Item | Value |
ATF | |
Version | |
Timings | |
Start time of tests | |
End time of tests | |
System information | |
Host name | |
Operating system | |
Operating system release | |
Operating system version | |
Platform | |
Tests results | |
Root | /usr/tests |
Test programs | 400 |
Bogus test programs | 0 |
Test cases | 2325 |
Passed test cases | 2171 |
46 | |
56 | |
52 | |
Test case | Result | Reason |
atf/atf-c/detail/dynstr_test | ||
append_ap | Passed | N/A |
append_fmt | Passed | N/A |
clear | Passed | N/A |
copy | Passed | N/A |
cstring | Passed | N/A |
equal_cstring | Passed | N/A |
equal_dynstr | Passed | N/A |
fini_disown | Passed | N/A |
init | Passed | N/A |
init_ap | Passed | N/A |
init_fmt | Passed | N/A |
init_raw | Passed | N/A |
init_rep | Passed | N/A |
init_substr | Passed | N/A |
length | Passed | N/A |
prepend_ap | Passed | N/A |
prepend_fmt | Passed | N/A |
rfind_ch | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/detail/env_test | ||
get | Passed | N/A |
has | Passed | N/A |
set | Passed | N/A |
unset | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/detail/fs_test | ||
eaccess | Passed | N/A |
exists | Passed | N/A |
getcwd | Passed | N/A |
mkdtemp_err | Passed | N/A |
mkdtemp_ok | Passed | N/A |
mkdtemp_umask | Passed | N/A |
mkstemp_err | Passed | N/A |
mkstemp_ok | Passed | N/A |
mkstemp_umask | Passed | N/A |
path_append | Passed | N/A |
path_branch_path | Passed | N/A |
path_copy | Passed | N/A |
path_equal | Passed | N/A |
path_is_absolute | Passed | N/A |
path_is_root | Passed | N/A |
path_leaf_name | Passed | N/A |
path_normalize | Passed | N/A |
path_to_absolute | Passed | N/A |
rmdir_empty | Passed | N/A |
rmdir_enotempty | Passed | N/A |
rmdir_eperm | Passed | N/A |
stat_mode | Passed | N/A |
stat_perms | Passed | N/A |
stat_type | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/detail/list_test | ||
list_append | Passed | N/A |
list_append_list | Passed | N/A |
list_for_each | Passed | N/A |
list_for_each_c | Passed | N/A |
list_index | Passed | N/A |
list_index_c | Passed | N/A |
list_init | Passed | N/A |
list_to_charpp_empty | Passed | N/A |
list_to_charpp_some | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/detail/map_test | ||
find | Passed | N/A |
find_c | Passed | N/A |
map_for_each | Passed | N/A |
map_for_each_c | Passed | N/A |
map_init | Passed | N/A |
map_init_charpp_empty | Passed | N/A |
map_init_charpp_null | Passed | N/A |
map_init_charpp_short | Passed | N/A |
map_init_charpp_some | Passed | N/A |
map_insert | Passed | N/A |
stable_keys | Passed | N/A |
to_charpp_empty | Passed | N/A |
to_charpp_some | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/detail/process_test | ||
child_pid | Passed | N/A |
child_wait_eintr | Passed | N/A |
exec_failure | Passed | N/A |
exec_list | Passed | N/A |
exec_prehook | Passed | N/A |
exec_success | Passed | N/A |
fork_cookie | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_capture_err_capture | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_capture_err_connect | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_capture_err_default | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_capture_err_inherit | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_capture_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_capture_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_connect_err_capture | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_connect_err_connect | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_connect_err_default | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_connect_err_inherit | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_connect_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_connect_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_default_err_capture | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_default_err_connect | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_default_err_default | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_default_err_inherit | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_default_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_default_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_inherit_err_capture | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_inherit_err_connect | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_inherit_err_default | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_inherit_err_inherit | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_inherit_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_inherit_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_capture | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_connect | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_default | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_inherit | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_fd_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_capture | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_connect | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_default | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_inherit | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A |
fork_out_redirect_path_err_redirect_path | Passed | N/A |
status_coredump | Passed | N/A |
status_exited | Passed | N/A |
status_signaled | Passed | N/A |
stream_init_capture | Passed | N/A |
stream_init_connect | Passed | N/A |
stream_init_inherit | Passed | N/A |
stream_init_redirect_fd | Passed | N/A |
stream_init_redirect_path | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/detail/sanity_test | ||
inv | Passed | N/A |
post | Passed | N/A |
pre | Passed | N/A |
unreachable | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/detail/test_helpers_test | ||
grep_file | Passed | N/A |
grep_string | Passed | N/A |
read_line | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/detail/text_test | ||
for_each_word | Passed | N/A |
format | Passed | N/A |
format_ap | Passed | N/A |
split | Passed | N/A |
split_delims | Passed | N/A |
to_bool | Passed | N/A |
to_long | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/detail/user_test | ||
euid | Passed | N/A |
is_member_of_group | Passed | N/A |
is_root | Passed | N/A |
is_unprivileged | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/atf_c_test | ||
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/build_test | ||
c_o | Passed | N/A |
cpp | Passed | N/A |
cxx_o | Passed | N/A |
equal_arrays | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/check_test | ||
build_c_o | Passed | N/A |
build_cpp | Passed | N/A |
build_cxx_o | Passed | N/A |
exec_array | Passed | N/A |
exec_cleanup | Passed | N/A |
exec_exitstatus | Passed | N/A |
exec_stdout_stderr | Passed | N/A |
exec_umask | Passed | N/A |
exec_unknown | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/config_test | ||
get | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/error_test | ||
error_new | Passed | N/A |
error_new_wo_memory | Passed | N/A |
format | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
include_fwd | Passed | N/A |
is_error | Passed | N/A |
libc_format | Passed | N/A |
libc_new | Passed | N/A |
no_error | Passed | N/A |
no_memory_format | Passed | N/A |
no_memory_new | Passed | N/A |
no_memory_twice | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/macros_test | ||
check | Passed | N/A |
check_eq | Passed | N/A |
check_errno | Passed | N/A |
check_streq | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
msg_embedded_fmt | Passed | N/A |
require | Passed | N/A |
require_eq | Passed | N/A |
require_errno | Passed | N/A |
require_streq | Passed | N/A |
use | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/pkg_config_test | ||
build | Passed | N/A |
version | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/tc_test | ||
config | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
init | Passed | N/A |
init_pack | Passed | N/A |
vars | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/tp_test | ||
getopt | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c/utils_test | ||
free_charpp_empty | Passed | N/A |
free_charpp_some | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/detail/application_test | ||
getopt | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/detail/env_test | ||
has_get | Passed | N/A |
set | Passed | N/A |
unset | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/detail/exceptions_test | ||
throw_atf_error_libc | Passed | N/A |
throw_atf_error_no_memory | Passed | N/A |
throw_atf_error_unknown | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/detail/expand_test | ||
expand_glob_base | Passed | N/A |
expand_glob_tps | Passed | N/A |
is_glob | Passed | N/A |
matches_glob_plain | Passed | N/A |
matches_glob_question | Passed | N/A |
matches_glob_star | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/detail/fs_test | ||
directory_file_info | Passed | N/A |
directory_names | Passed | N/A |
directory_read | Passed | N/A |
exists | Passed | N/A |
file_info_perms | Passed | N/A |
file_info_stat | Passed | N/A |
is_executable | Passed | N/A |
path_branch_path | Passed | N/A |
path_compare_different | Passed | N/A |
path_compare_equal | Passed | N/A |
path_concat | Passed | N/A |
path_is_absolute | Passed | N/A |
path_is_root | Passed | N/A |
path_leaf_name | Passed | N/A |
path_normalize | Passed | N/A |
path_op_less | Passed | N/A |
path_to_absolute | Passed | N/A |
remove | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/detail/parser_test | ||
headers_1 | Passed | N/A |
headers_10 | Passed | N/A |
headers_11 | Passed | N/A |
headers_12 | Passed | N/A |
headers_2 | Passed | N/A |
headers_3 | Passed | N/A |
headers_4 | Passed | N/A |
headers_5 | Passed | N/A |
headers_6 | Passed | N/A |
headers_7 | Passed | N/A |
headers_8 | Passed | N/A |
headers_9 | Passed | N/A |
parse_error_to_string | Passed | N/A |
parse_errors_what | Passed | N/A |
token_getters | Passed | N/A |
tokenizer_delims_nows | Passed | N/A |
tokenizer_delims_ws | Passed | N/A |
tokenizer_keywords_nows | Passed | N/A |
tokenizer_keywords_ws | Passed | N/A |
tokenizer_minimal_nows | Passed | N/A |
tokenizer_minimal_ws | Passed | N/A |
tokenizer_quotes_nows | Passed | N/A |
tokenizer_quotes_ws | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/detail/sanity_test | ||
nothing | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/detail/text_test | ||
duplicate | Passed | N/A |
join | Passed | N/A |
match | Passed | N/A |
split | Passed | N/A |
split_delims | Passed | N/A |
to_bool | Passed | N/A |
to_string | Passed | N/A |
to_type | Passed | N/A |
trim | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/detail/ui_test | ||
paragraphs | Passed | N/A |
w_tag_col | Passed | N/A |
w_tag_no_repeat | Passed | N/A |
w_tag_repeat | Passed | N/A |
wo_tag | Passed | N/A |
wo_tag_col | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/atf_c++_test | ||
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/build_test | ||
c_o | Passed | N/A |
cpp | Passed | N/A |
cxx_o | Passed | N/A |
equal_argvs | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/check_test | ||
build_c_o | Passed | N/A |
build_cpp | Passed | N/A |
build_cxx_o | Passed | N/A |
exec_cleanup | Passed | N/A |
exec_exitstatus | Passed | N/A |
exec_stdout_stderr | Passed | N/A |
exec_unknown | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/config_test | ||
get | Passed | N/A |
get_all | Passed | N/A |
has | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/macros_test | ||
check_errno | Passed | N/A |
fail | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
pass | Passed | N/A |
require | Passed | N/A |
require_eq | Passed | N/A |
require_errno | Passed | N/A |
require_in | Passed | N/A |
require_match | Passed | N/A |
require_not_in | Passed | N/A |
require_throw | Passed | N/A |
require_throw_re | Passed | N/A |
skip | Passed | N/A |
use | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/pkg_config_test | ||
build | Passed | N/A |
version | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/tests_test | ||
atf_tp_writer | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-c++/utils_test | ||
auto_array_access | Passed | N/A |
auto_array_assign | Passed | N/A |
auto_array_assign_ref | Passed | N/A |
auto_array_copy | Passed | N/A |
auto_array_copy_ref | Passed | N/A |
auto_array_get | Passed | N/A |
auto_array_release | Passed | N/A |
auto_array_reset | Passed | N/A |
auto_array_scope | Passed | N/A |
include | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-sh/tc_test | ||
default_status | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-sh/tp_test | ||
srcdir | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-sh/normalize_test | ||
main | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-sh/config_test | ||
get | Passed | N/A |
has | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-sh/atf-check_test | ||
eflag_empty | Passed | N/A |
eflag_file | Passed | N/A |
eflag_ignore | Passed | N/A |
eflag_inline | Passed | N/A |
eflag_match | Passed | N/A |
eflag_multiple | Passed | N/A |
eflag_negated | Passed | N/A |
eflag_save | Passed | N/A |
invalid_umask | Passed | N/A |
oflag_empty | Passed | N/A |
oflag_file | Passed | N/A |
oflag_ignore | Passed | N/A |
oflag_inline | Passed | N/A |
oflag_match | Passed | N/A |
oflag_multiple | Passed | N/A |
oflag_negated | Passed | N/A |
oflag_save | Passed | N/A |
sflag_eq_ne | Passed | N/A |
sflag_exit | Passed | N/A |
sflag_ignore | Passed | N/A |
sflag_signal | Passed | N/A |
xflag | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-sh/atf_check_test | ||
equal | Passed | N/A |
experr_mismatch | Passed | N/A |
expout_mismatch | Passed | N/A |
info_ok | Passed | N/A |
null_stderr | Passed | N/A |
null_stdout | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-sh/integration_test | ||
arguments | Passed | N/A |
missing_script | Passed | N/A |
no_args | Passed | N/A |
atf/test-programs/config_test | ||
vflag | Passed | N/A |
atf/test-programs/expect_test | ||
expect_death | Passed | N/A |
expect_exit | Passed | N/A |
expect_fail | Passed | N/A |
expect_pass | Passed | N/A |
expect_signal | Passed | N/A |
expect_timeout | Passed | N/A |
atf/test-programs/fork_test | ||
stop | Passed | N/A |
atf/test-programs/meta_data_test | ||
no_descr | Passed | N/A |
no_head | Passed | N/A |
atf/test-programs/srcdir_test | ||
default | Passed | N/A |
libtool | Passed | N/A |
relative | Passed | N/A |
sflag | Passed | N/A |
atf/test-programs/result_test | ||
result_exception | Passed | N/A |
result_on_stdout | Passed | N/A |
result_to_file | Passed | N/A |
result_to_file_fail | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-config/integration_test | ||
list_all | Passed | N/A |
override_env | Passed | N/A |
query_mixture | Passed | N/A |
query_multiple | Passed | N/A |
query_one | Passed | N/A |
query_one_terse | Passed | N/A |
query_unknown | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-report/integration_test | ||
default | Passed | N/A |
expect | Passed | N/A |
oflag | Passed | N/A |
output_csv | Passed | N/A |
output_ticker | Passed | N/A |
output_xml | Passed | N/A |
output_xml_space | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-report/reader_test | ||
tps_1 | Passed | N/A |
tps_2 | Passed | N/A |
tps_3 | Passed | N/A |
tps_4 | Passed | N/A |
tps_5 | Passed | N/A |
tps_50 | Passed | N/A |
tps_51 | Passed | N/A |
tps_52 | Passed | N/A |
tps_53 | Passed | N/A |
tps_54 | Passed | N/A |
tps_55 | Passed | N/A |
tps_56 | Passed | N/A |
tps_57 | Passed | N/A |
tps_58 | Passed | N/A |
tps_59 | Passed | N/A |
tps_6 | Passed | N/A |
tps_60 | Passed | N/A |
tps_61 | Passed | N/A |
tps_62 | Passed | N/A |
tps_63 | Passed | N/A |
tps_64 | Passed | N/A |
tps_65 | Passed | N/A |
tps_66 | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-run/atffile_test | ||
atffile_1 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_2 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_3 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_4 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_5 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_50 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_51 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_52 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_53 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_54 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_6 | Passed | N/A |
atffile_getters | Passed | N/A |
read_missing_test_program | Passed | N/A |
read_missing_test_suite | Passed | N/A |
read_ok_simple | Passed | N/A |
read_ok_some_globs | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-run/config_test | ||
config_1 | Passed | N/A |
config_2 | Passed | N/A |
config_3 | Passed | N/A |
config_4 | Passed | N/A |
config_50 | Passed | N/A |
config_51 | Passed | N/A |
config_52 | Passed | N/A |
config_53 | Passed | N/A |
config_54 | Passed | N/A |
merge_configs_both_empty | Passed | N/A |
merge_configs_lower_empty | Passed | N/A |
merge_configs_mixed | Passed | N/A |
merge_configs_upper_empty | Passed | N/A |
read_config_files_none | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-run/fs_test | ||
change_directory | Passed | N/A |
cleanup | Passed | N/A |
cleanup_eacces_on_root | Passed | N/A |
cleanup_eacces_on_subdir | Passed | N/A |
get_current_dir | Passed | N/A |
temp_dir_raii | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-run/integration_test | ||
atffile | Passed | N/A |
atffile_recursive | Passed | N/A |
broken_results | Passed | N/A |
broken_tp_list | Passed | N/A |
cleanup_curdir | Passed | N/A |
cleanup_fail | Passed | N/A |
cleanup_mount | Passed | N/A |
cleanup_pass | Passed | N/A |
cleanup_signal | Passed | N/A |
cleanup_skip | Passed | N/A |
cleanup_symlink | Passed | N/A |
config | Passed | N/A |
exit_codes | Passed | N/A |
expect | Passed | N/A |
fds | Passed | N/A |
hooks | Passed | N/A |
ignore_deprecated_use_fs | Passed | N/A |
isolation_env | Passed | N/A |
isolation_home | Passed | N/A |
isolation_umask | Passed | N/A |
missing_results | Passed | N/A |
mux_streams | Passed | N/A |
require_arch | Passed | N/A |
require_config | Passed | N/A |
require_machine | Passed | N/A |
require_progs | Passed | N/A |
require_user_bad | Passed | N/A |
require_user_root | Passed | N/A |
require_user_unprivileged | Passed | N/A |
signaled | Passed | N/A |
timeout | Passed | N/A |
timeout_forkexit | Passed | N/A |
vflag | Passed | N/A |
zero_tcs | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-run/io_test | ||
file_handle_copy | Passed | N/A |
file_handle_ctor | Passed | N/A |
file_handle_get | Passed | N/A |
file_handle_posix_remap | Passed | N/A |
muxer_large_buffer | Passed | N/A |
muxer_small_buffer | Passed | N/A |
pistream | Passed | N/A |
systembuf_long_read | Passed | N/A |
systembuf_long_write | Passed | N/A |
systembuf_short_read | Passed | N/A |
systembuf_short_write | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-run/requirements_test | ||
require_arch_many_fail | Passed | N/A |
require_arch_many_ok | Passed | N/A |
require_arch_one_fail | Passed | N/A |
require_arch_one_ok | Passed | N/A |
require_config_many_fail | Passed | N/A |
require_config_many_ok | Passed | N/A |
require_config_one_fail | Passed | N/A |
require_config_one_ok | Passed | N/A |
require_machine_many_fail | Passed | N/A |
require_machine_many_ok | Passed | N/A |
