comparison anagram/vaclgui/frame.cpp @ 0:13d2b8934445

Import AnaGram (near-)release tree into Mercurial.
author David A. Holland
date Sat, 22 Dec 2007 17:52:45 -0500 (2007-12-22)
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:13d2b8934445
1 /*
2 * AnaGram, A System for Syntax Directed Programming
3 * Copyright 1997-2002 Parsifal Software. All Rights Reserved.
4 * See the file COPYING for license and usage terms.
5 *
6 * frame.cpp
7 */
9 #include <imnitem.hpp>
10 #include <ipopmenu.hpp>
11 #include <windows.h>
13 #include "action.h"
14 #include "agstring.h"
15 #include "ctrlpanel.hpp"
16 #include "frame.hpp"
17 #include "helpview.hpp"
18 #include "myalloc.h"
19 #include "vaclgui-res.h"
20 #include "vaclgui.hpp"
22 //#define INCLUDE_LOGGING
23 #include "log.h"
26 int AgFrame::activeWindowCount = 0;
27 AgFrame *AgFrame::activeWindow = 0;
28 IPopUpMenu *AgFrame::activePopUpMenu = 0;
30 IWindow *AgFrame::frameParent = 0;
31 IWindow *AgFrame::frameOwner = 0;
32 AgArray<AgMenuItem> AgFrame::activeAuxMenu;
33 int AgFrame::menuShowingFlag = 0;
36 Boolean AgHelpHandler::showHelp(IEvent &event) {
37 LOGSECTION("AgHelpHandler::showHelp");
38 return false;
39 }
41 Boolean HelpDemon::showHelp(IEvent &event) {
42 AgHelpWindow::showHelp(topic);
43 return true;
44 }
46 Boolean HelpDemon::mouseClicked(IMouseClickEvent &event) {
47 LOGSECTION("HelpDemon::mouseClicked");
48 LOGV(event.mouseButton()) LCV(event.mouseAction());
49 LOGV(ControlPanel::helpCursorSet);
50 if (ControlPanel::helpCursorSet) {
51 if (event.mouseButton() == IMouseClickEvent::button2) {
52 return false;
53 }
54 if (event.mouseAction() == IMouseClickEvent::down) {
55 AgHelpWindow::showHelp(topic);
56 ControlPanel::helpCursorSet = 0;
57 ControlPanel::resetCursor();
58 }
59 return true;
60 }
61 return false;
62 }
64 HelpDemon::HelpDemon(IWindow *w, AgString t)
65 : window(w)
66 , topic(t)
67 {
68 AgHelpHandler::handleEventsFor(window);
69 IMouseHandler::handleEventsFor(window);
70 }
72 HelpDemon::~HelpDemon() {
73 //if (!topic.exists()) return;
74 LOGSECTION("HelpDemon::~HelpDemon");
75 LOGV((int) &window);
76 AgHelpHandler::stopHandlingEventsFor(window);
77 LOGS("Help handler released") LCV((int) &window);
78 IMouseHandler::stopHandlingEventsFor(window);
79 LOGS("Mouse handler released");
80 }
82 void HelpDemon::setTopic(AgString t) {
83 //AgString oldTopic = topic;
84 topic = t;
85 //if (oldTopic.exists()) return;
86 //AgHelpHandler::handleEventsFor(window);
87 //IMouseHandler::handleEventsFor(window);
88 }
91 class ActivateKluge {
92 private:
93 AgFrame *window;
95 void pingWindow() {
96 LOGSECTION("ActivateKluge::pingWindow");
97 LOGV((int) window) LCV(window->id());
98 window->setFocus();
99 delete this;
100 }
101 void pingActionWindow() {
102 LOGSECTION("ActivateKluge::pingActionWindow");
103 LOGV((int) window) LCV(window->id());
104 pActionWindow->setFocus();
105 defer(this, pingWindow);
106 }
107 void pingControlPanel() {
108 LOGSECTION("ActivateKluge::pingControlPanel");
109 LOGV((int) window) LCV(window->id());
110 controlPanel->setFocus();
111 defer(this, pingActionWindow);
112 }
114 public:
115 ActivateKluge(AgFrame *w) : window(w) {
116 LOGSECTION("ActivateKluge::ActivateKluge");
117 LOGV((int) window) LCV(window->id());
118 defer(this, pingControlPanel);
119 }
120 ~ActivateKluge() {}
121 };
123 class FocusKluge {
124 AgFrame *window;
126 void pingWindow() {
127 LOGSECTION("FocusKluge::pingWindow");
128 LOGV((int) window) LCV(window->id());
129 window->setFocus();
