/* $NetBSD: rt2860var.h,v 1.2 2016/04/27 19:49:26 christos Exp $ */ /* $OpenBSD: rt2860var.h,v 1.23 2016/03/21 21:16:30 stsp Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2007 * Damien Bergamini * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #define RT2860_MAX_SCATTER 15 #define RT2860_MAX_SCATTER_TXD (1 + (RT2860_MAX_SCATTER / 2)) #define RT2860_RX_RING_COUNT 128 #define RT2860_TX_RING_COUNT 64 #define RT2860_TX_RING_MAX (RT2860_TX_RING_COUNT - 1) #define RT2860_TX_RING_ONEMORE (RT2860_TX_RING_MAX - RT2860_MAX_SCATTER_TXD) #define RT2860_TX_POOL_COUNT (RT2860_TX_RING_COUNT * 2) /* HW supports up to 255 STAs */ #define RT2860_WCID_MAX 254 #define RT2860_AID2WCID(aid) ((aid) & 0xff) #define IEEE80211_NO_HT struct rt2860_rx_radiotap_header { struct ieee80211_radiotap_header wr_ihdr; uint8_t wr_flags; uint8_t wr_rate; uint16_t wr_chan_freq; uint16_t wr_chan_flags; uint8_t wr_dbm_antsignal; uint8_t wr_antenna; uint8_t wr_antsignal; } __packed; #define RT2860_RX_RADIOTAP_PRESENT \ (1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_FLAGS | \ 1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_RATE | \ 1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_CHANNEL | \ 1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_DBM_ANTSIGNAL | \ 1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_ANTENNA | \ 1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_DB_ANTSIGNAL) struct rt2860_tx_radiotap_header { struct ieee80211_radiotap_header wt_ihdr; uint8_t wt_flags; uint8_t wt_rate; uint16_t wt_chan_freq; uint16_t wt_chan_flags; uint8_t wt_hwqueue; } __packed; #define RT2860_TX_RADIOTAP_PRESENT \ (1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_FLAGS | \ 1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_RATE | \ 1 << IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_CHANNEL) struct rt2860_tx_data { struct rt2860_txwi *txwi; struct mbuf *m; struct ieee80211_node *ni; bus_dmamap_t map; bus_addr_t paddr; SLIST_ENTRY(rt2860_tx_data) next; }; struct rt2860_tx_ring { struct rt2860_txd *txd; bus_addr_t paddr; bus_dmamap_t map; bus_dma_segment_t seg; struct rt2860_tx_data *data[RT2860_TX_RING_COUNT]; int cur; int next; int queued; }; struct rt2860_rx_data { struct mbuf *m; bus_dmamap_t map; }; struct rt2860_rx_ring { struct rt2860_rxd *rxd; bus_addr_t paddr; bus_dmamap_t map; bus_dma_segment_t seg; unsigned int cur; /* must be unsigned */ struct rt2860_rx_data data[RT2860_RX_RING_COUNT]; }; struct rt2860_node { struct ieee80211_node ni; uint8_t wcid; uint8_t ridx[IEEE80211_RATE_MAXSIZE]; uint8_t ctl_ridx[IEEE80211_RATE_MAXSIZE]; }; struct rt2860_softc { device_t sc_dev; struct ieee80211com sc_ic; int (*sc_newstate)(struct ieee80211com *, enum ieee80211_state, int); int (*sc_enable)(struct rt2860_softc *); void (*sc_disable)(struct rt2860_softc *); bus_dma_tag_t sc_dmat; bus_space_tag_t sc_st; bus_space_handle_t sc_sh; struct ethercom sc_ec; #define sc_if sc_ec.ec_if uint16_t (*sc_srom_read)(struct rt2860_softc *, uint16_t); int sc_flags; #define RT2860_ENABLED (1 << 0) #define RT2860_ADVANCED_PS (1 << 1) #define RT2860_PCIE (1 << 2) struct ieee80211_amrr amrr; uint32_t sc_ic_flags; int fixed_ridx; u_char *ucode; size_t ucsize; struct rt2860_tx_ring txq[6]; struct rt2860_rx_ring rxq; SLIST_HEAD(, rt2860_tx_data) data_pool; struct rt2860_tx_data data[RT2860_TX_POOL_COUNT]; bus_dmamap_t txwi_map; bus_dma_segment_t txwi_seg; void *txwi_vaddr; int sc_tx_timer; struct ieee80211_beacon_offsets sc_bo; int mgtqid; uint8_t qfullmsk; uint16_t mac_ver; uint16_t mac_rev; uint8_t rf_rev; uint8_t freq; uint8_t ntxchains; uint8_t nrxchains; uint8_t pslevel; int8_t txpow1[54]; int8_t txpow2[54]; int8_t rssi_2ghz[3]; int8_t rssi_5ghz[3]; uint8_t lna[4]; uint8_t rf24_20mhz; uint8_t rf24_40mhz; uint8_t patch_dac; uint8_t rfswitch; uint8_t ext_2ghz_lna; uint8_t ext_5ghz_lna; uint8_t calib_2ghz; uint8_t calib_5ghz; uint8_t txmixgain_2ghz; uint8_t txmixgain_5ghz; uint8_t tssi_2ghz[9]; uint8_t tssi_5ghz[9]; uint8_t step_2ghz; uint8_t step_5ghz; struct { uint8_t reg; uint8_t val; } bbp[8], rf[10]; uint8_t leds; uint16_t led[3]; uint32_t txpow20mhz[5]; uint32_t txpow40mhz_2ghz[5]; uint32_t txpow40mhz_5ghz[5]; struct ieee80211_amrr_node amn[RT2860_WCID_MAX + 1]; struct bpf_if *sc_drvbpf; union { struct rt2860_rx_radiotap_header th; uint8_t pad[64]; } sc_rxtapu; #define sc_rxtap sc_rxtapu.th int sc_rxtap_len; union { struct rt2860_tx_radiotap_header th; uint8_t pad[64]; } sc_txtapu; #define sc_txtap sc_txtapu.th int sc_txtap_len; struct callout sc_scan_to; }; int rt2860_attach(void *, int); int rt2860_detach(void *); void rt2860_suspend(void *); void rt2860_wakeup(void *); int rt2860_intr(void *);