require_machine_one_fail | Passed | N/A |
require_machine_one_ok | Passed | N/A |
require_progs_many_fail | Passed | N/A |
require_progs_many_missing | Passed | N/A |
require_progs_many_ok | Passed | N/A |
require_progs_one_fail | Passed | N/A |
require_progs_one_missing | Passed | N/A |
require_progs_one_ok | Passed | N/A |
require_user_fail | Passed | N/A |
require_user_root | Passed | N/A |
require_user_unprivileged | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-run/signals_test | ||
reset | Passed | N/A |
signal_holder_destructor | Passed | N/A |
signal_holder_preserve | Passed | N/A |
signal_holder_process | Passed | N/A |
signal_programmer_preserve | Passed | N/A |
signal_programmer_program | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-run/test_program_test | ||
atf_tps_writer | Passed | N/A |
get_metadata_bad | Passed | N/A |
get_metadata_several_tcs | Passed | N/A |
get_metadata_zero_tcs | Passed | N/A |
parse_test_case_result_expected_death | Passed | N/A |
parse_test_case_result_expected_exit | Passed | N/A |
parse_test_case_result_expected_failure | Passed | N/A |
parse_test_case_result_expected_signal | Passed | N/A |
parse_test_case_result_expected_timeout | Passed | N/A |
parse_test_case_result_failed | Passed | N/A |
parse_test_case_result_passed | Passed | N/A |
parse_test_case_result_skipped | Passed | N/A |
parse_test_case_result_unknown | Passed | N/A |
read_test_case_result_empty_file | Passed | N/A |
read_test_case_result_invalid | Passed | N/A |
read_test_case_result_multiline | Passed | N/A |
read_test_case_result_no_file | Passed | N/A |
tp_1 | Passed | N/A |
tp_2 | Passed | N/A |
tp_3 | Passed | N/A |
tp_4 | Passed | N/A |
tp_50 | Passed | N/A |
tp_51 | Passed | N/A |
tp_52 | Passed | N/A |
tp_53 | Passed | N/A |
tp_54 | Passed | N/A |
tp_55 | Passed | N/A |
tp_56 | Passed | N/A |
tp_57 | Passed | N/A |
tp_58 | Passed | N/A |
tp_59 | Passed | N/A |
atf/atf-run/user_test | ||
euid | Passed | N/A |
is_member_of_group | Passed | N/A |
is_root | Passed | N/A |
is_unprivileged | Passed | N/A |
crypto/libcrypto/t_certs | ||
x509v3 | Passed | N/A |
crypto/libcrypto/t_ciphers | ||
bf | Passed | N/A |
cast | Passed | N/A |
des | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | IDEA support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_IDEA=no | |
rc2 | Passed | N/A |
rc4 | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | RC5 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_RC5=no | |
crypto/libcrypto/t_hashes | ||
hmac | Passed | N/A |
md2 | Passed | N/A |
md4 | Passed | N/A |
md5 | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | MDC2 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_MDC2=no | |
ripemd | Passed | N/A |
sha | Passed | N/A |
crypto/libcrypto/t_libcrypto | ||
bn | Passed | N/A |
conf | Passed | N/A |
engine | Passed | N/A |
lhash | Passed | N/A |
rand | Passed | N/A |
threads | Passed | N/A |
crypto/libcrypto/t_pubkey | ||
dh | Passed | N/A |
dsa | Passed | N/A |
ec | Passed | N/A |
ecdh | Passed | N/A |
ecdsa | Passed | N/A |
rsa | Passed | N/A |
dev/audio/t_pad | ||
pad_output | Passed | N/A |
dev/cgd/t_cgd | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44515: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
wrongpass | Passed | N/A |
dev/md/t_md | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
dev/raidframe/t_raid | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44251: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
raid1_compfail | Passed | N/A |
raid5_compfail | Passed | N/A |
smalldisk | Passed | N/A |
dev/scsipi/t_cd | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43785: /usr/src/tests/dev/scsipi/t_cd.c:64: rump_scsitest_err[RUMP_SCSITEST_NOISYSYNC] != 0 | |
dev/sysmon/t_swwdog | ||
disarm | Passed | N/A |
panic | Passed | N/A |
reboot | Passed | N/A |
dev/sysmon/t_swsensor | ||
alarm_sensor | Passed | N/A |
limit_sensor | Passed | N/A |
simple_sensor | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_fifos | ||
fifos | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_snapshot | ||
snapshot | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_snapshot_log | ||
snapshot | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_snapshot_v2 | ||
snapshot | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_mount | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43573: mount failed: Invalid argument | |
fsbsize2big | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_quota2_1 | ||
quota_1000_O1_be | Passed | N/A |
quota_1000_O1_le | Passed | N/A |
quota_1000_O2_be | Passed | N/A |
quota_1000_O2_le | Passed | N/A |
quota_40_O1_be | Passed | N/A |
quota_40_O1_le | Passed | N/A |
quota_40_O1_log | Passed | N/A |
quota_40_O2_be | Passed | N/A |
quota_40_O2_le | Passed | N/A |
quota_40_O2_log | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_quota2_remount | ||
quota_10_O1_be | Passed | N/A |
quota_10_O1_le | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_getquota | ||
get_be_1_both | Passed | N/A |
get_be_1_group | Passed | N/A |
get_be_1_user | Passed | N/A |
get_be_2_both | Passed | N/A |
get_be_2_group | Passed | N/A |
get_be_2_user | Passed | N/A |
get_le_1_both | Passed | N/A |
get_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
get_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
get_le_2_both | Passed | N/A |
get_le_2_group | Passed | N/A |
get_le_2_user | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_setquota | ||
set_be_1_both | Passed | N/A |
set_be_1_group | Passed | N/A |
set_be_1_user | Passed | N/A |
set_be_2_both | Passed | N/A |
set_be_2_group | Passed | N/A |
set_be_2_user | Passed | N/A |
set_default_be_1_both | Passed | N/A |
set_default_be_1_group | Passed | N/A |
set_default_be_1_user | Passed | N/A |
set_default_be_2_both | Passed | N/A |
set_default_be_2_group | Passed | N/A |
set_default_be_2_user | Passed | N/A |
set_default_le_1_both | Passed | N/A |
set_default_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
set_default_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
set_default_le_2_both | Passed | N/A |
set_default_le_2_group | Passed | N/A |
set_default_le_2_user | Passed | N/A |
set_le_1_both | Passed | N/A |
set_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
set_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
set_le_2_both | Passed | N/A |
set_le_2_group | Passed | N/A |
set_le_2_user | Passed | N/A |
set_new_be_1_both | Passed | N/A |
set_new_be_1_both_log | Passed | N/A |
set_new_be_1_group | Passed | N/A |
set_new_be_1_user | Passed | N/A |
set_new_be_2_both | Passed | N/A |
set_new_be_2_both_log | Passed | N/A |
set_new_be_2_group | Passed | N/A |
set_new_be_2_user | Passed | N/A |
set_new_le_1_both | Passed | N/A |
set_new_le_1_both_log | Passed | N/A |
set_new_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
set_new_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
set_new_le_2_both | Passed | N/A |
set_new_le_2_both_log | Passed | N/A |
set_new_le_2_group | Passed | N/A |
set_new_le_2_user | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_quotalimit | ||
herit_defq_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
herit_defq_le_1_group_log | Passed | N/A |
herit_defq_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
herit_defq_le_1_user_log | Passed | N/A |
herit_idefq_le_1_group_log | Passed | N/A |
herit_idefq_le_1_user_log | Passed | N/A |
inolimit_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
inolimit_le_1_group_log | Passed | N/A |
inolimit_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
inolimit_le_1_user_log | Passed | N/A |
limit_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
limit_le_1_group_log | Passed | N/A |
limit_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
limit_le_1_user_log | Passed | N/A |
sinolimit_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
sinolimit_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
slimit_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
slimit_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_clearquota | ||
clear_be_1_both | Passed | N/A |
clear_be_1_both_log | Passed | N/A |
clear_be_1_group | Passed | N/A |
clear_be_1_user | Passed | N/A |
clear_be_2_both | Passed | N/A |
clear_be_2_both_log | Passed | N/A |
clear_be_2_group | Passed | N/A |
clear_be_2_user | Passed | N/A |
clear_le_1_both | Passed | N/A |
clear_le_1_both_log | Passed | N/A |
clear_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
clear_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
clear_le_2_both | Passed | N/A |
clear_le_2_both_log | Passed | N/A |
clear_le_2_group | Passed | N/A |
clear_le_2_user | Passed | N/A |
fs/ffs/t_miscquota | ||
log_unlink | Passed | N/A |
log_unlink_remount | Passed | N/A |
npsnapshot_unconf_user | Passed | N/A |
npsnapshot_user | Passed | N/A |
psnapshot_unconf_user | Passed | N/A |
psnapshot_user | Passed | N/A |
walk_list_user | Passed | N/A |
fs/hfs/t_pathconvert | ||
colonslash | Passed | N/A |
fs/kernfs/t_basic | ||
getdents | Passed | N/A |
hostname | Passed | N/A |
fs/lfs/t_pr | ||
mknod | Passed | N/A |
fs/msdosfs/t_snapshot | ||
snapshot | Passed | N/A |
fs/nfs/t_mountd | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/5844: op failed with EACCES | |
fs/nfs/t_rquotad | ||
Failed | Test case timed out after 60 seconds | |
Failed | Test case timed out after 60 seconds | |
Failed | Test case timed out after 60 seconds | |
Failed | Test case timed out after 60 seconds | |
Failed | Test case timed out after 60 seconds | |
Failed | Test case timed out after 60 seconds | |
fs/nullfs/t_basic | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
twistymount | Passed | N/A |
fs/psshfs/t_psshfs | ||
inode_nos | Passed | N/A |
ls | Passed | N/A |
pwd | Passed | N/A |
fs/ptyfs/t_ptyfs | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
fs/ptyfs/t_nullpts | ||
nullrevoke | Passed | N/A |
fs/puffs/t_basic | ||
inactive_basic | Passed | N/A |
inactive_reclaim | Passed | N/A |
mount | Passed | N/A |
reclaim_hardlink | Passed | N/A |
root_chrdev | Passed | N/A |
root_fifo | Passed | N/A |
root_lnk | Passed | N/A |
root_reg | Passed | N/A |
signals | Passed | N/A |
unlink_accessible | Passed | N/A |
fs/puffs/t_fuzz | ||
mountfuzz0 | Passed | N/A |
mountfuzz1 | Passed | N/A |
mountfuzz2 | Passed | N/A |
mountfuzz3 | Passed | N/A |
mountfuzz4 | Passed | N/A |
mountfuzz5 | Passed | N/A |
mountfuzz6 | Passed | N/A |
mountfuzz7 | Passed | N/A |
mountfuzz8 | Passed | N/A |
fs/puffs/t_io | ||
nocache | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_renamerace | ||
Expected timeout | ||
fs/tmpfs/t_create | ||
attrs | Passed | N/A |
create | Passed | N/A |
kqueue | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_devices | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_dots | ||
nesteddir | Passed | N/A |
topdir | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_exec | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_link | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
kqueue | Passed | N/A |
subdirs | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_mkdir | ||
attrs | Passed | N/A |
kqueue | Passed | N/A |
many | Passed | N/A |
nested | Passed | N/A |
single | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_mknod | ||
block | Passed | N/A |
block_kqueue | Passed | N/A |
char | Passed | N/A |
char_kqueue | Passed | N/A |
pipe | Passed | N/A |
pipe_kqueue | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_mount | ||
attrs | Passed | N/A |
large | Passed | N/A |
mntpt | Passed | N/A |
negative | Passed | N/A |
options | Passed | N/A |
plain | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_pipes | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_read_write | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
kqueue | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_readdir | ||
caching | Passed | N/A |
dots | Passed | N/A |
many | Passed | N/A |
types | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_remove | ||
dot | Passed | N/A |
kqueue | Passed | N/A |
single | Passed | N/A |
uchg | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_rename | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
crossdev | Passed | N/A |
dir_to_emptydir | Passed | N/A |
dir_to_file | Passed | N/A |
dir_to_fulldir | Passed | N/A |
dotdot | Passed | N/A |
dots | Passed | N/A |
file_to_dir | Passed | N/A |
kqueue | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_rmdir | ||
curdir | Passed | N/A |
dots | Passed | N/A |
kqueue | Passed | N/A |
links | Passed | N/A |
mntpt | Passed | N/A |
nested | Passed | N/A |
non_empty | Passed | N/A |
non_existent | Passed | N/A |
single | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_setattr | ||
chgrp | Passed | N/A |
chgrp_kqueue | Passed | N/A |
chmod | Passed | N/A |
chmod_kqueue | Passed | N/A |
chown | Passed | N/A |
chown_kqueue | Passed | N/A |
chowngrp | Passed | N/A |
chowngrp_kqueue | Passed | N/A |
chtimes | Passed | N/A |
chtimes_kqueue | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_sizes | ||
big | Passed | N/A |
overflow | Passed | N/A |
overwrite | Passed | N/A |
small | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_sockets | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_statvfs | ||
values | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_symlink | ||
dir | Passed | N/A |
exec | Passed | N/A |
file | Passed | N/A |
kqueue | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_times | ||
empty | Passed | N/A |
link | Passed | N/A |
non_empty | Passed | N/A |
rename | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_trail_slash | ||
main | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_truncate | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_vnd | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
fs/tmpfs/t_vnode_leak | ||
main | Passed | N/A |
fs/umapfs/t_basic | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
fs/union/t_pr | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43560: open returned EROFS | |
Expected signal | ||
multilayer | Passed | N/A |
fs/vfs/t_full | ||
ext2fs_fillfs | Passed | N/A |
ffs_fillfs | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_fillfs | Passed | N/A |
lfs_fillfs | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_fillfs | Passed | N/A |
nfs_fillfs | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | |
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | |
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | |
sysvbfs_fillfs | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_fillfs | Passed | N/A |
fs/vfs/t_io | ||
ext2fs_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
ffs_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
ffs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A |
ffs_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
ffs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
ffs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
ffs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
ffs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
lfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
lfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A |
lfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
lfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
lfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
lfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
lfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
nfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
nfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A |
nfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
nfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
nfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
nfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
nfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
puffs_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
puffs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A |
puffs_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
puffs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
puffs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
puffs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
puffs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44307: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_io.c:93: sb.st_size != seekcnt | |
sysvbfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_extendfile | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_extendfile_append | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_holywrite | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_overwrite512 | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_overwrite64k | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_overwrite_trunc | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_shrinkfile | Passed | N/A |
fs/vfs/t_renamerace | ||
ext2fs_renamerace | Passed | N/A |
Expected signal | ||
ffs_renamerace | Passed | N/A |
Expected signal | ||
ffslog_renamerace | Passed | N/A |
Expected signal | ||
Expected signal | ||
Expected signal | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44661: unmount failed: Device busy | |
Expected signal | ||
nfs_renamerace | Passed | N/A |
nfs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_renamerace | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44336: problem did not trigger | |
puffs_renamerace | Passed | N/A |
puffs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
sysvbfs_renamerace | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | directories not supported | |
tmpfs_renamerace | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_renamerace_dirs | Passed | N/A |
fs/vfs/t_ro | ||
ext2fs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_create | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_createdir | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_createfifo | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_createlink | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_fileio | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_rmfile | Passed | N/A |
ffs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
ffs_create | Passed | N/A |
ffs_createdir | Passed | N/A |
ffs_createfifo | Passed | N/A |
ffs_createlink | Passed | N/A |
ffs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A |
ffs_fileio | Passed | N/A |
ffs_rmfile | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_attrs | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_create | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_createdir | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_createfifo | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_createlink | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_createsymlink | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_fileio | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_rmfile | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_create | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_createdir | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_createfifo | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_createlink | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_fileio | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_rmfile | Passed | N/A |
nfs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
nfs_create | Passed | N/A |
nfs_createdir | Passed | N/A |