130 delete this;
131 }
133 public:
134 FocusKluge(AgFrame *w) : window(w) {
135 LOGSECTION("FocusKluge::FocusKluge");
136 LOGV((int) window) LCV(window->id());
137 defer(this, pingWindow);
138 }
139 ~FocusKluge() {}
140 };
142 Boolean AgFrameHandler::activated(IFrameEvent &event) {
143 LOGSECTION_OFF("AgFrameHandler::activated");
144 //int protectHelp = ControlPanel::helpCursorSet;
145 //ControlPanel::helpCursorSet = 0;
146 AgFrame *window = (AgFrame *) event.controlWindow();
147 window->activeFlag = 1;
148 LOGV(AgFrame::menuShowingFlag) LCV(ControlPanel::helpCursorSet);
149 int windowId = window->id();
150 LOGV(windowId) LCV((int) window);
151 LOGV((int) controlPanel) LCV((int) pActionWindow);
152 AgFrame::activeWindowCount++;
153 AgFrame::windowRegistry.markActive(windowId);
154 AgFrame::activeWindow = (AgFrame *) window;
155 IWindowHandle previous = (void *) event.parameter2();
156 IWindow *previousWindow = IWindow::windowWithHandle(previous);
157 if (previousWindow == 0 && controlPanel != 0) {
158 new ActivateKluge(window);
159 }
160 else if (previousWindow != pActionWindow) {
161 window->setFocus();
162 }
163 LOGV((int) window);
164 LOGV((int) event.parameter2().asLong()) LCV((int) previousWindow);
165 //ControlPanel::helpCursorSet = protectHelp;
167 return true;
168 }
170 Boolean AgFrameHandler::deactivated(IFrameEvent &event) {
171 LOGSECTION_OFF("AgFrameHandler::deactivated");
172 AgFrame *window = (AgFrame *) event.controlWindow();
173 window->activeFlag = 0;
175 int windowId = window->id();
176 LOGV(windowId) LCV((int) window);
177 #endif
178 AgFrame::activeWindowCount--;
179 LOGV(AgFrame::activeWindowCount);
180 if (AgFrame::activeWindow == window) {
181 AgFrame::activeWindow = 0;
182 }
183 //onDeactivate();
184 return false;
185 }
188 Boolean AgFrameHandler::dispatchHandlerEvent(IEvent &event) {
189 //LOGSECTION("AgFrameHandler::dispatchHandlerEvent", Log::off);
190 LOGSECTION_OFF("AgFrameHandler::dispatchHandlerEvent");
191 LOGV(event.eventId());
192 LOGV((int) event.controlWindow()) LCV(event.controlWindow()->id());
193 ok_ptr(this);
194 if (event.eventId()==WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED || event.eventId()==WM_KILLFOCUS) {
195 if (controlPanel) {
196 controlPanel->makeTopmost();
197 }
198 }
199 return IFrameHandler::dispatchHandlerEvent(event);
200 }
202 Boolean AgUserHandler::dispatchHandlerEvent(IEvent &event) {
203 //LOGSECTION("AgUserHandler::dispatchHandlerEvent", Log::off);
204 LOGSECTION_OFF("AgUserHandler::dispatchHandlerEvent");
205 LOGV(event.eventId());
206 LOGV((int) event.controlWindow()) LCV(event.controlWindow()->id());
207 if (event.eventId() == WM_USER) {
208 AgAction::Kernel *kernel =
209 (AgAction::Kernel *) (void *) event.parameter1().asLong();
210 kernel->perform();
211 if (kernel->unlock()) {
212 delete kernel;
213 kernel = 0;
214 }
215 event.setResult(true);
216 return true;
217 }
218 return false;
219 }
221 Boolean AgHelpHandler::dispatchHandlerEvent(IEvent &event) {
222 //LOGSECTION("AgHelpHandler", Log::off);
223 LOGSECTION_OFF("AgHelpHandler");
224 LOGV(event.eventId());
225 if (event.eventId() == WM_HELP || event.eventId() == IC_ID_HELP) {
226 LOGSECTION("WM_HELP message");
227 if (!showHelp(event)) {
228 return false;
229 }
230 event.setResult(true);
231 return true;
232 }
233 return false;
234 }
236 /*
237 Boolean AgFrame::mousePointerChange(IMousePointerEvent &event) {
238 LOGSECTION("AgFrame::mousePointerChange");
239 if (ControlPanel::helpCursorSet && helpCursorSupported) {
