
+  AgHelpView &positionWords(char *p, int n);
+  AgHelpView &copyTo(IClipboard &c) {
+    dataArea.copyTo(c);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  // Layout functions
+  int lineHeight() {
+    IFont &font = FontSpec::help;
+    return font.externalLeading() + font.maxSize().height();
+  }
+  int maxCharWidth() {
+    IFont &font = FontSpec::help;
+    return font.maxSize().width();
+  }
+  int avgCharWidth() {
+    IFont &font = FontSpec::help;
+    return font.avgCharWidth();
+  }
+  int maxDescender() {
+    IFont &font = FontSpec::help;
+    return font.maxDescender();
+  }
+  Boolean windowResize(IResizeEvent &event);
+  ISize calcMinimumSize() const;
+  // Handler functions
+  // Keyboard handler
+  Boolean virtualKeyPress(IKeyboardEvent &);
+  // Menu handler
+  // Scroll handler
+  Boolean lineDown(IScrollEvent &);
+  Boolean lineUp(IScrollEvent &);
+  Boolean pageDown(IScrollEvent &);
+  Boolean pageUp(IScrollEvent &);
+  Boolean scrollBoxTrack(IScrollEvent &);
+  // child windows
+  IScrollBar       verticalScrollBar;
+  // window parameters
+  int windowId;
+  //IWindow *ownerWindow;
+  int                     highlightIndex;
+  //layout state
+  Boolean         vsbShowing;
+  int layoutActive;
+  AgNotificationAction<AgHelpView> colorChange;
+  void onColorChange() { refresh(); }
+  AgNotificationAction<AgHelpView> fontChange;
+  void onFontChange();
+class AgHelpWindow
+  : public AgFrame
+  AgHelpWindow(AgString);
+  ~AgHelpWindow();
+  // otherwise the compiler complains this is hidden
+  virtual int showHelp(IEvent &e) { return AgFrame::showHelp(e); }
+  static Boolean AgHelpWindow::showHelp(AgString topic);
+  static Boolean AgHelpWindow::showHelpCentered(AgString topic);
+  AgString copyTitleText;
+  // Child Windows
+  AgHelpView      helpView;
+  AgHelpWindow &setFocus() {
+    helpView.setFocus();
+    return *this;
+  }
+  virtual Boolean findNext(AgString s) {
+    return helpView.findNext(s);
+  }
+  virtual Boolean findPrev(AgString s) {
+    return helpView.findPrev(s);
+  }
+  AgHelpWindow &copyTo(IClipboard &c) {
+    helpView.copyTo(c);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  AgString copyTitle() { return copyTitleText.pointer(); };
+#endif /* HELPVIEW_HPP */