nfs_createfifo | Passed | N/A |
nfs_createlink | Passed | N/A |
nfs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A |
nfs_fileio | Passed | N/A |
nfs_rmfile | Passed | N/A |
nfsro_attrs | Passed | N/A |
nfsro_create | Passed | N/A |
nfsro_createdir | Passed | N/A |
nfsro_createfifo | Passed | N/A |
nfsro_createlink | Passed | N/A |
nfsro_createsymlink | Passed | N/A |
nfsro_fileio | Passed | N/A |
nfsro_rmfile | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_create | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_createdir | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_createfifo | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_createlink | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_createsymlink | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_fileio | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_rmfile | Passed | N/A |
fs/vfs/t_rmdirrace | ||
ext2fs_race | Passed | N/A |
ffs_race | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_race | Passed | N/A |
Expected signal | ||
msdosfs_race | Passed | N/A |
nfs_race | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_race | Passed | N/A |
puffs_race | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_race | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | rmdir(2) not supported by file system | |
tmpfs_race | Passed | N/A |
fs/vfs/t_union | ||
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
ffs_basic | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44383: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_union.c:188: Expected true value in rump_sys_stat(TDIR, &sb) == -1 | |
Expected signal | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44383: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_union.c:188: Expected true value in rump_sys_stat(TDIR, &sb) == -1 | |
lfs_basic | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44383: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_union.c:188: Expected true value in rump_sys_stat(TDIR, &sb) == -1 | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
rumpfs_basic | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44383: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_union.c:190: rump_sys_mkdir("testdir", 0777): No such file or directory | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
fs/vfs/t_unpriv | ||
ext2fs_owner | Passed | N/A |
ffs_owner | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_owner | Passed | N/A |
lfs_owner | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | owner not supported by file system | |
nfs_owner | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_owner | Passed | N/A |
puffs_owner | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | owner not supported by file system | |
Skipped | owner not supported by file system | |
tmpfs_owner | Passed | N/A |
fs/vfs/t_vfsops | ||
ext2fs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_tmount | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_tsync | Passed | N/A |
ffs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A |
ffs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A |
ffs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A |
ffs_tmount | Passed | N/A |
ffs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
ffs_tsync | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_tfhinval | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_tfhremove | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_tmount | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_tsync | Passed | N/A |
lfs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | fhopen() for removed file succeeds (PR kern/43745): /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vfsops.c:152: Expected true value in rump_sys_fhopen(fhp, fhsize, O_RDONLY) == -1 | |
lfs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A |
lfs_tmount | Passed | N/A |
lfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
lfs_tsync | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_tmount | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_tsync | Passed | N/A |
nfs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A |
nfs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A |
nfs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A |
nfs_tmount | Passed | N/A |
nfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
nfs_tsync | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_tmount | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_tsync | Passed | N/A |
puffs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A |
puffs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A |
puffs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A |
puffs_tmount | Passed | N/A |
puffs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
puffs_tsync | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
rumpfs_tmount | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_tsync | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
sysvbfs_tmount | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_tsync | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_tfhinval | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_tfhremove | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_tfilehandle | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_tmount | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_tstatvfs | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_tsync | Passed | N/A |
fs/vfs/t_vnops | ||
ext2fs_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
ext2fs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A |
ext2fs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A |
ffs_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
ffs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
ffs_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
ffs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
ffs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A |
ffs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A |
ffs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
ffs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
ffs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A |
ffs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
ffs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A |
ffs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A |
ffs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
ffs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A |
ffs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_attrs | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_dir_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
ffslog_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_rename_dir | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A |
ffslog_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A |
lfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
lfs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
lfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
lfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
lfs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A |
lfs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A |
lfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
lfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
lfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A |
lfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
lfs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A |
lfs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A |
lfs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
lfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A |
lfs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/43670: close: Bad file descriptor | |
msdosfs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
msdosfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A |
msdosfs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/43670: unlink: File name too long | |
msdosfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | |
nfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
nfs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
nfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
nfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
nfs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A |
nfs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A |
nfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
nfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
nfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A |
nfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
nfs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A |
nfs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A |
nfs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
nfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A |
nfs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
p2k_ffs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A |
p2k_ffs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A |
puffs_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
puffs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
puffs_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
puffs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
puffs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A |
puffs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A |
puffs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
puffs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
puffs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A |
puffs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
puffs_rename_dir | Passed | N/A |
puffs_rename_dotdot | Passed | N/A |
puffs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
puffs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A |
puffs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_dir_rmdirdotdot | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
rumpfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A |
rumpfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
rumpfs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
sysvbfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
sysvbfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
sysvbfs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
sysvbfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | |
tmpfs_access_simple | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_attrs | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_create_exist | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_create_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_dir_notempty | Passed | N/A |
Expected signal | ||
tmpfs_dir_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
tmpfs_fcntl_lock | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_lookup_complex | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_lookup_simple | Passed | N/A |
Expected signal | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43617: other-dotdot | |
tmpfs_rename_nametoolong | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_rename_reg_nodir | Passed | N/A |
tmpfs_symlink_zerolen | Passed | N/A |
games/t_factor | ||
loop | Passed | N/A |
overflow | Passed | N/A |
include/sys/t_bitops | ||
fast_divide32 | Passed | N/A |
ffsfls | Passed | N/A |
ilog2_1 | Passed | N/A |
ilog2_2 | Passed | N/A |
include/sys/t_bootblock | ||
mbr_partition | Passed | N/A |
mbr_sector | Passed | N/A |
include/t_bitstring | ||
bits_27 | Passed | N/A |
bits_32 | Passed | N/A |
bits_49 | Passed | N/A |
bits_64 | Passed | N/A |
bits_67 | Passed | N/A |
bits_8 | Passed | N/A |
include/t_glob | ||
glob_types | Passed | N/A |
include/t_inttypes | ||
int_fmtio | Passed | N/A |
include/t_limits | ||
char | Passed | N/A |
posix | Passed | N/A |
short | Passed | N/A |
include/t_netdb | ||
Expected failure | PR standards/44777: AI_V4MAPPED not defined | |
include/t_paths | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/44807: /usr/src/tests/include/t_paths.c:166: S_ISBLK(m) != 0 || S_ISCHR(m) != 0 not met | |
include/t_stdint | ||
int16 | Passed | N/A |
int8 | Passed | N/A |
include/t_types | ||
types_limits | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR standards/44847: /usr/src/tests/include/t_types.c:103: (bs - 1) <= 0 not met | |
types_unsigned | Passed | N/A |
ipf/t_filter_exec | ||
f1 | Passed | N/A |
f10 | Passed | N/A |
f11 | Passed | N/A |
f12 | Passed | N/A |
f13 | Passed | N/A |
f14 | Passed | N/A |
f15 | Passed | N/A |
f16 | Passed | N/A |
f17 | Passed | N/A |
f18 | Passed | N/A |
f2 | Passed | N/A |
f20 | Passed | N/A |
f24 | Passed | N/A |
f3 | Passed | N/A |
f4 | Passed | N/A |
f5 | Passed | N/A |
f6 | Passed | N/A |
f7 | Passed | N/A |
f8 | Passed | N/A |
f9 | Passed | N/A |
ipv6_1 | Passed | N/A |
ipv6_2 | Passed | N/A |
ipv6_3 | Passed | N/A |
ipv6_5 | Passed | N/A |
ipv6_6 | Passed | N/A |
ipf/t_filter_parse | ||
i1 | Passed | N/A |
i10 | Passed | N/A |
i11 | Passed | N/A |
i12 | Passed | N/A |
i13 | Passed | N/A |
i14 | Passed | N/A |
i15 | Passed | N/A |
i16 | Passed | N/A |
i17 | Passed | N/A |
i18 | Passed | N/A |
i19 | Passed | N/A |
i2 | Passed | N/A |
i20 | Passed | N/A |
i21 | Passed | N/A |
i3 | Passed | N/A |
i4 | Passed | N/A |
i5 | Passed | N/A |
i6 | Passed | N/A |
i7 | Passed | N/A |
i8 | Passed | N/A |
i9 | Passed | N/A |
ipf/t_logging | ||
l1 | Passed | N/A |
ipf/t_nat_exec | ||
n10 | Passed | N/A |
n12 | Passed | N/A |
n13 | Passed | N/A |
n14 | Passed | N/A |
n16 | Passed | N/A |
n17 | Passed | N/A |
n3 | Passed | N/A |
n7 | Passed | N/A |
n8 | Passed | N/A |
n9 | Passed | N/A |
ipf/t_nat_ipf_exec | ||
ni1 | Passed | N/A |
ni13 | Passed | N/A |
ni14 | Passed | N/A |
ni15 | Passed | N/A |
ni16 | Passed | N/A |
ni2 | Passed | N/A |
ni21 | Passed | N/A |
ni23 | Passed | N/A |
ni3 | Passed | N/A |
ni4 | Passed | N/A |
ni6 | Passed | N/A |
ni7 | Passed | N/A |
ni8 | Passed | N/A |
ni9 | Passed | N/A |
ipf/t_nat_parse | ||
in1 | Passed | N/A |
in3 | Passed | N/A |
in4 | Passed | N/A |
in5 | Passed | N/A |
in6 | Passed | N/A |
ipf/t_pools | ||
ip1 | Passed | N/A |
ip2 | Passed | N/A |
p1 | Passed | N/A |
p2 | Passed | N/A |
p3 | Passed | N/A |
p5 | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/read/t_fifo | ||
fifo | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/read/t_file | ||
file | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/read/t_file2 | ||
file2 | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/read/t_pipe | ||
pipe | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/read/t_ttypty | ||
master | Passed | N/A |
slave | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/write/t_fifo | ||
fifo | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/write/t_pipe | ||
pipe1 | Passed | N/A |
pipe2 | Passed | N/A |
pipe3 | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/write/t_ttypty | ||
master | Passed | N/A |
slave | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/t_ioctl | ||
kfilter_byfilter | Passed | N/A |
kfilter_byname | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/t_proc1 | ||
proc1 | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/t_proc2 | ||
proc2 | Passed | N/A |
kernel/kqueue/t_sig | ||
sig | Passed | N/A |
kernel/tty/t_pr | ||
client_first | Passed | N/A |
master_first | Passed | N/A |
ptyioctl | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_lock | ||
lock | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_lwpctl | ||
lwpctl | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_mkdir | ||
mkdir | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_pipe | ||
pipe | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_poll3w | ||
poll | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_posix_fadvise | ||
posix_fadvise | Passed | N/A |
posix_fadvise_reg | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_rnd | ||
RNDADDDATA | Passed | N/A |
RNDADDDATA2 | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_time | ||
time | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_ucontext | ||
ucontext | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_writev | ||
writev | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_extattrctl | ||
extattrctl_namei | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_sigaction | ||
sa_noflags | Passed | N/A |
sa_resethand | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_filedesc | ||
getfilerace | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_extent | ||
bound1 | Passed | N/A |
bound2 | Passed | N/A |
bound3 | Passed | N/A |
bound4 | Passed | N/A |
bound5 | Passed | N/A |
coalesce | Passed | N/A |
free | Passed | N/A |
subregion1 | Passed | N/A |
subregion2 | Passed | N/A |
subregion3 | Passed | N/A |
subregion4 | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_umount | ||
umount | Passed | N/A |
kernel/t_ps_strings | ||
update | Passed | N/A |
validate | Passed | N/A |
lib/csu/t_crt0 | ||
initfini1 | Passed | N/A |
initfini2 | Passed | N/A |
initfini3 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libbluetooth/t_bluetooth | ||
check_bt_aton | Passed | N/A |
check_bt_ntoa | Passed | N/A |
lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_data | ||
check_sdp_data_size | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_data_type | Passed | N/A |
lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_get | ||
check_sdp_get_alt | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_get_attr | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_get_bool | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_get_data | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_get_int | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_get_seq | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_get_str | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_get_uint | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_get_url | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_get_uuid | Passed | N/A |
lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_match | ||
check_sdp_match_uuid16 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_put | ||
check_sdp_put_alt | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_attr | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_bool | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_data | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_int | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_int16 | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_int32 | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_int64 | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_int8 | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_seq | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_str | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_uint | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_uint16 | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_uint32 | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_uint64 | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_uint8 | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_url | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_uuid | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_uuid128 | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_uuid16 | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_put_uuid32 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libbluetooth/t_sdp_set | ||