240 event.setMousePointer(ControlPanel::helpCursor);
241 }
242 else {
243 event.setMousePointer(ControlPanel::activeCursor);
244 }
245 LOGS("Pointer changed");
246 return true;
247 }
248 */
250 void AgFrame::showHelpTopic() {
251 LOGSECTION("AgFrame::showHelpTopic");
252 if (AgFrame::menuShowingFlag) {
253 defer(this, showHelpTopic);
254 return;
255 }
256 AgHelpWindow::showHelp(helpTopic);
257 }
259 Boolean AgFrame::showHelp(IEvent &event) {
260 AgString topic;
262 LOGSECTION("AgFrame::showHelp");
263 // look for active pop up menu
264 LOGV((int) AgFrame::activePopUpMenu);
265 LOGV(AgFrame::activeAuxMenu.exists());
266 if (AgFrame::activePopUpMenu && AgFrame::activeAuxMenu.exists()) {
267 int n = AgFrame::activePopUpMenu->numberOfItems();
268 for (int i = 0; i++ < n;) {
269 IMenuItem item = AgFrame::activePopUpMenu->menuItem(i);
270 if (item.isHighlighted()) {
271 topic = AgFrame::activeAuxMenu[i-1].text;
272 break;
273 }
274 }
275 }
276 if (!topic.exists() && AgFrame::activeWindow) {
277 topic = AgFrame::windowRegistry.getTitle(AgFrame::activeWindow->id());
278 }
279 if (!topic.exists()) {
280 topic = "Using Help";
281 }
282 LOGV(topic) LCV(topic.size());
283 //LOGV(simple_file_name) LCV(simple_file_name.size());
284 helpTopic = topic;
285 defer(this, showHelpTopic);
286 event.setResult(true);
287 return true;
288 }
290 WindowRegistry AgFrame::windowRegistry;
292 AgFrame::AgFrame()
293 : IFrameWindow(nextChildId(), frameParent, frameOwner, IRectangle(),
294 titleBar
295 | systemMenu
296 | minimizeButton
297 | sizingBorder
298 | noMoveWithOwner)
299 , windowTitle(this, "AnaGram")
300 , syntaxDependent(0)
301 , activeFlag(1)
302 , helpCursorSupported(0)
303 , accelerator(IDW_FRAME_WINDOW, this)
304 , modalDialog(0)
305 , closeAction(actionObject(this, closeFrame))
306 {
307 LOGSECTION("AgFrame::AgFrame()");
308 windowId = id();
309 //useExtensionMinimumSize(&windowTitle);
310 LOGV(windowId) LCV((int) this);
311 setIcon(IDI_ICON);
312 frameHandler = new AgFrameHandler;
313 IFrameWindow::removeDefaultHandler();
314 frameHandler->handleEventsFor(this);
315 ICommandHandler::handleEventsFor(this);
316 IResizeHandler::handleEventsFor(this);
317 LOGS("command handler attached");
318 AgHelpHandler::handleEventsFor(this);
319 userHandler = new AgUserHandler;
320 userHandler->handleEventsFor(this);
321 IKeyboardHandler::handleEventsFor(this);
322 //IMousePointerHandler::handleEventsFor(this);
323 activeWindow = this;
324 }
326 AgFrame::AgFrame(Style s)
327 : IFrameWindow(nextChildId(), frameParent, frameOwner, IRectangle(),
328 s | titleBar | minimizeButton | noMoveWithOwner)
329 , windowTitle(this, "AnaGram")
330 , syntaxDependent(0)
331 , activeFlag(1)
332 , helpCursorSupported(0)
333 , accelerator(IDW_FRAME_WINDOW, this)
334 , modalDialog(0)
335 , closeAction(actionObject(this, closeFrame))
336 {
337 LOGSECTION("AgFrame::AgFrame(Style)");
338 windowId = id();
339 //useExtensionMinimumSize(&windowTitle);
340 LOGV(windowId) LCV((int) this);
341 setIcon(IDI_ICON);
342 LOGV("Icon set");
343 frameHandler = new AgFrameHandler;
344 LOGS("frameHandler built");
345 IFrameWindow::removeDefaultHandler();
346 LOGS("Old frame handler removed");
347 frameHandler->handleEventsFor(this);
348 LOGS("New frame handler atteched");
349 ICommandHandler::handleEventsFor(this);
350 LOGS("Command handler attached");
351 IResizeHandler::handleEventsFor(this);
352 LOGS("resize handler attached");
353 AgHelpHandler::handleEventsFor(this);
