Validation and improvements of debugging interfaces
In the past month, I have introduced correctness and reliability of tracing processes in the kernel codebase.
I took part in BSDCan 2019 and during the event wrote a NetBSD version of truss,
a ptrace(2)-powered syscall tracing utility from FreeBSD.
I've finished the port after getting back home and published it to the NetBSD community.
This work allowed me to validate the ptrace(2) interfaces in another application
and catch new problems that affect every ptrace(2)-based debugger.
A number of modifications were introduced to the main NetBSD repository which include ptrace(2), kernel sanitizer, and kernel coverage.
Improvements in the ptrace(2) code:
I mentor two GSoC projects and support community members working on kernel fuzzers. As a result of this work, fixes are landing in the distribution source code from time to time. We have achieved an important milestone with being able to run NetBSD/amd64 on real hardware with Kernel Undefined Behavior Sanitizer without any reports from boot and execution of ATF tests. This achievement will allow us to enable kUBSan reports as fatal ones and use in the fuzzing process, capturing bugs such as integer overflow, use array out of bounds, invalid shifts, etc.
I have also introduced a support of a new sysctl(3) operation: KERN_PROC_CWD.
This call retrieves the current working directory of a specified process.
This operation is used typically in terminal-related applications
(tmux, terminator, ...) and generic process status prompters (Python psutils).
I have found out that my terminal emulator after system upgrade doesn't work correctly
and it uses a fallback of resolving the symbolic link of /proc/*/cwd
In order to more easily validate the kernel interfaces I wrote a number of utility programs that use the ptrace(2) functionality.
New programs reuse the previously announced picotrace (
More elaborated introduction with examples is documented on the GitHub repository.
I use these programs for profit as they save my precious time on debugging issues
in programs and as validators for kernel interfaces as they are working
closely over the kernel APIs (contrary to large code base of GDB or LLDB).
I've already detected and verified various kernel ptrace(2) issues with these programs.
With a debugger it's always unclear whether a problem is in the debugger,
its libraries or the kernel.
Among the detected issues, the notable list of them is as follows:
I've reiterated over reported bugs in the gnats tracking system.
These problems were still valid in the beginning of this year and are now reported to be gone:
There are still sometimes new bugs reported in ptrace(2) or GDB,
but they are usually against racy ATF test and complex programs.
I can also observe a difference that simple and moderately complex
programs usually work now and the reports are for heavy ones like
firefox (multiple threads and multiple processes).
I estimate that there are still at least 3 critical threading issues to be resolved,
races and use-after-free scenaris in vfork(2) and a dozen of other more generic problems
typically in signal routing semantics.
Cover with regression tests the posix_spawn(2) interface,
if needed correct the kernel code.
This will be followed by resolving the use-after-free scenarios in vfork(2).
This is expected to accomplish the tasks related to forking code.
My next goal on the roadmap is to return to LWP (threading) code and fix all currently known problems.
Independently I will keep supporting the work on kernel fuzzing projects within the GSoC context.
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chip in what you can:
Update in Problem Report entries
Plan for the next milestone
This work was sponsored by The NetBSD Foundation.