check_sdp_set_alt | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_set_bool | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_set_int | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_set_seq | Passed | N/A |
check_sdp_set_uint | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/db/t_db | ||
alternate_recno | Passed | N/A |
big_btree | Passed | N/A |
big_hash | Passed | N/A |
big_recno | Passed | N/A |
bsize_ffactor | Passed | N/A |
byte_orders_btree | Passed | N/A |
byte_orders_hash | Passed | N/A |
cursor_flags_btree | Passed | N/A |
cursor_flags_recno | Passed | N/A |
delete_btree | Passed | N/A |
delete_recno | Passed | N/A |
duplicate_btree | Passed | N/A |
four_char_hash | Passed | N/A |
medium_btree | Passed | N/A |
medium_hash | Passed | N/A |
medium_recno | Passed | N/A |
random_recno | Passed | N/A |
repeated_btree | Passed | N/A |
repeated_hash | Passed | N/A |
reverse_order_recno | Passed | N/A |
reverse_recno | Passed | N/A |
small_btree | Passed | N/A |
small_hash | Passed | N/A |
small_page_btree | Passed | N/A |
small_recno | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_basedirname | ||
t_basename | Passed | N/A |
t_dirname | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_dir | ||
seekdir | Passed | N/A |
telldir_leak | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_fmtcheck | ||
tc_fmtcheck | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_getcwd | ||
getcwd_err | Passed | N/A |
getcwd_fts | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_getgrent | ||
getgrent_loop | Passed | N/A |
getgrent_setgid | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_glob_star | ||
t_glob_star | Passed | N/A |
t_glob_star_not | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_humanize_number | ||
humanize_basic | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR lib/44097: /usr/src/tests/lib/libc/gen/t_humanize_number.c:282: strcmp(buf, "0") != 0 not met | |
lib/libc/gen/t_ldexp | ||
basics | Passed | N/A |
denormal | Passed | N/A |
denormal_large_exp | Passed | N/A |
infinity | Passed | N/A |
overflow | Passed | N/A |
underflow | Passed | N/A |
zero | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_nice | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/42587: wrong errno | |
nice_priority | Passed | N/A |
nice_root | Passed | N/A |
nice_thread | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_raise | ||
raise_err | Passed | N/A |
raise_sig | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_randomid | ||
randomid | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_rbstress | ||
rbstress | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_siginfo | ||
sigalarm | Passed | N/A |
sigchild_dump | Passed | N/A |
sigchild_kill | Passed | N/A |
sigchild_normal | Passed | N/A |
sigfpe_flt | Passed | N/A |
sigfpe_int | Passed | N/A |
sigsegv | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_syslog_pthread | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_ttyname | ||
ttyname_err | Passed | N/A |
ttyname_stdin | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/gen/t_vis | ||
vis | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/hash/t_sha2 | ||
t_sha256 | Passed | N/A |
t_sha384 | Passed | N/A |
t_sha512 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/hash/t_hash | ||
md5 | Passed | N/A |
sha1 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/ieeefp/t_except | ||
masked_double | Passed | N/A |
masked_float | Passed | N/A |
masked_long_double | Passed | N/A |
unmasked_double | Passed | N/A |
unmasked_float | Passed | N/A |
unmasked_long_double | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/ieeefp/t_nan_inf | ||
isinf | Passed | N/A |
isnan | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/ieeefp/t_round | ||
fpround | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/ieeefp/t_subnormal | ||
test_double | Passed | N/A |
test_float | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/inet/t_inet_network | ||
inet_network | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/locale/t_ctype1 | ||
ctype1 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/locale/t_ctype2 | ||
ctype2 | Passed | N/A |
ctype2_state | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/locale/t_mbtowc | ||
mbtowc | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/locale/t_wcstod | ||
wcstod | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/locale/t_wctomb | ||
wcrtomb | Passed | N/A |
wcrtomb_state | Passed | N/A |
wctomb | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/net/getaddrinfo/t_getaddrinfo | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
empty_hostname | Passed | N/A |
empty_servname | Passed | N/A |
scopeaddr | Passed | N/A |
sock_raw | Passed | N/A |
specific | Passed | N/A |
unspported_family | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/net/t_nsdispatch | ||
recurse | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/net/t_protoent | ||
protoent | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/net/t_servent | ||
servent | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/regex/t_regex | ||
anchor | Passed | N/A |
backref | Passed | N/A |
basic | Passed | N/A |
bracket | Passed | N/A |
c_comments | Passed | N/A |
complex | Passed | N/A |
error | Passed | N/A |
meta | Passed | N/A |
nospec | Passed | N/A |
nul | Passed | N/A |
paren | Passed | N/A |
regress | Passed | N/A |
repet_bounded | Passed | N/A |
repet_multi | Passed | N/A |
repet_ordinary | Passed | N/A |
startend | Passed | N/A |
subexp | Passed | N/A |
subtle | Passed | N/A |
word_bound | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/rpc/t_xdr | ||
xdr | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/setjmp/t_setjmp | ||
_setjmp | Passed | N/A |
setjmp | Passed | N/A |
sigsetjmp_nosave | Passed | N/A |
sigsetjmp_save | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_div | ||
div | Passed | N/A |
ldiv | Passed | N/A |
lldiv | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_environment | ||
t_clearenv | Passed | N/A |
t_getenv | Passed | N/A |
t_mixed | Passed | N/A |
t_putenv | Passed | N/A |
t_setenv | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_environment_pth | ||
t_threaded | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_hsearch | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
duplicate | Passed | N/A |
nonexistent | Passed | N/A |
two | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_mi_vector_hash | ||
t_mi_vector_hash | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_posix_memalign | ||
posix_memalign | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_strtod | ||
strtod_basic | Passed | N/A |
strtod_hex | Passed | N/A |
strtod_inf | Passed | N/A |
strtod_underflow | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_atexit | ||
atexit | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdlib/t_getopt | ||
getopt | Passed | N/A |
getopt_long | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdio/t_fmemopen | ||
test00 | Passed | N/A |
test01 | Passed | N/A |
test02 | Passed | N/A |
test03 | Passed | N/A |
test04 | Passed | N/A |
test05 | Passed | N/A |
test06 | Passed | N/A |
test07 | Passed | N/A |
test08 | Passed | N/A |
test09 | Passed | N/A |
test10 | Passed | N/A |
test11 | Passed | N/A |
test12 | Passed | N/A |
test13 | Passed | N/A |
test14 | Passed | N/A |
test15 | Passed | N/A |
test16 | Passed | N/A |
test17 | Passed | N/A |
test18 | Passed | N/A |
test19 | Passed | N/A |
test20 | Passed | N/A |
test21 | Passed | N/A |
test22 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdio/t_format | ||
dot_zero_f | Passed | N/A |
sscanf_neg_hex | Passed | N/A |
sscanf_whitespace | Passed | N/A |
zero_padding | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/stdio/t_popen | ||
popen | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/string/t_memcpy | ||
check_memcpy | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/string/t_memmem | ||
check_memmem | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/string/t_popcount | ||
Skipped | config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE | |
Skipped | config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE | |
lib/libc/string/t_stresep | ||
check_stresep | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/string/t_string | ||
check_memchr | Passed | N/A |
check_strcat | Passed | N/A |
check_strchr | Passed | N/A |
check_strcmp | Passed | N/A |
check_strcpy | Passed | N/A |
check_strlen | Passed | N/A |
check_strrchr | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/string/t_swab | ||
check_swab | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/sys/t_cerror | ||
cerror_32 | Passed | N/A |
cerror_64 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/sys/t_clone | ||
clone | Passed | N/A |
null_func | Passed | N/A |
null_stack | Passed | N/A |
out_of_proc | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/sys/t_context | ||
context | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/sys/t_sigqueue | ||
sigqueue | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/time/t_mktime | ||
mktime | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/time/t_strptime | ||
common | Passed | N/A |
day | Passed | N/A |
month | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/tls/t_tls_static | ||
t_tls_static | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/tls/t_tls_dynamic | ||
t_tls_dynamic | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/tls/t_tls_dlopen | ||
t_tls_dlopen | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/ttyio/t_ptm | ||
ptm | Passed | N/A |
ptmx | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/ttyio/t_ttyio | ||
Failed | /usr/src/tests/lib/libc/ttyio/t_ttyio.c:89: tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &term): Bad file descriptor | |
lib/libc/ssp/t_ssp | ||
fgets | Passed | N/A |
getcwd | Passed | N/A |
gets | Passed | N/A |
memcpy | Passed | N/A |
memmove | Passed | N/A |
memset | Passed | N/A |
read | Passed | N/A |
readlink | Passed | N/A |
snprintf | Passed | N/A |
sprintf | Passed | N/A |
strcat | Passed | N/A |
strcpy | Passed | N/A |
strncat | Passed | N/A |
strncpy | Passed | N/A |
vsnprintf | Passed | N/A |
vsprintf | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/t_convfp | ||
test1 | Passed | N/A |
test2 | Passed | N/A |
test3 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libc/t_gdtoa | ||
long_format | Passed | N/A |
lib/libcurses/t_curses | ||
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/addch failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/addchnstr failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/addchstr failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/addnstr failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/addstr failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/assume_default_colors failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/attributes failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/background failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/beep failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/box failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/can_change_color failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/cbreak failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/clear failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/copywin failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/curs_set failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/getch failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/getstr failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/mvwin failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/start failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/termattrs failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/timeout failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/wborder failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/window failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/wprintw failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/wscrl failed | |
lib/libevent/t_event | ||
kqueue | Passed | N/A |
poll | Passed | N/A |
select | Passed | N/A |
lib/libm/t_ceil | ||
ceil | Passed | N/A |
lib/libm/t_floor | ||
floor | Passed | N/A |
lib/libm/t_log | ||
log_nan | Passed | N/A |
lib/libm/t_round | ||
round_dir | Passed | N/A |
lib/libm/t_tanh | ||
Failed | /usr/src/tests/lib/libm/t_tanh.c:59: signbit(d) != 0 not met | |
lib/libm/t_infinity | ||
infinity_double | Passed | N/A |
infinity_float | Passed | N/A |
infinity_long_double | Passed | N/A |
lib/libobjc/t_threads | ||
thread_callback | Passed | N/A |
lib/libprop/t_basic | ||
prop_basic | Passed | N/A |
Expected death | ||
lib/libpthread/t_barrier | ||
barrier | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_cond | ||
bogus_timedwaits | Passed | N/A |
broadcast | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR lib/44756: /usr/src/tests/lib/libpthread/t_cond.c:338: rv == ETIMEDOUT not met | |
destroy_after_cancel | Passed | N/A |
signal_before_unlock | Passed | N/A |
signal_before_unlock_static_init | Passed | N/A |
signal_delay_wait | Passed | N/A |
signal_wait_race | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_detach | ||
pthread_detach | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_equal | ||
pthread_equal | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_fork | ||
fork | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_fpu | ||
fpu | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_join | ||
pthread_join | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_kill | ||
simple | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_mutex | ||
mutex1 | Passed | N/A |
mutex2 | Passed | N/A |
mutex3 | Passed | N/A |
mutex4 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_name | ||
name | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_once | ||
once1 | Passed | N/A |
once2 | Passed | N/A |
once3 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_preempt | ||
preempt1 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_rwlock | ||
rwlock1 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_sem | ||
before_start_no_threads | Passed | N/A |
Expected timeout | Race condition; it is probably unsafe to call sem_post from a signal handler when using the pthread version | |
named | Passed | N/A |
unnamed | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_sigmask | ||
before_threads | Passed | N/A |
incorrect_mask_bug | Passed | N/A |
respected_while_running | Passed | N/A |
upcalls_not_started | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_sigsuspend | ||
sigsuspend | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_siglongjmp | ||
siglongjmp1 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_sleep | ||
sleep1 | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_atexit | ||
atexit | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_cancel | ||
register_while_disabled | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_exit | ||
main_thread | Passed | N/A |
lib/libpthread/t_resolv | ||
Failed | Test case timed out after 300 seconds | |
lib/librt/t_sched | ||
sched_getparam | Passed | N/A |
sched_priority | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR lib/44768: /usr/src/tests/lib/librt/t_sched.c:207: sched_rr_get_interval(-INT_MAX, &tv) != 0 not met | |
sched_rr_get_interval_2 | Passed | N/A |
sched_setscheduler_1 | Passed | N/A |
sched_setscheduler_2 | Passed | N/A |
sched_setscheduler_3 | Passed | N/A |
sched_setscheduler_4 | Passed | N/A |
lib/librt/t_sem | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
child | Passed | N/A |
lib/librumpclient/t_exec | ||
cloexec | Passed | N/A |
exec | Passed | N/A |
noexec | Passed | N/A |
threxec | Passed | N/A |
vfork | Passed | N/A |
lib/librumpclient/t_fd | ||
bigenough | Passed | N/A |
Failed | /usr/src/tests/lib/librumpclient/t_fd.c:134: sigcnt != 1 | |
lib/librumphijack/t_asyncio | ||
invafd | Passed | N/A |
select_allunset | Passed | N/A |
select_timeout | Passed | N/A |
lib/librumphijack/t_config | ||
fdoff | Passed | N/A |
lib/librumphijack/t_cwd | ||
basic_chdir | Passed | N/A |
basic_fchdir | Passed | N/A |
slash_chdir | Passed | N/A |
slash_fchdir | Passed | N/A |
symlink_chdir | Passed | N/A |
symlink_fchdir | Passed | N/A |
symlink_slash_chdir | Passed | N/A |
symlink_slash_fchdir | Passed | N/A |
lib/librumphijack/t_sh | ||
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
lib/librumphijack/t_tcpip | ||
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
Failed | Test case timed out after 300 seconds | |
Skipped | test currently valid only on i386 | |
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
lib/librumphijack/t_vfs | ||
blanket | Passed | N/A |
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
doubleblanket | Passed | N/A |
mv_nox | Passed | N/A |
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
runonprefix | Passed | N/A |
lib/libutil/t_efun | ||
ecalloc | Passed | N/A |
efopen | Passed | N/A |
emalloc | Passed | N/A |
erealloc | Passed | N/A |
lib/libutil/t_parsedate | ||
dates | Passed | N/A |
relative | Passed | N/A |
times | Passed | N/A |
lib/libutil/t_pidfile | ||
change_basenames | Passed | N/A |
change_mix | Passed | N/A |
change_paths | Passed | N/A |
custom_basename | Passed | N/A |
custom_path | Passed | N/A |
default_path | Passed | N/A |
lib/libutil/t_snprintb | ||
snprintb | Passed | N/A |
lib/libutil/t_sockaddr_snprintf | ||
sockaddr_snprintf_at | Passed | N/A |
sockaddr_snprintf_dl | Passed | N/A |
sockaddr_snprintf_in | Passed | N/A |
sockaddr_snprintf_in6 | Passed | N/A |
sockaddr_snprintf_un | Passed | N/A |
lib/semaphore/pthread/t_sem_pth | ||
blockwait | Passed | N/A |
busydestroy | Passed | N/A |
destroy | Passed | N/A |
initvalue | Passed | N/A |
named | Passed | N/A |
postwait | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR kern/43452: close unlinked semaphore: Invalid argument | |
lib/libdes/t_des | ||
align | Passed | N/A |
cbc | Passed | N/A |
cbc_cksum | Passed | N/A |
cbcm | Passed | N/A |
cfb | Passed | N/A |
desx_cbc | Passed | N/A |
ecb | Passed | N/A |
ede_cbc | Passed | N/A |
ede_ecb | Passed | N/A |
ede_ofb64 | Passed | N/A |
fast_crypt | Passed | N/A |
ofb | Passed | N/A |
ofb64 | Passed | N/A |
pcbc | Passed | N/A |
quad_cksum | Passed | N/A |
lib/libskey/t_algorithms | ||
md4 | Passed | N/A |
md5 | Passed | N/A |
sha1 | Passed | N/A |
libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dlerror-cleared | ||
rtld_dlerror_cleared | Passed | N/A |
libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dlerror-false | ||
rtld_dlerror_false | Passed | N/A |
libexec/ld.elf_so/t_dlinfo | ||
rtld_dlinfo_linkmap_dlopen | Passed | N/A |
rtld_dlinfo_linkmap_dlopen_iter | Passed | N/A |
rtld_dlinfo_linkmap_inval | Passed | N/A |
rtld_dlinfo_linkmap_self | Passed | N/A |
libexec/ld.elf_so/t_df_1_noopen | ||
df_1_noopen1 | Passed | N/A |
df_1_noopen2 | Passed | N/A |
modules/t_modctl | ||
cmd_load | Passed | N/A |
cmd_load_props | Passed | N/A |
cmd_load_recurse | Passed | N/A |
cmd_stat | Passed | N/A |
cmd_unload | Passed | N/A |
modules/t_builtin | ||
busydisable | Passed | N/A |
disable | Passed | N/A |
disabledstat | Passed | N/A |
forcereload | Passed | N/A |
noauto | Passed | N/A |
modules/t_modload | ||
bflag | Passed | N/A |
