EuroBSDcon-2017 Paris report

This year the annual EuroBSDcon event took place in Paris (September 21st-24th). There were BSD summits, tutorials and talks, including NetBSD & pkgsrc ones.


I came to Paris on Wednesday in order to participate in tutorials:

The NetBSD Summit

On Friday there was a NetBSD summit that gathered around 15 developers. I have not participated in it myself because of the tutorial on SMP. There were three presentations:


During Saturday and Sunday there were several NetBSD and pkgsrc related presentations:

During the closing ceremony there was a speech by Alistair Crooks on behalf of The NetBSD Foundation.


At the conference I presented my work on "The LLDB Debugger on NetBSD":

Plan for the next milestone

Resume porting tsan and msan to NetBSD with a plan to switch back to the LLDB porting.

This work was sponsored by The NetBSD Foundation.

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