354 LOGS("help handler attached");
355 userHandler = new AgUserHandler;
356 LOGS("user handler created");
357 userHandler->handleEventsFor(this);
358 LOGS("user handler attached");
359 IKeyboardHandler::handleEventsFor(this);
360 LOGS("keyboard handler attached");
361 //IMousePointerHandler::handleEventsFor(this);
362 activeWindow = this;
363 }
365 AgFrame::AgFrame(int id_)
366 : IFrameWindow(id_, frameParent, frameOwner, IRectangle(),
367 titleBar
368 | systemMenu
369 | minimizeButton
370 | maximizeButton
371 | sizingBorder
372 | noMoveWithOwner)
373 , windowTitle(this, "AnaGram")
374 , syntaxDependent(0)
375 , activeFlag(1)
376 , helpCursorSupported(0)
377 , accelerator(IDW_FRAME_WINDOW, this)
378 , modalDialog(0)
379 , closeAction(actionObject(this, closeFrame))
380 {
381 LOGSECTION("AgFrame::AgFrame(int id)");
382 windowId = id();
383 //useExtensionMinimumSize(&windowTitle);
384 LOGV(windowId) LCV((int) this);
385 setIcon(IDI_ICON);
386 frameHandler = new AgFrameHandler;
387 IFrameWindow::removeDefaultHandler();
388 frameHandler->handleEventsFor(this);
389 ICommandHandler::handleEventsFor(this);
390 IResizeHandler::handleEventsFor(this);
391 LOGS("command handler attached");
392 AgHelpHandler::handleEventsFor(this);
393 userHandler = new AgUserHandler;
394 userHandler->handleEventsFor(this);
395 IKeyboardHandler::handleEventsFor(this);
396 //IMousePointerHandler::handleEventsFor(this);
397 activeWindow = this;
398 }
400 AgFrame::~AgFrame() {
401 LOGSECTION("AgFrame::~AgFrame");
402 LOGV(windowId) LCV((int) this);
403 IPoint cascadeRestore = cascadeOffset - cascadeIncrement;
404 if (cascadeRestore == initialPosition) {
405 cascadeOffset = cascadeRestore;
406 }
407 ICommandHandler::stopHandlingEventsFor(this);
408 LOGS("command handler detached");
409 AgHelpHandler::stopHandlingEventsFor(this);
410 LOGS("help handler detached");
411 userHandler->stopHandlingEventsFor(this);
412 LOGS("user handler detached");
413 frameHandler->stopHandlingEventsFor(this);
414 LOGS("frame handler detached");
415 delete frameHandler;
416 LOGS("frame handler deleted");
417 delete userHandler;
418 LOGS("user handler deleted");
420 IResizeHandler::stopHandlingEventsFor(this);
421 LOGS("resize handler detached");
422 IKeyboardHandler::stopHandlingEventsFor(this);
423 //IMousePointerHandler::stopHandlingEventsFor(this);
424 LOGS("~AgFrame completed");
425 }
427 void AgFrame::closeFrame() {
428 LOGSECTION("AgFrame::closeFrame");
429 LOGV(windowId) LCV((int) this);
430 if (modalDialog) {
431 closeAction.performDeferred();
432 return;
433 }
434 close();
435 }
437 AgFrame &AgFrame::close() {
438 LOGSECTION("AgFrame::close");
439 LOGV(id()) LCV(syntaxFileId);
440 IFrameWindow::close();
441 return *this;
442 }
444 Boolean AgFrame::characterKeyPress(IKeyboardEvent &event) {
445 LOGSECTION("AgFrame::characterKeyPress");
446 if (event.isCtrlDown()) {
447 return false;
448 }
449 if (event.isShiftDown()) {
450 return false;
451 }
452 if (!event.isAltDown()) {
453 return false;
454 }
455 //IMenuBar &menu = controlPanel->menuBar;
456 switch (event.character()) {
457 /*
458 case 'a':
459 controlPanel->selectMenuItem(IDM_FILE);
460 return true;
461 case 'b':
462 controlPanel->selectMenuItem(IDM_BROWSE);
463 return true;
464 case 'o':
465 controlPanel->selectMenuItem(IDM_OPTIONS);
466 return true;
467 case 'w':
468 controlPanel->selectMenuItem(IDM_WINDOWS);
469 return true;
470 case 'h':
471 controlPanel->selectMenuItem(IDM_HELP);
472 return true;
473 */
474 default:
475 return false;