iflag | Passed | N/A |
plain | Passed | N/A |
sflag | Passed | N/A |
net/bpf/t_bpf | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44196: /usr/src/tests/net/bpf/t_bpf.c:96: getmtdata() != 0 | |
bpfwritetrunc | Passed | N/A |
net/bpf/t_div-by-zero | ||
div_by_zero | Passed | N/A |
net/carp/t_basic | ||
handover | Passed | N/A |
net/icmp/t_forward | ||
returndatabytes | Passed | N/A |
net/icmp/t_ping | ||
floodping | Passed | N/A |
floodping2 | Passed | N/A |
ping_of_death | Passed | N/A |
pingsize | Passed | N/A |
simpleping | Passed | N/A |
net/icmp/t_ping2 | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
net/if/t_compat | ||
net/if_loop/t_pr | ||
loopmtu | Passed | N/A |
loopmtu_csum | Passed | N/A |
net/net/t_raw | ||
PRU_SENSE | Passed | N/A |
net/route/t_change | ||
reject2blackhole | Passed | N/A |
net/sys/t_connect | ||
low_port | Passed | N/A |
net/sys/t_listen | ||
low_port | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpkern/t_copy | ||
copyinstr | Passed | N/A |
copyoutstr | Passed | N/A |
copystr | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpkern/t_kern | ||
lockme_DESTROYHELD | Passed | N/A |
lockme_DOUBLEFREE | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | |
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | |
lockme_MTX | Passed | N/A |
lockme_RWDOUBLEX | Passed | N/A |
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | |
lockme_RWXR | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpkern/t_lwproc | ||
inherit | Passed | N/A |
lwps | Passed | N/A |
makelwp | Passed | N/A |
nolwp | Passed | N/A |
nolwprelease | Passed | N/A |
nullswitch | Passed | N/A |
proccreds | Passed | N/A |
rfork | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpkern/t_modcmd | ||
cmsg_modcmd | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpkern/t_modlinkset | ||
modlinkset | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpkern/t_signals | ||
sigignore | Passed | N/A |
sigpanic | Passed | N/A |
sigraise | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpkern/t_threads | ||
kthread | Passed | N/A |
threadjoin | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpkern/t_tsleep | ||
tsleep | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpkern/t_vm | ||
busypage | Passed | N/A |
uvmwait | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpkern/t_sp | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
fork_fakeauth | Passed | N/A |
fork_pipecomm | Passed | N/A |
fork_simple | Passed | N/A |
reconnect | Passed | N/A |
signal | Passed | N/A |
sigsafe | Passed | N/A |
stress_killer | Passed | N/A |
stress_long | Passed | N/A |
stress_short | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpnet/t_shmif | ||
Failed | Test case timed out after 300 seconds | |
rump/rumpvfs/t_basic | ||
lseekrv | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpvfs/t_etfs | ||
key | Passed | N/A |
large_blk | Passed | N/A |
range_blk | Passed | N/A |
reregister_blk | Passed | N/A |
reregister_reg | Passed | N/A |
rump/rumpvfs/t_p2kifs | ||
makecn | Passed | N/A |
rump/modautoload/t_modautoload | ||
Skipped | host kernel modules not supported on this architecture | |
sbin/fsck_ffs/t_enable_quotas | ||
corrupt_be_1 | Passed | N/A |
corrupt_be_2 | Passed | N/A |
corrupt_le_1 | Passed | N/A |
corrupt_le_2 | Passed | N/A |
dir1_be_1 | Passed | N/A |
dir1_be_2 | Passed | N/A |
dir1_le_1 | Passed | N/A |
dir1_le_2 | Passed | N/A |
disable_be_1 | Passed | N/A |
disable_be_2 | Passed | N/A |
disable_le_1 | Passed | N/A |
disable_le_2 | Passed | N/A |
notreg_be_1 | Passed | N/A |
notreg_be_2 | Passed | N/A |
notreg_le_1 | Passed | N/A |
notreg_le_2 | Passed | N/A |
unallocated_be_1 | Passed | N/A |
unallocated_be_2 | Passed | N/A |
unallocated_le_1 | Passed | N/A |
unallocated_le_2 | Passed | N/A |
sbin/fsck_ffs/t_check_quotas | ||
corrupt_list_be_1 | Passed | N/A |
corrupt_list_be_2 | Passed | N/A |
corrupt_list_le_1 | Passed | N/A |
corrupt_list_le_2 | Passed | N/A |
expand1_list_be_1 | Passed | N/A |
expand1_list_be_2 | Passed | N/A |
expand1_list_le_1 | Passed | N/A |
expand1_list_le_2 | Passed | N/A |
expand2_list_be_1 | Passed | N/A |
expand2_list_be_2 | Passed | N/A |
expand2_list_le_1 | Passed | N/A |
expand2_list_le_2 | Passed | N/A |
sbin/newfs/t_enable_quotas | ||
enabled_be_1_both | Passed | N/A |
enabled_be_1_group | Passed | N/A |
enabled_be_1_user | Passed | N/A |
enabled_be_2_both | Passed | N/A |
enabled_be_2_group | Passed | N/A |
enabled_be_2_user | Passed | N/A |
enabled_le_1_both | Passed | N/A |
enabled_le_1_group | Passed | N/A |
enabled_le_1_user | Passed | N/A |
enabled_le_2_both | Passed | N/A |
enabled_le_2_group | Passed | N/A |
enabled_le_2_user | Passed | N/A |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_grow | ||
grow_16M_v0_8192 | Passed | N/A |
grow_16M_v1_16384 | Passed | N/A |
grow_16M_v2_32768 | Passed | N/A |
grow_ffsv1_partial_cg | Passed | N/A |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_shrink | ||
shrink_24M_16M_v0_32768 | Passed | N/A |
shrink_24M_16M_v1_65536 | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
shrink_ffsv1_partial_cg | Passed | N/A |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_grow_swapped | ||
grow_16M_v0_65536 | Passed | N/A |
grow_16M_v1_4096 | Passed | N/A |
grow_16M_v2_8192 | Passed | N/A |
grow_ffsv1_partial_cg | Passed | N/A |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_shrink_swapped | ||
shrink_24M_16M_v0_4096 | Passed | N/A |
shrink_24M_16M_v1_8192 | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
shrink_ffsv1_partial_cg | Passed | N/A |
sys/rc/t_rc_d_cli | ||
default_restart_no_args | Passed | N/A |
default_restart_with_args | Passed | N/A |
default_start_no_args | Passed | N/A |
default_start_with_args | Passed | N/A |
default_stop_no_args | Passed | N/A |
default_stop_with_args | Passed | N/A |
no_command | Passed | N/A |
overriden_custom_no_args | Passed | N/A |
overriden_custom_with_args | Passed | N/A |
overriden_restart_no_args | Passed | N/A |
overriden_restart_with_args | Passed | N/A |
overriden_start_no_args | Passed | N/A |
overriden_start_with_args | Passed | N/A |
overriden_stop_no_args | Passed | N/A |
overriden_stop_with_args | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_access | ||
access_access | Passed | N/A |
access_fault | Passed | N/A |
access_inval | Passed | N/A |
access_notdir | Passed | N/A |
access_notexist | Passed | N/A |
access_toolong | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_cmsg | ||
cmsg_sendfd | Passed | N/A |
cmsg_sendfd_bounds | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_dup | ||
dup_err | Passed | N/A |
dup_max | Passed | N/A |
dup_mode | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_fsync | ||
fsync_err | Passed | N/A |
fsync_sync | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_getgroups | ||
Failed | /usr/src/tests/syscall/t_getgroups.c:60: getgroups(-1, gidset) == -1 not met | |
getgroups_getgid | Passed | N/A |
getgroups_setgid | Passed | N/A |
getgroups_zero | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_getpid | ||
getpid_process | Passed | N/A |
getpid_thread | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_getrusage | ||
getrusage_err | Passed | N/A |
getrusage_sig | Passed | N/A |
Failed | Test case was expecting a failure but none were raised | |
Expected failure | PR kern/30115: zero user time from getrusage(2) | |
syscall/t_getsid | ||
getsid_current | Passed | N/A |
getsid_err | Passed | N/A |
getsid_process | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_mmap | ||
mmap_err | Passed | N/A |
mmap_prot_1 | Passed | N/A |
mmap_prot_2 | Passed | N/A |
mmap_prot_3 | Passed | N/A |
mmap_truncate | Passed | N/A |
mmap_va0 | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_mprotect | ||
mprotect_access | Passed | N/A |
mprotect_err | Passed | N/A |
mprotect_pax | Passed | N/A |
mprotect_write | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_msync | ||
msync_async | Passed | N/A |
msync_err | Passed | N/A |
msync_invalidate | Passed | N/A |
msync_sync | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_setrlimit | ||
setrlimit_basic | Passed | N/A |
setrlimit_current | Passed | N/A |
setrlimit_err | Passed | N/A |
setrlimit_fsize | Passed | N/A |
setrlimit_memlock | Passed | N/A |
setrlimit_nofile_1 | Passed | N/A |
setrlimit_nofile_2 | Passed | N/A |
setrlimit_nproc | Passed | N/A |
setrlimit_perm | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_setuid | ||
setuid_perm | Passed | N/A |
setuid_real | Passed | N/A |
setuid_root | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_timer | ||
timer_create_bogus | Passed | N/A |
timer_create_signal_monotonic | Passed | N/A |
timer_create_signal_realtime | Passed | N/A |
syscall/t_umask | ||
umask_fork | Passed | N/A |
umask_open | Passed | N/A |
umask_previous | Passed | N/A |
toolchain/cc/t_hello | ||
hello | Passed | N/A |
hello32 | Passed | N/A |
hello_pic | Passed | N/A |
usr.bin/rump_server/t_disk | ||
data | Passed | N/A |
notrunc | Passed | N/A |
offset | Passed | N/A |
size | Passed | N/A |
type_blk | Passed | N/A |
type_blk_default | Passed | N/A |
type_chr | Passed | N/A |
type_reg | Passed | N/A |
usr.bin/shmif_dumpbus/t_basic | ||
contents | Passed | N/A |
header | Passed | N/A |
pcap | Passed | N/A |
usr.sbin/traceroute/t_traceroute | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
basic_icmp | Passed | N/A |
util/awk/t_awk | ||
big_regexp | Passed | N/A |
end | Passed | N/A |
multibyte | Passed | N/A |
string1 | Passed | N/A |
util/bzip2/t_bzip2 | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
util/config/t_config | ||
deffs_redef | Passed | N/A |
loop | Passed | N/A |
loop2 | Passed | N/A |
no_pseudo | Passed | N/A |
postponed_orphan | Passed | N/A |
pseudo_parent | Passed | N/A |
shadow_instance | Passed | N/A |
util/cut/t_cut | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
dflag | Passed | N/A |
dsflag | Passed | N/A |
latin1 | Passed | N/A |
sflag | Passed | N/A |
utf8 | Passed | N/A |
util/df/t_df | ||
hflag | Passed | N/A |
normal | Passed | N/A |
util/grep/t_grep | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
begin_end | Passed | N/A |
binary | Passed | N/A |
context | Passed | N/A |
context2 | Passed | N/A |
egrep | Passed | N/A |
file_exp | Passed | N/A |
ignore_case | Passed | N/A |
invert | Passed | N/A |
negative | Passed | N/A |
nonexistent | Passed | N/A |
recurse | Passed | N/A |
recurse_symlink | Passed | N/A |
whole_line | Passed | N/A |
word_regexps | Passed | N/A |
zgrep | Passed | N/A |
util/id/t_groups | ||
correct | Passed | N/A |
syntax | Passed | N/A |
util/id/t_id | ||
Gflag | Passed | N/A |
default | Passed | N/A |
gflag | Passed | N/A |
pflag | Passed | N/A |
primaries | Passed | N/A |
uflag | Passed | N/A |
util/id/t_whoami | ||
correct | Passed | N/A |
syntax | Passed | N/A |
util/m4/t_m4 | ||
eof | Passed | N/A |
util/make/t_make | ||
comment | Passed | N/A |
cond1 | Passed | N/A |
dotwait | Passed | N/A |
export | Passed | N/A |
export_all | Passed | N/A |
moderrs | Passed | N/A |
modmatch | Passed | N/A |
modmisc | Passed | N/A |
modorder | Passed | N/A |
modts | Passed | N/A |
modword | Passed | N/A |
posix | Passed | N/A |
qequals | Passed | N/A |
ternary | Passed | N/A |
unmatchedvarparen | Passed | N/A |
varcmd | Passed | N/A |
util/mtree/t_mtree | ||
check | Passed | N/A |
convert_C | Passed | N/A |
convert_C_S | Passed | N/A |
convert_D | Passed | N/A |
convert_D_S | Passed | N/A |
create | Passed | N/A |
merge | Passed | N/A |
util/ps/t_ps | ||
default_columns | Passed | N/A |
duplicate_column | Passed | N/A |
minus_O | Passed | N/A |
minus_o | Passed | N/A |
override_heading_all_null | Passed | N/A |
override_heading_embedded_specials | Passed | N/A |
override_heading_simple | Passed | N/A |
override_heading_some_null | Passed | N/A |
util/sdiff/t_sdiff | ||
dot | Passed | N/A |
flags | Passed | N/A |
iflags | Passed | N/A |
merge | Passed | N/A |
oneline | Passed | N/A |
same | Passed | N/A |
short | Passed | N/A |
stdin | Passed | N/A |
tabends | Passed | N/A |
tabs | Passed | N/A |
util/sh/t_compexit | ||
set_e | Passed | N/A |
util/sh/t_exit | ||
function | Passed | N/A |
readout | Passed | N/A |
trap_subshell | Passed | N/A |
util/sh/t_expand | ||
arithmetic | Passed | N/A |
dollar_at | Passed | N/A |
dollar_at_with_text | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR bin/43469: $stripped != ${line%%/\**} (#define bindir "/usr/bin" != #define bindir ") | |
varpattern_backslashes | Passed | N/A |
util/sh/t_fsplit | ||
default_val | Passed | N/A |
dollar_at | Passed | N/A |
for | Passed | N/A |
ifs | Passed | N/A |
ifs_alpha | Passed | N/A |
quote | Passed | N/A |
var_length | Passed | N/A |
util/sh/t_here | ||
all | Passed | N/A |
util/sh/t_set_e | ||
all | Passed | N/A |
util/sh/t_varquote | ||
all | Passed | N/A |
Expected failure | PR bin/43597: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
util/sh/t_wait | ||
individual | Passed | N/A |
util/sort/t_sort | ||
any_char | Passed | N/A |
basic | Passed | N/A |
bflag | Passed | N/A |
cflag | Passed | N/A |
empty_file | Passed | N/A |
end_of_options | Passed | N/A |
kflag_alpha | Passed | N/A |
kflag_limits | Passed | N/A |
kflag_many_fields | Passed | N/A |
kflag_no_end | Passed | N/A |
kflag_nonmonotone | Passed | N/A |
kflag_one_field | Passed | N/A |
kflag_outofbounds | Passed | N/A |
kflag_two_fields | Passed | N/A |
long_file | Passed | N/A |
long_records | Passed | N/A |
mflag | Passed | N/A |
mflag_uflag | Passed | N/A |
mflag_uflag_first | Passed | N/A |
missing_newline | Passed | N/A |
nflag | Passed | N/A |
nflag_rflag | Passed | N/A |
null_bytes | Passed | N/A |
oflag | Passed | N/A |
oflag_displaced | Passed | N/A |
plus_as_path | Passed | N/A |
plus_bad_tempfile | Passed | N/A |
plus_no_end | Passed | N/A |
plus_nonmonotone | Passed | N/A |
plus_one | Passed | N/A |
plus_one_minus_two | Passed | N/A |
plus_rflag_invalid | Passed | N/A |
plus_tflag | Passed | N/A |
plus_zero | Passed | N/A |
rflag | Passed | N/A |
sflag | Passed | N/A |
sflag_many_files | Passed | N/A |
tflag | Passed | N/A |
tflag_alphabetic | Passed | N/A |
tflag_char_pos | Passed | N/A |
tflag_whitespace | Passed | N/A |
uflag | Passed | N/A |
uflag_rflag | Passed | N/A |
util/xlint/lint1/t_integration | ||
alignof | Passed | N/A |
c99_complex_num | Passed | N/A |
c99_for_loops | Passed | N/A |
c99_func | Passed | N/A |
c99_recursive_init | Passed | N/A |
c99_struct_init | Passed | N/A |
c99_union_init1 | Passed | N/A |
c99_union_init2 | Passed | N/A |
c99_union_init3 | Passed | N/A |
c9x_array_init | Passed | N/A |
c9x_recursive_init | Passed | N/A |
cast_init | Passed | N/A |
cast_init2 | Passed | N/A |
cast_lhs | Passed | N/A |
compound_literals1 | Passed | N/A |
compound_literals2 | Passed | N/A |
constant_conv1 | Passed | N/A |
constant_conv2 | Passed | N/A |
cvt_in_ternary | Passed | N/A |
ellipsis_in_switch | Passed | N/A |
gcc_compound_statements1 | Passed | N/A |
gcc_compound_statements2 | Passed | N/A |
gcc_compound_statements3 | Passed | N/A |
gcc_func | Passed | N/A |
gcc_variable_array_init | Passed | N/A |
incorrect_array_size | Passed | N/A |
long_double_int | Passed | N/A |
nested_structs | Passed | N/A |
nolimit_init | Passed | N/A |
packed_structs | Passed | N/A |
shift_to_narrower_type | Passed | N/A |
type_conv1 | Passed | N/A |
type_conv2 | Passed | N/A |
type_conv3 | Passed | N/A |
zero_sized_arrays | Passed | N/A |
util/t_basename | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
suffix | Passed | N/A |
util/t_cp | ||
dir_to_dir | Passed | N/A |
dir_to_file | Passed | N/A |
file_over_link | Passed | N/A |
file_to_file | Passed | N/A |
file_to_link | Passed | N/A |
file_to_linkdir | Passed | N/A |
files_to_dir | Passed | N/A |
link_over_file | Passed | N/A |
link_to_file | Passed | N/A |
linkdir_to_file | Passed | N/A |
util/t_dd | ||
io | Passed | N/A |
length | Passed | N/A |
seek | Passed | N/A |
util/t_dirname | ||
basic | Passed | N/A |
util/t_expr | ||
arithmetic_ops | Passed | N/A |
basic_functional | Passed | N/A |
basic_math | Passed | N/A |
colon_vs_math | Passed | N/A |
compare_ops | Passed | N/A |
compare_ops_precedence | Passed | N/A |
gtkmm | Passed | N/A |
math_precedence | Passed | N/A |
multiply | Passed | N/A |
negative | Passed | N/A |
overflow | Passed | N/A |
precedence | Passed | N/A |
regex | Passed | N/A |
util/t_gzip | ||
concatenated | Passed | N/A |
crcerror | Passed | N/A |
good | Passed | N/A |
pipe | Passed | N/A |
truncated | Passed | N/A |
util/t_pax | ||
append | Passed | N/A |
util/t_tar | ||
append | Passed | N/A |
Test case | Result | Reason |
fs/nfs/t_rquotad | ||
Failed | Test case timed out after 60 seconds | |
Failed | Test case timed out after 60 seconds | |
Failed | Test case timed out after 60 seconds | |
Failed | Test case timed out after 60 seconds | |
Failed | Test case timed out after 60 seconds | |
Failed | Test case timed out after 60 seconds | |
lib/libc/ttyio/t_ttyio | ||
Failed | /usr/src/tests/lib/libc/ttyio/t_ttyio.c:89: tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &term): Bad file descriptor | |
lib/libcurses/t_curses | ||
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/addch failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/addchnstr failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/addchstr failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/addnstr failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/addstr failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/assume_default_colors failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/attributes failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/background failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/beep failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/box failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/can_change_color failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/cbreak failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/clear failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/copywin failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/curs_set failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/getch failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/getstr failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/mvwin failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/start failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/termattrs failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/timeout failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/wborder failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/window failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/wprintw failed | |
Failed | test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/wscrl failed | |
lib/libm/t_tanh | ||
Failed | /usr/src/tests/lib/libm/t_tanh.c:59: signbit(d) != 0 not met | |
lib/libpthread/t_resolv | ||
Failed | Test case timed out after 300 seconds | |
lib/librumpclient/t_fd | ||
Failed | /usr/src/tests/lib/librumpclient/t_fd.c:134: sigcnt != 1 | |
lib/librumphijack/t_sh | ||
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
lib/librumphijack/t_tcpip | ||
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
Failed | Test case timed out after 300 seconds | |
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
lib/librumphijack/t_vfs | ||
