$ file ./build/xhyve ./build/xhyve: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /libexec/ld.elf_so, for NetBSD 8.99.24, with debug_info, not stripped $ date sob. kwi 13 18:04:42 CEST 2019 $ ./build/xhyve -v xhyve: v0.2.0-184-gf94fe8 xhyve is a port of FreeBSD's bhyve hypervisor to OS X that works entirely in userspace and has no other dependencies. Homepage: http://www.xhyve.xyz License: BSD $ cat ./xhyverun-freebsd.sh #!/bin/sh BOOTVOLUME="/public/FreeBSD-12.0-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso" IMG="" PATH="build/Release:build:$PATH" xhyve \ -A \ -m 2G \ -c 2 \ -l com1,stdio \ -f fbsd,test/userboot.so,$BOOTVOLUME,"" $ ./xhyverun-freebsd.sh NVMM: No accelerator found, error=2 [1] Abort trap (core dumped) xhyve -A -m 2G -...