476 }
477 }
479 Boolean AgFrame::virtualKeyPress(IKeyboardEvent &event) {
480 LOGSECTION("AgFrame::virtualKeyPress");
481 LOGV((int) event.virtualKey());
482 LOGV(event.isShiftDown()) LCV(event.isCtrlDown()) LCV(event.isAltDown());
483 switch (event.virtualKey()) {
484 case IKeyboardEvent::esc: {
485 //IWindow *waiting = controlPanel;
486 AgFrame::windowRegistry.remove(id());
487 close();
488 return true;
489 }
490 case IKeyboardEvent::f10: {
491 if (event.isShiftDown()) {
492 return true;
493 }
494 if (event.isCtrlDown() || event.isAltDown()) {
495 return false;
496 }
497 if (controlPanel) {
498 controlPanel->setFocus();
499 }
500 return false;
501 }
502 case IKeyboardEvent::f3: {
503 if (event.isShiftDown() || event.isCtrlDown() || event.isAltDown()) {
504 return false;
505 }
506 if (controlPanel) {
507 controlPanel->findNext();
508 }
509 return true;
510 }
511 case IKeyboardEvent::f4: {
512 if (event.isShiftDown() || event.isCtrlDown() || event.isAltDown()) {
513 return false;
514 }
515 if (controlPanel) {
516 controlPanel->findPrev();
517 }
518 return true;
519 }
520 case IKeyboardEvent::f8: {
521 if (event.isShiftDown() || event.isCtrlDown() || event.isAltDown()) {
522 return false;
523 }
524 if (controlPanel) {
525 controlPanel->setFocus();
526 }
527 return true;
528 }
529 }
530 return false;
531 }
533 void AgFrame::popUp() {
534 if (modalDialog) {
535 modalDialog->show().setFocus();
536 return;
537 }
538 if (isMinimized()) {
539 restore();
540 }
541 show().setFocus();
542 }
544 AgFrame &AgFrame::show(Boolean showWindow) {
545 IFrameWindow::show(showWindow);
546 return *this;
547 }
549 AgFrame &AgFrame::setFocus() {
550 IFrameWindow::setFocus();
551 return *this;
552 }
554 AgFrame &AgFrame::mySetFocus() {
555 LOGSECTION("AgFrame::mySetFocus");
556 LOGV((int) modalDialog);
557 IHandle h = handle();
558 if (modalDialog) {
559 modalDialog->setFocus();
560 h = modalDialog->handle();
561 }
562 else {
563 setFocus();
564 }
565 //BringWindowToTop(h);
566 return *this;
567 }
569 AgFrame &AgFrame::positionFrame() {
570 LOGSECTION("AgFrame::positionFrame");
571 LOGV(size());
572 if (!(size() + cascadeOffset <= desktopWindow()->size())) {
573 cascadeOffset = cascadeOrigin;
574 }
576 LOGV(cascadeOffset);
577 moveTo(cascadeOffset);
578 initialPosition = cascadeOffset;
579 cascadeOffset += cascadeIncrement;
580 return *this;
581 }
583 Boolean AgFrame::windowResize(IResizeEvent &event) {
584 LOGSECTION("AgFrame::windowResize");
585 LOGV(windowId) LCV((int) this);
586 LOGV(event.newSize().asString());
587 LOGV(minimumSize().asString());
588 return false;
589 }
591 void AgFrame::registerTitle(AgString name) {
592 LOGSECTION("Register title");
593 LOGV(windowId) LCV((int) this) LCV(name);
594 windowRegistry.registerId(this, name, actionObject(this, popUp));
595 LOGS("registration complete");
596 }
598 Boolean AgFrame::command(ICommandEvent &event) {
599 LOGSECTION("AgFrame::command");
600 if (messageBoxShowing) {
601 messageBeep();
602 return true;
603 }
604 switch(event.commandId()) {
605 case IDM_EDIT_FIND:
606 if (controlPanel) {
607 controlPanel->searchKeyBox.setFocus();
608 }
609 break;
612 if (controlPanel) {
613 controlPanel->findNext();
614 }
615 break;
616 }
619 if (controlPanel) {
620 controlPanel->findPrev();
621 }
622 break;
623 }
624 return true;
625 }
627 Boolean AgFrame::systemCommand(ICommandEvent &event) {
628 LOGSECTION("AgFrame::systemCommand");
629 int commandId = event.commandId() & 0xfff0;
630 LOGV(commandId);