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
Failed | atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
rump/rumpnet/t_shmif | ||
Failed | Test case timed out after 300 seconds | |
syscall/t_getgroups | ||
Failed | /usr/src/tests/syscall/t_getgroups.c:60: getgroups(-1, gidset) == -1 not met | |
syscall/t_getrusage | ||
Failed | Test case was expecting a failure but none were raised |
Test case | Result | Reason |
dev/cgd/t_cgd | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44515: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
dev/raidframe/t_raid | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44251: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
dev/scsipi/t_cd | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43785: /usr/src/tests/dev/scsipi/t_cd.c:64: rump_scsitest_err[RUMP_SCSITEST_NOISYSYNC] != 0 | |
fs/ffs/t_mount | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43573: mount failed: Invalid argument | |
fs/nfs/t_mountd | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/5844: op failed with EACCES | |
fs/tmpfs/t_renamerace | ||
Expected timeout | ||
fs/union/t_pr | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43560: open returned EROFS | |
Expected signal | ||
fs/vfs/t_io | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44307: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_io.c:93: sb.st_size != seekcnt | |
fs/vfs/t_renamerace | ||
Expected signal | ||
Expected signal | ||
Expected signal | ||
Expected signal | ||
Expected signal | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44661: unmount failed: Device busy | |
Expected signal | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44336: problem did not trigger | |
fs/vfs/t_rmdirrace | ||
Expected signal | ||
fs/vfs/t_union | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44383: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_union.c:188: Expected true value in rump_sys_stat(TDIR, &sb) == -1 | |
Expected signal | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44383: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_union.c:188: Expected true value in rump_sys_stat(TDIR, &sb) == -1 | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44383: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_union.c:188: Expected true value in rump_sys_stat(TDIR, &sb) == -1 | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44383: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_union.c:190: rump_sys_mkdir("testdir", 0777): No such file or directory | |
fs/vfs/t_vfsops | ||
Expected failure | fhopen() for removed file succeeds (PR kern/43745): /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vfsops.c:152: Expected true value in rump_sys_fhopen(fhp, fhsize, O_RDONLY) == -1 | |
fs/vfs/t_vnops | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected failure | PR kern/43670: close: Bad file descriptor | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected failure | PR kern/43670: unlink: File name too long | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected signal | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details | |
Expected signal | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43617: other-dotdot | |
include/t_netdb | ||
Expected failure | PR standards/44777: AI_V4MAPPED not defined | |
include/t_paths | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/44807: /usr/src/tests/include/t_paths.c:166: S_ISBLK(m) != 0 || S_ISCHR(m) != 0 not met | |
include/t_types | ||
Expected failure | PR standards/44847: /usr/src/tests/include/t_types.c:103: (bs - 1) <= 0 not met | |
lib/libc/gen/t_humanize_number | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/44097: /usr/src/tests/lib/libc/gen/t_humanize_number.c:282: strcmp(buf, "0") != 0 not met | |
lib/libc/gen/t_nice | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/42587: wrong errno | |
lib/libprop/t_basic | ||
Expected death | ||
lib/libpthread/t_cond | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/44756: /usr/src/tests/lib/libpthread/t_cond.c:338: rv == ETIMEDOUT not met | |
lib/libpthread/t_sem | ||
Expected timeout | Race condition; it is probably unsafe to call sem_post from a signal handler when using the pthread version | |
lib/librt/t_sched | ||
Expected failure | PR lib/44768: /usr/src/tests/lib/librt/t_sched.c:207: sched_rr_get_interval(-INT_MAX, &tv) != 0 not met | |
lib/semaphore/pthread/t_sem_pth | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/43452: close unlinked semaphore: Invalid argument | |
net/bpf/t_bpf | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/44196: /usr/src/tests/net/bpf/t_bpf.c:96: getmtdata() != 0 | |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_shrink | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
sbin/resize_ffs/t_shrink_swapped | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details | |
syscall/t_getrusage | ||
Expected failure | PR kern/30115: zero user time from getrusage(2) | |
util/sh/t_expand | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/43469: $stripped != ${line%%/\**} (#define bindir "/usr/bin" != #define bindir ") | |
util/sh/t_varquote | ||
Expected failure | PR bin/43597: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details |
Test case | Result | Reason |
crypto/libcrypto/t_ciphers | ||
Skipped | IDEA support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_IDEA=no | |
Skipped | RC5 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_RC5=no | |
crypto/libcrypto/t_hashes | ||
Skipped | MDC2 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_MDC2=no | |
fs/vfs/t_full | ||
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | |
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | |
Skipped | fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC) | |
fs/vfs/t_renamerace | ||
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
Skipped | directories not supported | |
fs/vfs/t_rmdirrace | ||
Skipped | rmdir(2) not supported by file system | |
fs/vfs/t_union | ||
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
Skipped | fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT | |
fs/vfs/t_unpriv | ||
Skipped | owner not supported by file system | |
Skipped | owner not supported by file system | |
Skipped | owner not supported by file system | |
fs/vfs/t_vfsops | ||
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
Skipped | file handles not supported | |
fs/vfs/t_vnops | ||
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
Skipped | rename not supported by fs | |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
Skipped | dirs not supported by file system | |
Skipped | symlinks not supported by file system | |
lib/libc/string/t_popcount | ||
Skipped | config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE | |
Skipped | config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE | |
lib/librumphijack/t_tcpip | ||
Skipped | test currently valid only on i386 | |
rump/rumpkern/t_kern | ||
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | |
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | |
Skipped | test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel | |
rump/modautoload/t_modautoload | ||
Skipped | host kernel modules not supported on this architecture |
SSH_CLIENT= 65440 22
SKIPPED: IDEA support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_IDEA=no
SKIPPED: RC5 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_RC5=no
SKIPPED: MDC2 support not available; system built with MKCRYPTO_MDC2=no
XFAIL: PR kern/44515: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpkern_crypto -lrumpdev -lrumpdev_disk -lrumpdev_cgd -d key=/dev/dk,hostpath=dk.img,size=1m unix://csock ] Executing command [ sh -c echo 12345 | rump.cgdconfig -p cgd0 /dev/dk /usr/tests/dev/cgd/paramsfile ] Executing command [ sh -c echo die hard | rump.dd of=/dev/rcgd0c bs=123 conv=sync ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 1, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: rump.dd: /dev/rcgd0c: end of device 0+1 records in 0+0 records out 0 bytes transferred in 0.002 secs (0 bytes/sec) rump.halt: init failed: No such file or directory
XFAIL: PR kern/44251: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpdev -lrumpdev_disk -lrumpdev_raidframe -d key=/disk0,hostpath=disk0.img,size=32m -d key=/disk1,hostpath=disk1.img,size=32m unix://sock ] Executing command [ rump.raidctl -C raid.conf raid0 ] Executing command [ rump.raidctl -I 12345 raid0 ] Executing command [ rump.raidctl -iv raid0 ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpdev -lrumpdev_disk -lrumpdev_raidframe -d key=/disk0,hostpath=disk0.img,size=32m -d key=/disk1,hostpath=disk1.img,size=32m unix://sock ] Executing command [ rump.raidctl -c raid.conf raid0 ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 1, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: rump.raidctl: ioctl (RAIDFRAME_CONFIGURE) failed: Invalid argument
XFAIL: PR kern/43785: /usr/src/tests/dev/scsipi/t_cd.c:64: rump_scsitest_err[RUMP_SCSITEST_NOISYSYNC] != 0
cd0(scsitest0:0:1:0): Check Condition on CDB: 0x35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 SENSE KEY: Not Ready ASC/ASCQ: Medium Not Present
XFAIL: PR kern/43573: mount failed: Invalid argument
rn_init: radix functions require max_keylen be set
XFAIL: PR kern/5844: op failed with EACCES inaccurate wcc data (ctime) detected, disabling wcc (ctime 1303204206.197064999 1303204206.197064999, mtime 1303204206.197064999 1303204206.197064999)
rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `udp6' rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `tcp6' Getting export list. Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Getting mount list. Here we go. got mount request from -> rpcpath: /myexport -> dpath: /myexport Mount successful. Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host
FAILED: Test case timed out after 60 seconds
Executing command [ newfs -q user -q group -B be -O 1 -s 4000 -F fsimage ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpdev -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_local -lrumpnet_shmif -lrumpdev_disk -lrumpfs_ffs -lrumpfs_nfs -lrumpfs_nfsserver -d key=/dk,hostpath=fsimage,size=host unix://test ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/etc ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/export ] Executing command [ mkdir -p /rump/var/run ] Executing command [ mkdir -p /rump/var/db ] Executing command [ touch /rump/var/db/mountdtab ] Executing command [ mount_ffs /dk /rump/export ] Executing command [ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ RUMPHIJACK=vfs=getvfsstat,blanket=/export edquota -u -s10k/20 -h40M/50k -t 2W/3D 0 ] Executing command [ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ RUMPHIJACK=vfs=getvfsstat,blanket=/export quota -u -v ] Executing command [ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ RUMPHIJACK=vfs=getvfsstat,blanket=/export edquota -g -s10k/20 -h40M/50k -t 2W/3D 0 ] Executing command [ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ RUMPHIJACK=vfs=getvfsstat,blanket=/export quota -g -v ] Executing command [ rpcbind ] Executing command [ mountd /rump/etc/exports ] Executing command [ nfsd -tu ] Executing command [ /usr/libexec/rpc.rquotad ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif -lrumpfs_nfs unix://clientsock ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/mnt ]
FAILED: Test case timed out after 60 seconds
Executing command [ newfs -q group -B be -O 1 -s 4000 -F fsimage ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpdev -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_local -lrumpnet_shmif -lrumpdev_disk -lrumpfs_ffs -lrumpfs_nfs -lrumpfs_nfsserver -d key=/dk,hostpath=fsimage,size=host unix://test ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/etc ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/export ] Executing command [ mkdir -p /rump/var/run ] Executing command [ mkdir -p /rump/var/db ] Executing command [ touch /rump/var/db/mountdtab ] Executing command [ mount_ffs /dk /rump/export ] Executing command [ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ RUMPHIJACK=vfs=getvfsstat,blanket=/export edquota -g -s10k/20 -h40M/50k -t 2W/3D 0 ] Executing command [ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ RUMPHIJACK=vfs=getvfsstat,blanket=/export quota -g -v ] Executing command [ rpcbind ] Executing command [ mountd /rump/etc/exports ] Executing command [ nfsd -tu ] Executing command [ /usr/libexec/rpc.rquotad ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif -lrumpfs_nfs unix://clientsock ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/mnt ]
FAILED: Test case timed out after 60 seconds
Executing command [ newfs -q user -B be -O 1 -s 4000 -F fsimage ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpdev -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_local -lrumpnet_shmif -lrumpdev_disk -lrumpfs_ffs -lrumpfs_nfs -lrumpfs_nfsserver -d key=/dk,hostpath=fsimage,size=host unix://test ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/etc ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/export ] Executing command [ mkdir -p /rump/var/run ] Executing command [ mkdir -p /rump/var/db ] Executing command [ touch /rump/var/db/mountdtab ] Executing command [ mount_ffs /dk /rump/export ] Executing command [ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ RUMPHIJACK=vfs=getvfsstat,blanket=/export edquota -u -s10k/20 -h40M/50k -t 2W/3D 0 ] Executing command [ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ RUMPHIJACK=vfs=getvfsstat,blanket=/export quota -u -v ] Executing command [ rpcbind ] Executing command [ mountd /rump/etc/exports ] Executing command [ nfsd -tu ] Executing command [ /usr/libexec/rpc.rquotad ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif -lrumpfs_nfs unix://clientsock ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/mnt ]
FAILED: Test case timed out after 60 seconds
Executing command [ newfs -q user -q group -B le -O 1 -s 4000 -F fsimage ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpdev -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_local -lrumpnet_shmif -lrumpdev_disk -lrumpfs_ffs -lrumpfs_nfs -lrumpfs_nfsserver -d key=/dk,hostpath=fsimage,size=host unix://test ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/etc ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/export ] Executing command [ mkdir -p /rump/var/run ] Executing command [ mkdir -p /rump/var/db ] Executing command [ touch /rump/var/db/mountdtab ] Executing command [ mount_ffs /dk /rump/export ] Executing command [ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ RUMPHIJACK=vfs=getvfsstat,blanket=/export edquota -u -s10k/20 -h40M/50k -t 2W/3D 0 ] Executing command [ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ RUMPHIJACK=vfs=getvfsstat,blanket=/export quota -u -v ] Executing command [ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ RUMPHIJACK=vfs=getvfsstat,blanket=/export edquota -g -s10k/20 -h40M/50k -t 2W/3D 0 ] Executing command [ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ RUMPHIJACK=vfs=getvfsstat,blanket=/export quota -g -v ] Executing command [ rpcbind ] Executing command [ mountd /rump/etc/exports ] Executing command [ nfsd -tu ] Executing command [ /usr/libexec/rpc.rquotad ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif -lrumpfs_nfs unix://clientsock ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/mnt ]
FAILED: Test case timed out after 60 seconds
Executing command [ newfs -q group -B le -O 1 -s 4000 -F fsimage ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpdev -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_local -lrumpnet_shmif -lrumpdev_disk -lrumpfs_ffs -lrumpfs_nfs -lrumpfs_nfsserver -d key=/dk,hostpath=fsimage,size=host unix://test ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/etc ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/export ] Executing command [ mkdir -p /rump/var/run ] Executing command [ mkdir -p /rump/var/db ] Executing command [ touch /rump/var/db/mountdtab ] Executing command [ mount_ffs /dk /rump/export ] Executing command [ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ RUMPHIJACK=vfs=getvfsstat,blanket=/export edquota -g -s10k/20 -h40M/50k -t 2W/3D 0 ] Executing command [ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ RUMPHIJACK=vfs=getvfsstat,blanket=/export quota -g -v ] Executing command [ rpcbind ] Executing command [ mountd /rump/etc/exports ] Executing command [ nfsd -tu ] Executing command [ /usr/libexec/rpc.rquotad ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif -lrumpfs_nfs unix://clientsock ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/mnt ]
FAILED: Test case timed out after 60 seconds
Executing command [ newfs -q user -B le -O 1 -s 4000 -F fsimage ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpdev -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_local -lrumpnet_shmif -lrumpdev_disk -lrumpfs_ffs -lrumpfs_nfs -lrumpfs_nfsserver -d key=/dk,hostpath=fsimage,size=host unix://test ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/etc ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/export ] Executing command [ mkdir -p /rump/var/run ] Executing command [ mkdir -p /rump/var/db ] Executing command [ touch /rump/var/db/mountdtab ] Executing command [ mount_ffs /dk /rump/export ] Executing command [ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ RUMPHIJACK=vfs=getvfsstat,blanket=/export edquota -u -s10k/20 -h40M/50k -t 2W/3D 0 ] Executing command [ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ RUMPHIJACK=vfs=getvfsstat,blanket=/export quota -u -v ] Executing command [ rpcbind ] Executing command [ mountd /rump/etc/exports ] Executing command [ nfsd -tu ] Executing command [ /usr/libexec/rpc.rquotad ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif -lrumpfs_nfs unix://clientsock ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/mnt ]
XFAIL: PR kern/36681
XFAIL: PR kern/43560: open returned EROFS
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
XFAIL: PR kern/43560
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption panic: union: missing upper layer in write rump kernel halting... halted
Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_pr'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0x00000000417604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #0 0x00000000417604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #1 0x0000000041309d78 in rumpuser_exit () from /usr/lib/ #2 0x0000000041196a48 in rumpns_cpu_reboot () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x00000000411656ec in rumpns_panic () from /usr/lib/ #4 0x0000000040505f08 in rumpns_union_write () from /usr/lib/ #5 0x000000004115a800 in rumpns_VOP_WRITE () from /usr/lib/ #6 0x0000000040f2c64c in rumpns_vn_extattr_get () from /usr/lib/ #7 0x00000000411604d0 in rumpns_dofilewrite () from /usr/lib/ #8 0x0000000041160628 in rumpns_sys_write () from /usr/lib/ #9 0x000000004118b81c in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ #10 0x000000004118b81c in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ Stack trace complete
SKIPPED: fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC)
rump_ffs: "image.fs" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00394t/image.fs" instead. rump_ffs: "p2kffsfake" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00394t/p2kffsfake" instead.
