The database behind this thing hasn't been updated in aeons so all the data here is pretty well useless until someone takes charge of maintaining it.

Showing states: open (hide) maybe-fixed (hide) fixed (hide)
Showing categories: base (always) secondary (hide) stale (hide)
Showing branch types: head (show stable)
Showing os: all (filter)
Showing machine: all (filter)
Showing compiler: all (filter)
Showing buildseries: all (filter)

pkgsrc broken builds (by package)

--> -->
Package Issue Description
Python 3.12.2: /usr/pkg/bin/python3.12
Sun Oct 6 14:30:31 2024

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /home/dholland/public_html/broken/index.cgi in <module>
   1729 # end main
=> 1732 main()
main = <function main>
 /home/dholland/public_html/broken/index.cgi in main()
   1722         dohtml(f)
   1723         (showkey, sortkey) = getshowsort(cgidata)
=> 1724         pkglist_page(f, showkey, sortkey)
   1725         return
global pkglist_page = <function pkglist_page>, f = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, showkey = <__main__.filter object>, sortkey = 'pkbs'
 /home/dholland/public_html/broken/index.cgi in pkglist_page(f=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, showkey=<__main__.filter object>, sortkey='pkbs')
   1297     pkglist_head(f, showkey, sortkey)
=> 1298     pkglist_body(f, showkey, sortkey)
   1299     pkglist_foot(f)
   1300     database.close()
global pkglist_body = <function pkglist_body>, f = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, showkey = <__main__.filter object>, sortkey = 'pkbs'
 /home/dholland/public_html/broken/index.cgi in pkglist_body(f=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, showkey=<__main__.filter object>, sortkey='pkbs')
   1221     f.write("</tr>\n")
   1222     f.write("\n")
=> 1223     results = pkglist_query(showkey, sortkey)
   1224     for (pkgpath, pkg, issue, issuestate, issuedesc,
   1225          moreissues, morefailures) in results:
results undefined, global pkglist_query = <function pkglist_query>, showkey = <__main__.filter object>, sortkey = 'pkbs'
 /home/dholland/public_html/broken/index.cgi in pkglist_query(showkey=<__main__.filter object>, sortkey='pkbs')
   1128 """ + orderexpr
=> 1130     return database.query(query, [])
   1131 # end pkglist_query
global database = <module 'database' from '/home/dholland/public_html/broken/'>, database.query = <function query>, query = '\n------------------------------\nWITH myissues AS...ath ASC, package ASC, state ASC, issue NULLS LAST'
 /home/dholland/public_html/broken/ in query(qtext='\n------------------------------\nWITH myissues AS...ath ASC, package ASC, state ASC, issue NULLS LAST', args=[])
     48         cursor = dblink.cursor()
=>   49         cursor.execute(qtext, args)
     50         result = cursor.fetchall()
     51         dblink.commit();
cursor = <cursor object at 0x706f6dc84c10; closed: 0>, cursor.execute = <built-in method execute of psycopg2.extensions.cursor object>, qtext = '\n------------------------------\nWITH myissues AS...ath ASC, package ASC, state ASC, issue NULLS LAST', args = []

UndefinedColumn: column buildseries.stable does not exist LINE 19: ...'maybe-fixed-stale' OR issues.state='fixed') AND (buildserie... ^
      add_note = <built-in method add_note of UndefinedColumn object>
      args = ('column buildseries.stable does not exist\nLINE 19... ^\n',)
      cursor = <cursor object at 0x706f6dc84c10; closed: 0>
      diag = <psycopg2.extensions.Diagnostics object>
      pgcode = '42703'
      pgerror = 'ERROR: column buildseries.stable does not exist... ^\n'
      with_traceback = <built-in method with_traceback of UndefinedColumn object>