631 if (messageBoxShowing) {
632 messageBeep();
633 return true;
634 }
635 if (commandId == ISystemMenu::idClose) {
636 LOGSECTION("AgFrame::systemCommand::idClose");
637 LOGV(windowId) LCV((int) this);
639 LOGV((int)event.dispatchingWindow());
640 LOGV((int)event.controlWindow());
641 LOGV((int)this);
642 if (event.dispatchingWindow() != this) {
643 return false;
644 }
646 AgFrame *window = windowRegistry.find(windowId);
647 if (window && window->modalDialog) {
648 window->modalDialog->close();
649 }
650 //IWindow *waiting = controlPanel;
651 windowRegistry.remove(windowId);
652 /*
653 int n = AgFrame::windowRegistry.size();
654 if (n) {
655 waiting = AgFrame::windowRegistry[n-1].window;
656 }
657 waiting->setFocus();
658 */
659 closeAction.performDeferred();
660 LOGS("finished");
661 //return false;
662 return true;
663 }
664 else if (commandId == ISystemMenu::idMinimize) {
665 LOGSECTION("AgFrame::systemCommand::idMinimize");
666 hide();
667 return true;
668 }
669 return false;
670 }
672 AgDialog::AgDialog(IWindow *owner)
673 : IFrameWindow(nextChildId(), AgFrame::frameParent, owner, IRectangle(),
674 titleBar
675 | systemMenu
676 | dialogBorder
677 | dialogBackground
678 | noMoveWithOwner
679 | synchPaint)
680 , windowTitle(this, "AnaGram")
681 {
682 LOGSECTION("AgDialog::AgDialog");
683 windowId = id();
684 LOGV(windowId);
685 setIcon(IDI_ICON);
686 ICommandHandler::handleEventsFor(this);
687 IResizeHandler::handleEventsFor(this);
688 AgHelpHandler::handleEventsFor(this);
689 }
691 AgDialog::~AgDialog() {
692 LOGSECTION("AgDialog::~AgDialog");
693 LOGV(windowId);
694 ICommandHandler::stopHandlingEventsFor(this);
695 IResizeHandler::stopHandlingEventsFor(this);
696 AgHelpHandler::stopHandlingEventsFor(this);
697 }
699 Boolean AgDialog::showHelp(IEvent &event) {
700 AgString topic;
702 LOGSECTION("AgDialog::showHelp");
703 topic = AgFrame::windowRegistry.getTitle(AgFrame::activeWindow->id());
704 if (!topic.exists()) {
705 topic = "Using Help";
706 }
707 AgString title;
708 if (topic.exists()) {
709 title = topic.firstCut(' ').leftX();
710 LOGV(topic.pointer());
711 LOGV(title.pointer());
712 if (!title.exists()) {
713 title = topic;
714 }
715 if (title == "Help") {
716 topic = "Using Help";
717 }
718 title = AgString::format("Help - %s", topic.pointer());
719 }
720 LOGV(topic.pointer());
721 IFrameWindow *helpWindow = AgFrame::windowRegistry.find(title);
722 LOGV((int) helpWindow);
723 if (helpWindow == 0) {
724 helpWindow = new AgHelpWindow(topic);
725 helpWindow->setAutoDeleteObject();
726 }
727 helpWindow->setFocus();
728 event.setResult(true);
729 return true;
730 }
732 Boolean AgDialog::systemCommand(ICommandEvent &event) {
733 LOGSECTION("AgDialog::systemCommand");
734 int commandId = event.commandId() & 0xfff0;
735 if (commandId == ISystemMenu::idClose) {
736 LOGSECTION("AgDialog::systemCommand::idClose");
737 LOGV(windowId);
739 LOGV((int)event.dispatchingWindow());
740 LOGV((int)event.controlWindow());
741 LOGV((int)this);
742 if (event.dispatchingWindow() != this) {
743 return false;
744 }
746 //IWindow *waiting = controlPanel;
747 AgFrame::windowRegistry.remove(windowId);
748 /*
749 int n = AgFrame::windowRegistry.size();
750 if (n) {
751 waiting = AgFrame::windowRegistry[n-1].window;
752 }
753 waiting->setFocus();
754 */
755 LOGS("finished");
756 return false;
757 }
758 else if (commandId == ISystemMenu::idMinimize) {
759 LOGSECTION("AgDialog::systemCommand::idMinimize");
760 hide();
761 return true;
762 }
763 return false;
764 }