SKIPPED: fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC)
SKIPPED: fs does not support explicit block allocation (GOP_ALLOC)
XFAIL: PR kern/44307: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_io.c:93: sb.st_size != seekcnt
XFAIL: PR kern/43626
Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_renamerace'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0x0000000042f604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #0 0x0000000042f604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #1 0x0000000000105a88 in renamerace_dirs () #2 0x0000000000107818 in atfu_ext2fs_renamerace_dirs_body () #3 0x000000000011a56c in atf_tc_run () #4 0x0000000000119140 in atf_tp_main () #5 0x0000000000104e24 in ___start () #6 0x0000000040303a4c in _rtld_start () from /usr/libexec/ld.elf_so #7 0x0000000040303a4c in _rtld_start () from /usr/libexec/ld.elf_so Stack trace complete
XFAIL: PR kern/43626
panic: rename: lost dir entry rump kernel halting... halted
Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_renamerace'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0x0000000042f604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #0 0x0000000042f604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #1 0x0000000042909d78 in rumpuser_exit () from /usr/lib/ #2 0x0000000042796a48 in rumpns_cpu_reboot () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x00000000427656ec in rumpns_panic () from /usr/lib/ #4 0x000000004071445c in rumpns_ufs_rename () from /usr/lib/ #5 0x000000004275a0dc in rumpns_VOP_RENAME () from /usr/lib/ #6 0x0000000042530f18 in rumpns_do_sys_rename () from /usr/lib/ #7 0x000000004278b81c in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ #8 0x000000004278b81c in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ Stack trace complete
XFAIL: PR kern/43626
Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_renamerace'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0x0000000042f604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #0 0x0000000042f604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #1 0x0000000000105a88 in renamerace_dirs () #2 0x00000000001075d8 in atfu_ffslog_renamerace_dirs_body () #3 0x000000000011a56c in atf_tc_run () #4 0x0000000000119140 in atf_tp_main () #5 0x0000000000104e24 in ___start () #6 0x0000000040303a4c in _rtld_start () from /usr/libexec/ld.elf_so #7 0x0000000040303a4c in _rtld_start () from /usr/libexec/ld.elf_so Stack trace complete
XFAIL: PR kern/43582
WARNING: the log-structured file system is experimental WARNING: it may cause system crashes and/or corrupt data panic: lfs_rescount rump kernel halting... halted
Segment size 1048576 is too large; trying smaller sizes. lfs_cleanerd[4808]: /mnt: attaching cleaner Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_renamerace'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0x0000000042f604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #0 0x0000000042f604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #1 0x0000000042909d78 in rumpuser_exit () from /usr/lib/ #2 0x0000000042796a48 in rumpns_cpu_reboot () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x00000000427656ec in rumpns_panic () from /usr/lib/ #4 0x0000000040924b50 in rumpns_lfs_reserve () from /usr/lib/ #5 0x000000004090f34c in rumpns_lfs_rename () from /usr/lib/ #6 0x000000004275a0a8 in rumpns_VOP_RENAME () from /usr/lib/ #7 0x0000000042530f18 in rumpns_do_sys_rename () from /usr/lib/ #8 0x000000004278b81c in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ #9 0x000000004278b81c in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ Stack trace complete
XFAIL: PR kern/43626
WARNING: the log-structured file system is experimental WARNING: it may cause system crashes and/or corrupt data panic: rename: lost dir entry rump kernel halting... halted
Segment size 1048576 is too large; trying smaller sizes. lfs_cleanerd[18759]: /mnt: attaching cleaner Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_renamerace'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0x0000000042f604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #0 0x0000000042f604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #1 0x0000000042909d78 in rumpuser_exit () from /usr/lib/ #2 0x0000000042796a48 in rumpns_cpu_reboot () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x00000000427656ec in rumpns_panic () from /usr/lib/ #4 0x000000004071445c in rumpns_ufs_rename () from /usr/lib/ #5 0x000000004090f29c in rumpns_lfs_rename () from /usr/lib/ #6 0x000000004275a0a8 in rumpns_VOP_RENAME () from /usr/lib/ #7 0x0000000042530f18 in rumpns_do_sys_rename () from /usr/lib/ #8 0x000000004278b81c in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ #9 0x000000004278b81c in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ Stack trace complete
XFAIL: PR kern/44661: unmount failed: Device busy
==== dumping mountpoint at ``/mnt'' ==== vnodecovered = 0x4325eca0 syncer = 0x0 data = 0x4328c150 fs_bshift 12 dev_bshift = 9 flag = 0x1000<MNT_LOCAL> iflag = 0x80<IMNT_HAS_TRANS> refcnt = 2 unmounting @ 0x404c2048 updating @ 0x404c2950 statvfs cache: bsize = 4096 frsize = 4096 iosize = 4096 blocks = 1239 bfree = 1239 bavail = 1239 bresvd = 0 files = 512 ffree = 0 favail = 0 fresvd = 0 f_fsidx = { 0xc500, 0x764f } owner = 0 namemax = 255 flag = 0x0 syncwrites = 779 asyncwrites = 0 syncreads = 2469 asyncreads = 0 fstypename = msdos mntonname = /mnt mntfromname = /dev/device0.msdosfs locked vnodes = all vnodes = 0x4325ea60 == dumping vnodes == VM OBJECT at 0x4325ea60, refs 4 VNODE flags 0x1<ROOT> mp 0x404c2000 numoutput 0 size 0x4000 writesize 0x4000 data 0x44e2dea0 writecount 0 holdcnt 0 tag VT_MSDOSFS(4) type VDIR(2) mount 0x404c2000 typedata 0x0 v_lock 0x4325eb68 clean bufs: dirty bufs: ==== done ====
XFAIL: PR kern/43626
panic: rename: lost dir entry rump kernel halting... halted
Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_renamerace'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0x0000000042f604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #0 0x0000000042f604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #1 0x0000000042909d78 in rumpuser_exit () from /usr/lib/ #2 0x0000000042796a48 in rumpns_cpu_reboot () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x00000000427656ec in rumpns_panic () from /usr/lib/ #4 0x0000000040b088e4 in rumpns_msdosfs_rename () from /usr/lib/ #5 0x000000004275a0a8 in rumpns_VOP_RENAME () from /usr/lib/ #6 0x0000000042530f18 in rumpns_do_sys_rename () from /usr/lib/ #7 0x000000004278b81c in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ #8 0x000000004278b81c in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ Stack trace complete
XFAIL: PR kern/44336: problem did not trigger
rump_ffs: "image.fs" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00394m/image.fs" instead. rump_ffs: "p2kffsfake" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00394m/p2kffsfake" instead. readshovel r1 -1 / 6
SKIPPED: rename not supported by fs
SKIPPED: rename not supported by fs
SKIPPED: directories not supported
XFAIL: PR kern/43582
WARNING: the log-structured file system is experimental WARNING: it may cause system crashes and/or corrupt data panic: lfs_rescount rump kernel halting... halted
Segment size 1048576 is too large; trying smaller sizes. lfs_cleanerd[6462]: /mnt: attaching cleaner Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_rmdirrace'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0x0000000042f604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #0 0x0000000042f604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #1 0x0000000042909d78 in rumpuser_exit () from /usr/lib/ #2 0x0000000042796a48 in rumpns_cpu_reboot () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x00000000427656ec in rumpns_panic () from /usr/lib/ #4 0x0000000040924b50 in rumpns_lfs_reserve () from /usr/lib/ #5 0x000000004090fb04 in rumpns_lfs_mkdir () from /usr/lib/ #6 0x000000004275ae00 in rumpns_VOP_MKDIR () from /usr/lib/ #7 0x0000000042530ad0 in rumpns_do_sys_mkdir () from /usr/lib/ #8 0x000000004278b81c in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ #9 0x000000004278b81c in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ Stack trace complete
SKIPPED: rmdir(2) not supported by file system
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
XFAIL: PR kern/44383: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_union.c:188: Expected true value in rump_sys_stat(TDIR, &sb) == -1
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
XFAIL: PR kern/44377
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption panic: kernel diagnostic assertion "rw_lock_held(&wl->wl_rwlock)" failed: file "/usr/src/lib/librumpvfs/../../sys/rump/../kern/vfs_wapbl.c", line 1628 rump kernel halting... halted
Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_union'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0x0000000042f604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #0 0x0000000042f604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #1 0x0000000042909d78 in rumpuser_exit () from /usr/lib/ #2 0x0000000042796a48 in rumpns_cpu_reboot () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x00000000427656ec in rumpns_panic () from /usr/lib/ #4 0x00000000427448cc in rumpns_kern_assert () from /usr/lib/ #5 0x0000000042527c58 in rumpns_wapbl_add_buf () from /usr/lib/ #6 0x0000000042544da8 in rumpns_bdwrite () from /usr/lib/ #7 0x000000004254501c in rumpns_bwrite () from /usr/lib/ #8 0x000000004275ac90 in rumpns_VOP_BWRITE () from /usr/lib/ #9 0x00000000407179dc in rumpns_ufs_direnter () from /usr/lib/ #10 0x00000000407132c4 in rumpns_ufs_whiteout () from /usr/lib/ #11 0x0000000042759710 in rumpns_VOP_WHITEOUT () from /usr/lib/ #12 0x0000000041708034 in rumpns_union_mkwhiteout () from /usr/lib/ #13 0x0000000041705cf0 in rumpns_union_remove () from /usr/lib/ #14 0x000000004275a1fc in rumpns_VOP_REMOVE () from /usr/lib/ #15 0x00000000425326ec in rumpns_do_sys_unlink () from /usr/lib/ #16 0x000000004278b81c in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ #17 0x000000004278b81c in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ Stack trace complete
XFAIL: PR kern/44383: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_union.c:188: Expected true value in rump_sys_stat(TDIR, &sb) == -1
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
XFAIL: PR kern/44383: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_union.c:188: Expected true value in rump_sys_stat(TDIR, &sb) == -1
WARNING: the log-structured file system is experimental WARNING: it may cause system crashes and/or corrupt data WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
Segment size 1048576 is too large; trying smaller sizes. lfs_cleanerd[19591]: /mnt: attaching cleaner
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `udp6' rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `tcp6' Getting export list. Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Getting mount list. Here we go. got mount request from -> rpcpath: /myexport -> dpath: /myexport Mount successful.
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `udp6' rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `tcp6' Getting export list. Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Getting mount list. Here we go. got mount request from -> rpcpath: /myexport -> dpath: /myexport Mount successful.
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
rump_ffs: "image.fs" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00394z/image.fs" instead. rump_ffs: "p2kffsfake" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00394z/p2kffsfake" instead.
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
rump_ffs: "image.fs" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00394a/image.fs" instead. rump_ffs: "p2kffsfake" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.00394a/p2kffsfake" instead.
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
XFAIL: PR kern/44383: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_union.c:190: rump_sys_mkdir("testdir", 0777): No such file or directory
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
SKIPPED: fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT
WARNING: the union file system is experimental WARNING: it can cause crashes and file system corruption
SKIPPED: owner not supported by file system
SKIPPED: owner not supported by file system
SKIPPED: owner not supported by file system
XFAIL: fhopen() for removed file succeeds (PR kern/43745): /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vfsops.c:152: Expected true value in rump_sys_fhopen(fhp, fhsize, O_RDONLY) == -1
WARNING: the log-structured file system is experimental WARNING: it may cause system crashes and/or corrupt data
Segment size 1048576 is too large; trying smaller sizes. lfs_cleanerd[6124]: /mnt: attaching cleaner
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
RNG seed 1303205132
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
RNG seed 1303205134
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
SKIPPED: file handles not supported
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:717: l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:718: l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:717: l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:718: l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:717: l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:718: l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
WARNING: the log-structured file system is experimental WARNING: it may cause system crashes and/or corrupt data
Segment size 1048576 is too large; trying smaller sizes. lfs_cleanerd[7020]: /mnt: attaching cleaner *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:717: l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:718: l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len lfs_cleanerd[7020]: /mnt: detaching cleaner
XFAIL: PR kern/43670: close: Bad file descriptor
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:717: l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:718: l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len
XFAIL: PR kern/43670: unlink: File name too long
SKIPPED: symlinks not supported by file system
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `udp6' rumpnfsd: Cannot get information for `tcp6' Getting export list. Got line Got line /myexport -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Making new ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Got line /myexport -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 Found ep fs=0xc500,0x78b doing opt -ro -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvport -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -noresvmnt -maproot=0:0 doing opt -maproot=0:0 got host Getting mount list. Here we go. got mount request from -> rpcpath: /myexport -> dpath: /myexport Mount successful. *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:717: l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:718: l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
rump_ffs: "image.fs" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.a0394k/image.fs" instead. rump_ffs: "p2kffsfake" is a non-resolved or relative path. rump_ffs: using "/tmp/atf-run.a0394k/p2kffsfake" instead. *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:717: l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:718: l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len readshovel r1 -1 / 6
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:717: l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:718: l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len readshovel r1 -1 / 6
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:717: l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:718: l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len
SKIPPED: rename not supported by fs
SKIPPED: rename not supported by fs
SKIPPED: rename not supported by fs
SKIPPED: rename not supported by fs
SKIPPED: dirs not supported by file system
SKIPPED: dirs not supported by file system
SKIPPED: dirs not supported by file system
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:717: l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:718: l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len
SKIPPED: dirs not supported by file system
SKIPPED: dirs not supported by file system
SKIPPED: dirs not supported by file system
SKIPPED: symlinks not supported by file system
XFAIL: PR kern/44657
panic: kernel diagnostic assertion "0" failed: file "/usr/src/sys/rump/fs/lib/libtmpfs/../../../../fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_subr.c", line 409 rump kernel halting... halted
Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_vnops'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0x0000000042f604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #0 0x0000000042f604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #1 0x0000000042909d78 in rumpuser_exit () from /usr/lib/ #2 0x0000000042796a48 in rumpns_cpu_reboot () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x00000000427656ec in rumpns_panic () from /usr/lib/ #4 0x00000000427448cc in rumpns_kern_assert () from /usr/lib/ #5 0x000000004150a720 in rumpns_tmpfs_alloc_vp () from /usr/lib/ #6 0x0000000041508a9c in rumpns_tmpfs_lookup () from /usr/lib/ #7 0x000000004275b174 in rumpns_VOP_LOOKUP () from /usr/lib/ #8 0x0000000042539f78 in rumpns_relookup () from /usr/lib/ #9 0x000000004253aa70 in rumpns_pathbuf_stringcopy_put () from /usr/lib/ #10 0x000000004253c178 in rumpns_namei () from /usr/lib/ #11 0x0000000042531a88 in rumpns_chdir_lookup () from /usr/lib/ #12 0x0000000042531b3c in rumpns_sys_chdir () from /usr/lib/ #13 0x000000004278b81c in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ #14 0x000000004278b81c in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ Stack trace complete
XFAIL: PR kern/44494: 6 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
*** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:717: l.l_start != expect[j+1].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:718: l.l_len != expect[j+1].l_len *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:710: l.l_start != expect[j].l_start *** Expected check failure: PR kern/44494: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:711: l.l_len != expect[j].l_len
XFAIL: PR kern/44288
panic: kernel diagnostic assertion "node->tn_links == 0" failed: file "/usr/src/sys/rump/fs/lib/libtmpfs/../../../../fs/tmpfs/tmpfs_vnops.c", line 1116 rump kernel halting... halted
*** Check failed: /usr/src/tests/fs/vfs/t_vnops.c:294: sb.st_nlink != 3 Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_vnops'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0x0000000042f604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #0 0x0000000042f604c4 in abort () from /usr/lib/ #1 0x0000000042909d78 in rumpuser_exit () from /usr/lib/ #2 0x0000000042796a48 in rumpns_cpu_reboot () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x00000000427656ec in rumpns_panic () from /usr/lib/ #4 0x00000000427448cc in rumpns_kern_assert () from /usr/lib/ #5 0x0000000041509614 in rumpns_tmpfs_rmdir () from /usr/lib/ #6 0x000000004275a030 in rumpns_VOP_RMDIR () from /usr/lib/ #7 0x00000000425309b0 in rumpns_sys_rmdir () from /usr/lib/ #8 0x000000004278b81c in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ #9 0x000000004278b81c in rumpns_sys_unmount () from /usr/lib/ Stack trace complete
XFAIL: PR kern/43617: other-dotdot
XFAIL: PR standards/44777: AI_V4MAPPED not defined
XFAIL: PR lib/44807: /usr/src/tests/include/t_paths.c:166: S_ISBLK(m) != 0 || S_ISCHR(m) != 0 not met
XFAIL: PR standards/44847: /usr/src/tests/include/t_types.c:103: (bs - 1) <= 0 not met
XFAIL: PR lib/44097: /usr/src/tests/lib/libc/gen/t_humanize_number.c:282: strcmp(buf, "0") != 0 not met
XFAIL: PR lib/42587: wrong errno
SKIPPED: config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE
SKIPPED: config variable "run_popcount" not set to YES/TRUE
FAILED: /usr/src/tests/lib/libc/ttyio/t_ttyio.c:89: tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &term): Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/addch failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/addchnstr failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/addchstr failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/addnstr failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/addstr failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/assume_default_colors failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/attributes failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/background failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/beep failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/box failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/can_change_color failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/cbreak failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/clear failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/copywin failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/curs_set failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/getch failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/getstr failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/mvwin failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/start failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/termattrs failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/timeout failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/wborder failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/window failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/wprintw failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: test /usr/tests/lib/libcurses/tests/wscrl failed
director: Failed to get term attributes: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: /usr/src/tests/lib/libm/t_tanh.c:59: signbit(d) != 0 not met
XFAIL: PR lib/43964
Test program crashed; attempting to get stack trace (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) Core was generated by `t_basic'. Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. #0 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () #0 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () #1 0x000000004050665c in prop_object_equals_with_error () from /usr/lib/ #2 0x0000000040506794 in prop_object_equals () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x000000004050a1a4 in prop_dictionary_equals () from /usr/lib/ #4 0x0000000000101b5c in atfu_prop_dictionary_equals_body () #5 0x0000000000103fac in atf_tc_run () #6 0x0000000000102b80 in atf_tp_main () #7 0x0000000000101864 in ___start () #8 0x0000000040303a4c in _rtld_start () from /usr/libexec/ld.elf_so #9 0x0000000040303a4c in _rtld_start () from /usr/libexec/ld.elf_so Stack trace complete
XFAIL: PR lib/44756: /usr/src/tests/lib/libpthread/t_cond.c:338: rv == ETIMEDOUT not met
XFAIL: Race condition; it is probably unsafe to call sem_post from a signal handler when using the pthread version
FAILED: Test case timed out after 300 seconds
0x40e00000: 5 resolving 2 0x40c00000: 5 resolving 91 0x41000000: 5 resolving 31 0x41200000: 5 resolving 47 0x41400000: 5 resolving 0 0x41000000: host ok 0x41000000: 4 resolving 9 0x40c00000: host not found 0x40c00000: 4 resolving 39 0x40e00000: host not found 0x40e00000: 4 resolving 46 0x41400000: host not found 0x41400000: 4 resolving 24 0x41200000: host not found 0x41200000: 4 resolving 85 0x41000000: host not found 0x41000000: 3 resolving 23 0x41000000: host ok 0x41000000: 2 resolving 9 0x40e00000: host not found 0x40e00000: 3 resolving 30 0x40c00000: host not found 0x40c00000: 3 resolving 57 0x41200000: host not found 0x41200000: 3 resolving 32 0x41400000: host not found 0x41400000: 3 resolving 39 0x41000000: host not found 0x41000000: 1 resolving 42 0x41000000: host ok 0x40e00000: host not found 0x40e00000: 2 resolving 51 0x40c00000: host not found 0x40c00000: 2 resolving 48 0x41400000: host not found 0x41400000: 2 resolving 69 0x41200000: host not found 0x41200000: 2 resolving 30 0x41200000: host not found 0x41200000: 1 resolving 12 0x41200000: host ok 0x40e00000: host not found 0x40e00000: 1 resolving 56 0x40c00000: host not found 0x40c00000: 1 resolving 65 0x41400000: host not found 0x41400000: 1 resolving 39 0x40e00000: host not found
XFAIL: PR lib/44768: /usr/src/tests/lib/librt/t_sched.c:207: sched_rr_get_interval(-INT_MAX, &tv) != 0 not met
FAILED: /usr/src/tests/lib/librumpclient/t_fd.c:134: sigcnt != 1
FAILED: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs unix://csock ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sh thescript ] Executing command [ cat /rump/thefile ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 1, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: cat: /rump/thefile: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs unix://csock ] Executing command [ mv thescript /rump ] Executing command [ /bin/sh -c sh /rump/thescript ]
Fail: stdout does not match expected value --- /tmp/inline.18203b 2011-04-19 11:41:57.000000000 +0200 +++ /tmp/check.18203a/stdout 2011-04-19 11:41:57.000000000 +0200 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -this is the output you are looking for
FAILED: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet unix://csock ] Executing command [ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ /usr/libexec/httpd -P ./ -b -s /usr/tests/lib/librumphijack ] Executing command [ rump.netstat -a ] Executing command [ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ /usr/tests/lib/librumphijack/h_netget 80 webfile ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 1, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: h_netget: socket read: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: Test case timed out after 300 seconds
Executing command [ newfs -F -s 10000 ffs.img ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpdev -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_local -lrumpnet_shmif -lrumpdev_disk -lrumpfs_ffs -lrumpfs_nfs -lrumpfs_nfsserver -d key=/dk,hostpath=ffs.img,size=host unix://serversock ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ mkdir -p /rump/var/run ] Executing command [ mkdir -p /rump/var/db ] Executing command [ touch /rump/var/db/mountdtab ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/etc ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/export ] Executing command [ sh -c echo "/export -noresvport -noresvmnt" | \ dd of=/rump/etc/exports 2> /dev/null ] Executing command [ mount_ffs /dk /rump/export ] Executing command [ sh -c echo wind in my hair > /rump/export/im_alive ] Executing command [ rpcbind ] Executing command [ mountd /rump/etc/exports ] Executing command [ nfsd -tu ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif -lrumpfs_nfs unix://clientsock ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ mkdir /rump/mnt ]
SKIPPED: test currently valid only on i386
FAILED: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet unix://csock ] Setting up SSH server configuration Executing command [ cp /usr/tests/lib/librumphijack/ssh_host_key . ] Executing command [ cp /usr/tests/lib/librumphijack/ . ] Executing command [ chmod 400 ssh_host_key ] Executing command [ chmod 444 ] SSH server started (pid 16847) Setting up SSH client configuration Executing command [ ssh-keygen -f ssh_user_key -t rsa -b 1024 -N -q ] Executing command [ cp authorized_keys ] Executing command [ chmod 600 authorized_keys ] sshd running Executing command [ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ ssh -T -F ssh_config env BLOCKSIZE=512 ls -li /tmp/atf-run.00394f/testdir ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 255, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: ssh_exchange_identification: read: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ newfs -F -s 20000 ffs.img ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpfs_ffs -d key=/img,hostpath=ffs.img,size=host unix://csock ] Executing command [ mount_ffs /img /rump/mnt ] Executing command [ cp -Rp /usr/tests/lib/librumphijack . ] Executing command [ cp -Rp librumphijack /rump/mnt ] Executing command [ umount -R /rump/mnt ] Executing command [ mount_ffs /img /rump/mnt2 ] Executing command [ diff -ru librumphijack /rump/mnt2/librumphijack ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 2, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: diff: /rump/mnt2/librumphijack/Atffile: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs unix://csock ] Executing command [ cp -Rp /usr/tests/lib/librumphijack . ] Executing command [ cp -Rp librumphijack librumphijack.2 ] Executing command [ mv librumphijack /rump ] Executing command [ diff -ru librumphijack.2 /rump/librumphijack ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 2, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: diff: /rump/librumphijack/Atffile: Bad file descriptor
FAILED: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ newfs -F -s 20000 ffs.img ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpvfs -lrumpfs_ffs -d key=/img,hostpath=ffs.img,size=host unix://csock ] Executing command [ mount_ffs /img /rump/mnt ] Executing command [ pax -rw -s,/usr/tests/lib,, /usr/tests/lib/librumphijack . ] Executing command [ pax -rw librumphijack /rump/mnt ] Executing command [ umount -R /rump/mnt ] Executing command [ mount_ffs /img /rump/mnt2 ] Executing command [ diff -ru librumphijack /rump/mnt2/librumphijack ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 2, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: diff: /rump/mnt2/librumphijack/Atffile: Bad file descriptor
XFAIL: PR kern/43452: close unlinked semaphore: Invalid argument
XFAIL: PR kern/44196: /usr/src/tests/net/bpf/t_bpf.c:96: getmtdata() != 0
SKIPPED: test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel
SKIPPED: test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel
SKIPPED: test requires LOCKDEBUG kernel
FAILED: Test case timed out after 300 seconds
Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif unix://sock1 ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif unix://sock2 ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif unix://sock3 ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif unix://sock4 ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif unix://sock5 ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif unix://sock6 ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif unix://sock7 ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif unix://sock8 ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif unix://sock9 ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif unix://sock10 ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif unix://sock11 ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif unix://sock12 ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif unix://sock13 ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif unix://sock14 ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif unix://sock15 ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ rump_server -lrumpnet -lrumpnet_net -lrumpnet_netinet -lrumpnet_shmif unix://sock16 ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 create ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 linkstr shmbus ] Executing command [ rump.ifconfig shmif0 inet ] Executing command [ -c 1 ] Executing command [ -c 1 ] Executing command [ -c 1 ] Executing command [ -c 1 ] Executing command [ -c 1 ] Executing command [ -c 1 ] Executing command [ -c 1 ] Executing command [ -c 1 ] Executing command [ -c 1 ] Executing command [ -c 1 ] Executing command [ -c 1 ] Executing command [ -c 1 ] Executing command [ -c 1 ] Executing command [ -c 1 ] Executing command [ -c 1 ] Executing command [ -c 1 ] Executing command [ -c 1 ] Executing command [ -c 1 ] Executing command [ -c 1 ]
SKIPPED: host kernel modules not supported on this architecture
XFAIL: PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
in resize_ffs: 4096 512 49152 32768 2 41 bs is 4096 numdata is 41 ****resizing fs with blocksize 4096 fsimage: 24.0MB (49152 sectors) block size 4096, fragment size 512 using 4 cylinder groups of 6.00MB, 1536 blks, 2720 inodes. super-block backups (for fsck_ffs -b #) at: 144, 12432, 24720, 37008, Executing command [ rump_ffs fsimage mnt ] remove is 14 dataleft is 27 Executing command [ resize_ffs -y -s 32768 fsimage ]
tar: Failed write to file TD41/131073 (Input/output error) tar: Failed write to file TD41/65536 (Input/output error) tar: Failed write to file TD41/65537 (Input/output error) Fail: incorrect exit status: 1, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: resize_ffs: shrinking not supported for ufs2 umount: /tmp/atf-run.00394j/mnt: not currently mounted
XFAIL: PR bin/44205: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
in resize_ffs: 16384 2048 49152 32768 2 43 swap bs is 16384 numdata is 43 ****resizing fs with blocksize 16384 fsimage: 24.0MB (49152 sectors) block size 16384, fragment size 2048 using 4 cylinder groups of 6.00MB, 384 blks, 768 inodes. super-block backups (for fsck_ffs -b #) at: 160, 12448, 24736, 37024, Executing command [ rump_ffs fsimage mnt ] remove is 15 dataleft is 28 Executing command [ resize_ffs -y -s 32768 fsimage ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 1, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: resize_ffs: shrinking not supported for ufs2 umount: /tmp/atf-run.00394t/mnt: not currently mounted
FAILED: /usr/src/tests/syscall/t_getgroups.c:60: getgroups(-1, gidset) == -1 not met
FAILED: Test case was expecting a failure but none were raised
XFAIL: PR kern/30115: zero user time from getrusage(2)
XFAIL: PR bin/43469: $stripped != ${line%%/\**} (#define bindir "/usr/bin" != #define bindir ")
XFAIL: PR bin/43597: atf-check failed; see the output of the test for details
Executing command [ /bin/sh -c echo "${foo:="first-word"} second-word" ]
Fail: incorrect exit status: 2, expected: 0 stdout: stderr: sh: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string